- Functional requirements
- Server written in C programming.
- Server sends response with a specific type of file (as-is). The sample of asis file is given in the server-basic folder.
- If there is an http request for a file that doesn't exist, or for a file of a type that is not supported, then the correct http error message must be returned to the client.
- The server must be demonized.
- Safety / robustness requirements
- The program should not bind to the gate once per. request, but only at program start.
- Each client request must be processed in a separate thread or process.
- The server must be demonized so that it is independent of the control terminal.
- The server it listens on port 80 without it running as the user root .
- The directory that contains the files that should be accessible via http should be on web root.
- Prevent zombie processes.
- Extend the server from milestone 1 so that it can deliver file types listed in /etc/mime.types. The identification of type must be done using the file extension.
- The server should be running in a busybox-based container to be created using chroot and unshare so that access to files and processes is restricted.
- Create a web page that has at least one image. The web page should be styled, using a CSS file.
- Functional requirements
Two Docker containers must be made.
Create a Docker image that should be based on the official Docker image httpd:alpine and set up so that the web server Apache supports the CGI standard.
Create a sqlite database: a poem storage.
Create a CGI program. CGI is mainly a shell script which provides RESTful API against Sqlite database mentioned above.
In api the possible operations are, login, logout, if logged in- retrive a specific poem, retrieve all poems, add a new poem, delete own poem, update own poem, delete all own poems.
XML must be used in request and response body.
Create another CGI program, which runs in a seperate container to provide a WEB interface for the mentioned RESTful API.
RESTful API and WEB interface must run in seperate containers.
- Safety / robustness requirements
- root the user in the container must be unprivileged in the host system using namespaces.
- The processor use of the container must be limited using cgroups.
- Security should be increased by capabilities
- Functional requirements
The client shall provide users with the same functionality as the CGI-based web interface from feature functional requirement 5. in Milestone 3.
The files that it consists of must be delivered by the C-based server from Milestone Milestone 1 And Milestone 2
When using a browser that supports Service workers , the client should set up a service worker that stores all the files it needs (HTML, js, css, etc.) and the poems (HTTP responses) in a cache, so that the client's read operations can operate "offline".