diff --git a/docs/topics/quickstart.md b/docs/topics/quickstart.md index 0ccd2c077..a509c1a25 100644 --- a/docs/topics/quickstart.md +++ b/docs/topics/quickstart.md @@ -1,5 +1,96 @@ -# Quickstart +# Getting Started + +## Quickstart Currently, there is a [demo](https://github.com/SovereignCloudStack/cluster-stacks-demo) that can be used to see how the Cluster Stack approach can work. It uses the Docker Provider Integration for Cluster API. -For production use, the Cluster Stack Operator can be used together with the [Cluster Stack Provider OpenStack](https://github.com/SovereignCloudStack/cluster-stack-provider-openstack) to manage Kubernetes clusters on OpenStack. You can see how it is used in the corresponding [Quickstart Documentation](../../cluster-stacks/providers/openstack/quickstart.md) of Cluster Stacks. +## Installation + +### Prerequisites + +``` +- clusterctl +- envsubst +- kubectl +- Helm (optional) +``` + +#### Cluster API + +We assume access to a Kubernetes cluster. To start +[kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/) can be used for that. +This Kubernetes cluster must act as Cluster API management cluster. +If not already done, to make your Kubernetes cluster a management cluster by +installing the Cluster API objects, you can do + +``` +clusterctl init +``` + +### Configure Release Source + +The Cluster Stack Operator downloads Cluster Stack releases either from GitHub +Releases or from an OCI registry. +Depending on which method is preferred, environment variables must be set to +give the Cluster Stack Operator access to the specific source. + +#### Using GitHub Releases + +> Be aware that GitHub enforces limitations on the number of API requests per +> unit of time. To overcome this, it is recommended to configure a [personal +> access token](https://github.com/settings/personal-access-tokens/new) for +> authenticated calls. This will significantly increase the rate limit for GitHub +> API requests. Fine grained PAT with `Public Repositories (read-only)` is +> enough. + +Following variables tells the Cluster Stack Operator to look for releases in +`https://github.com/SovereignCloudStack/cluster-stacks` + +```bash +export GIT_PROVIDER_B64=Z2l0aHVi # github +export GIT_ORG_NAME_B64=U292ZXJlaWduQ2xvdWRTdGFjaw== # SovereignCloudStack +export GIT_REPOSITORY_NAME_B64=Y2x1c3Rlci1zdGFja3M= # cluster-stacks +export GIT_ACCESS_TOKEN_B64=$(echo -n '' | base64 -w0) +``` + +#### Using OCI Registry + +Following variables tells the Cluster Stack Operator to look for releases in +`https://registry.scs.community/kaas/cluster-stacks` + +```bash +export OCI_REGISTRY_B64=cmVnaXN0cnkuc2NzLmNvbW11bml0eQ== # registry.scs.community +export OCI_REPOSITORY_B64=cmVnaXN0cnkuc2NzLmNvbW11bml0eS9rYWFzL2NsdXN0ZXItc3RhY2tzCg== # registry.scs.community/kaas/cluster-stacks +``` + +If the registry is not public the Cluster Stack Operator please also provide +`OCI_USERNAME_B64` and `OCI_PASSWORD_B64` or +`OCI_ACCESS_TOKEN_B64` + +### Install Cluster Stack Operator + +#### Install by manifest + +```bash +# Get the latest CSO release version and apply CSO manifests +curl -sSL https://github.com/SovereignCloudStack/cluster-stack-operator/releases/latest/download/cso-infrastructure-components.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f - +``` + +##### Enable OCI registry as source + +Since GitHub is set as default source for the Cluster Stack releases, this can be changed with a patch: + +```bash +kubectl patch deployment -n cso-system cso-controller-manager --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/command", "value": ["/manager", "-source", "oci"]}]' +``` + +#### Install with Helm (experimental) + +There are simple Helm charts available which were created especially to make the switch between the sources easier. + +```bash +helm upgrade -i cso -n cso-system \ + --create-namespace oci://registry.scs.community/cluster-stacks/cso \ + --set controllerManager.manager.source=oci \ + --set clusterStackVariables.ociRepository=registry.scs.community/kaas/cluster-stacks +```