InvoicePrinter contains a built in server that can be run from a command line with invoice_printer_server
Apart from this you can also manually mount the server inside of your Rack application.
Once installed, InvoicePrinter provides invoice_printer_server
executable that starts the Puma server:
invoice_printer_server -h -p 5000
defines a host and -p
defines a port. For help you can run --help
By default server binds to
If you want you can always run the server from your custom program or mount it directly from a Rack app.
is a Rack app as any other. Example:
require 'rack/handler/puma'
require 'invoice_printer/server'
Endpoints accept similar arguments as the corresponding methods to InvoicePrinter
. render
is used for directly getting the PDF output whereas print
would accept filename
option and save the document to that
A content type is always application/json
both for requests and responses.
Directly render PDF data.
- JSON representation of the documentlabels
- JSON for labelsstamp
- path to stamp filelogo
- path to logotype filefont
- path to font file
On success a 200
response is returned:
{ "result": "ok", "data": "base64 encoded PDF document" }
On error a 400
response is returned:
{ "result": "error", "error": "error description" }
Example of calling the API to render a document using curl
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"document":{"number":"c. 198900000001","provider_name":"Petr Novy","provider_tax_id":"56565656","provider_tax_id2":"","provider_street":"Rolnicka","provider_street_number":"1","provider_postcode":"747 05","provider_city":"Opava","provider_city_part":"Katerinky","provider_extra_address_line":"","purchaser_name":"Adam Cerny","purchaser_tax_id":"","purchaser_tax_id2":"","purchaser_street":"Ostravska","purchaser_street_number":"1","purchaser_postcode":"747 70","purchaser_city":"Opava","purchaser_city_part":"","purchaser_extra_address_line":"","issue_date":"05/03/2016","due_date":"19/03/2016","subtotal":"Kc 10.000","tax":"Kc 2.100","tax2":"","tax3":"","total":"Kc 12.100,-","bank_account_number":"156546546465","account_iban":"IBAN464545645","account_swift":"SWIFT5456","items":[{"name":"Konzultace","quantity":"2","unit":"hod","price":"Kc 500","tax":"","tax2":"","tax3":"","amount":"Kc 1.000"},{"name":"Programovani","quantity":"10","unit":"hod","price":"Kc 900","tax":"","tax2":"","tax3":"","amount":"Kc 9.000"}],"note":"Osoba je zapsána v zivnostenském rejstríku."}}'
See /examples/clients/node.js.
Print resulting document to a file.
- JSON representation of the documentlabels
- JSON for labelsstamp
- path to stamp filelogo
- path to logotype filefont
- path to font filefilename
- path for saving the generated output PDF
On success a 200
response is returned:
{ "result": "ok", "path": "/path/basically/what/was/sent/as/filepath" }
On error a 400
response is returned:
{ "result": "error", "error": "error description" }