Description: | Django-nvd3 is a wrapper for NVD3 graph library |
nvd3: | NVD3 |
d3: | Data-Driven Documents |
NVD3 is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you.
Install, upgrade and uninstall django-nvd3 with these commands:
$ pip install django-nvd3 $ pip install --upgrade django-nvd3 $ pip uninstall django-nvd3
Django-nvd3 have one major dependencie:
- python-nvd3 :
Let’s say we have a simple view in which we want to display the amount of calories per fruit.
So to achieve this, we will edit our, we will prepare the data that will be displayed:
xdata = ["Apple", "Apricot", "Avocado", "Banana", "Boysenberries", "Blueberries", "Dates", "Grapefruit", "Kiwi", "Lemon"] ydata = [52, 48, 160, 94, 75, 71, 490, 82, 46, 17] chartdata = {'x': xdata, 'y': ydata} charttype = "pieChart" data = { 'charttype': charttype, 'chartdata': chartdata } return render_to_response('piechart.html', data)
We pass charttype and chartdata to use them in our template later.
Our template piechart.html could look like:
{% load nvd3_tags %} <head> <!-- code to include the NVD3 and D3 libraries goes here --> <!-- load_nvd3 filter takes a comma-separated list of id's where --> <!-- the charts need to be rendered to --> {% include_nvd3jscss %} {% load_chart charttype chartdata "piechart_container" %} </head> <body> <h1>Fruits vs Calories</h1> {% include_container "piechart_container" 400 600 %} </body>
As showed above we use include_nvd3jscss to include the needed javascript and css code for NVD3. We start preparing and display the javascript code needed to render our pieChart:
{% load_chart charttype chartdata "piechart_container" %}
Finally we created a div container which will be used to display the chart.
The result will be a beautiful and interactive chart:
More examples, please look at the demoproject directory in our repository, it shows an simple example for all the supported chart by django-nvd3.
See a live demo on jsfiddle :
Charts list:
- CDR-Stats :
- Newfies-Dialer :
Documentation is available on 'Read the Docs':
Django-nvd3 is licensed under MIT, see MIT-LICENSE.txt.