Flow layout is the default layout used in CollectionKit. Is is similar to UIKit's UICollectionViewFlowLayout
It display cells one after another from left to right, top to bottom. Like UICollectionViewFlowLayout
it support lineSpacing
and interitemSpacing
to adjust the spacing between items. It also supports justifyContent
, alignItems
, and alignContent
to handle left over space.
Pinterest-like layout. display few columns of item, each column has the same width.
WaterfallLayout(columns: 2)
Display a row of content. RowLayout
has the extra functionality where items can fill up the remaining space in a row. Use this when you want some perticular items to fill the remaining space.
Add extra spacing to a specific layout.
InsetLayout(FlowLayout(), insets: UIEdgeInset(top: 30, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0))
You can also use the shorthand method defined on CollectionLayout.
WaterfallLayout().inset(by: UIEdgeInset(top: 30, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0))
Inset layout also supports dynamic inset based on the collection view size. Just pass in a function that returns coresponding inset from a given size.
InsetLayout(WaterfallLayout()) { size in
if size.width >= 768 {
return UIEdgeInset(top: 50, left: 50, bottom: 50, right: 50)
} else {
return .zero
Transpose the x axis with the y axis of a specific layout.
gives a vertical column layout that supports flexible items.