A modular robot largely based of Alberto's Dtto:Modular Robot, with modifications to expand its sensing and autonomous decision making capabilities.
Check out the wiki for a detailed documentation!
- Did some research on existing Modular Robots and planned our approach.
- Added report on project approach. Resources can be found here: https://goo.gl/4ZXmfM
- Tested the components given: Servo SG90, Bluetooth Module HC05, Arduino Nano, 1s 500mAh LiPos and Sharp IR GP2Y0A21.
- Added Wiki page 'Testing the modules involved'
- Started learning V-Rep and Lua scripting for simulating robot motions.
- Tested the VL53L0X Lased Distance Measurement sensor, which offers precise distance measurement in a tiny package.
- Learned Lua scripting for V-REP simulations and also practiced on the V-REP environment to learn basics of it.
- Detected Wall/Obstacle using proximity sensor and restructured modules to cross it using 4 modules snake in V-REP.
- Added Wiki page 'V-REP Simulations'
- Edited CAD files of modules to increase hole diameter to 2mm due to screw unavailability
- NOTE: Module development delayed due to screw unavailability and also lately facing problems in 3D printer
- Progress presentation 1 given on 06/06/2017.
- Interfaced RF Module NRF24L01 and servo MG90S(for the hinges).
- First Dtto V2 module build completed! Tested crawl motion with existing program.
- 1.5x4mm screws found, decreased hole diameter for future modules.
- Started writing program from scratch.
- Dtto modules 2 and 3 completed!
- Interfaced the VL53L0X ToF sensor on one of the female faces.
- Robot halts when it detects and obstacle and continues when obstacle is removed
- Concluded that motor torque of MG90S is insufficient for most transformations.
- Progress demonstration on 20/06/2017
- Added Wiki page 'Building the modules', updated previous pages with more content.
- Uploaded Arduino code with documentation
- Edited CAD files and printed few parts for 'Mega Dtto', a scaled up version in order to support high torque servo GOTECK GS-5515MG
- Started exploring methods to create a virtual Dtto environment for directly programming transformations, and also as a test bench.
- Module 4 completed!
- Implemented wheel motion using 4 modules.
- Completed Virtual Dtto for setting angles, snake motion using Python remoteApi in V-REP.
- Created poster for project exhibition.
- Project Exhibition on 30/06/2017
- Code updated and with better documentation.
- Created Wiki page 'Wheel Motion: 4 modules' and 'Virtual Dtto'.
- Created Final Report for project submission.
- Did some basic testing for the Mega Dtto module.