- Provide a query showing just the names (and nothing else) of the Italian restaurants. db.restaurants.find({cuisine: "Italian"}, {name: true, _id: false})
- Provide a query showing how many Bakeries have a name that start with "M". db.restaurants.find({cuisine: "Bakery", name: /^M/}).count()
- Provide a query showing the zip codes (and
s) of all restaurants with the word "Ice" in their cuisine.
db.restaurants.find({cuisine: /^Ice/}, {"address.zipcode": true})
Provide a query showing the street and street number of Chinese restaurants ordered by zip code. db.restaurants.find({cuisine: "Chinese"}, {"address.building": true, "address.street": true, _id: false}).sort({"address.zipcode": 1})
Show only the American restaurants in Manhattan. db.restaurants.find({cuisine: "American", borough: "Manhattan"})
Provide a query showing the restaurants that have been graded exactly 4 times. db.restaurants.find({grades: {$size: 4}})
Provide a query showing only
, name and 2 grades from each restaurant on Broadway. db.restaurants.find({"address.street": "Broadway"}, {name: true, grades: {$slice: 2}}) -
Provide a query showing the 5 pizza restaurants in the Bronx with the highest score on an evaluation. db.restaurants.find({cuisine: "Pizza", borough: "Bronx"}, {name: true, "grades.score": true}).sort({"grades.score": -1}).limit(5)
Provide a query to find all of the restaurants in Brooklynn and list only the 21st-30th results when ordered alphabetically by name. db.restaurants.find({borough: "Brooklyn"}).sort({name: 1}).limit(10).skip(20)
Provide a query that returns all pizza and Italian restaurants in reverse alphabetic order. db.restaurants.find({$or: [{cuisine: "Pizza"}, {cuisine: "Italian"}]}).sort({name: -1})