Products Window @rayapetkova
- Creating the products menu
- Populating products from the database
andAdd to basket
buttons functionality - Optimizing products description/product names/overall products data IF needed
Left Layout User Buttons @karastoyanov
- Edit User Data menu implementation
Reset to defaults
button needs to be fixed⚠️ Rest of the feature is functional
- Payment Options menu implementation
- Basic functionality is written, major fixes are needed
- Re-work the layout positioning
- Layouts structure to be re-defined
- Edit User Data menu implementation
Windows and GUI objects styling @nikichhh, @DobromirMD
- Basic styling for the GUI objects - shadows, text colors, background, etc.
- Final styling to be defined in group with all members
- Favorites menu windows and code logic - back-end & front-end
- Orders handling logic - back-end & front-end
- Fix relationships between separate files/menu's - that should be done when we have well structured application
- Fix the static database queries with dynamic ones, based on the currently logged in user
⚠️ Relationship between files should be fixed - Improve documentation
- Code optimizations