This plugin will provide/locate DCEVM and HotswapAgent.
Basic example:
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'io.github.srdjan-v.hotswap-gradle' version '0.1.0'
//this toolchain will be used if it cant find an dcevm
java {
toolchain {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(8)
hotswapProvider {
//This will provide a Jetbrains 11 JDK since its an known Dcevm
configureTask(tasks.named("someJavaExecTask")) {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(11)
//This will provide a Jetbrains 11 JDK since its an known Dcevm
//and if available an snapshot HotswapAgent version
configureTask(tasks.named("someJavaExecTask")) {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
useSnapshot = true
Custom properties are available with their types
#This will enable more logging, default false
#Agent GitURl
#This will set the agent into offline mode explicitly
#Data dir, default GradleUserHomeDir
#If the agent should persist cached dcevm's, default true
This plugin is built using Gradle 8.5, and it's using a lot of internal classes. Don't expect it for it to be stable when changing versions. But nearly all code that depends on internal classes has be abstracted, so that the end user is able to change the implementation on the fly.