My solution to Zhejiang University Operating System (Prof. Shen Wenbo) labs. Labs documents can be found here.
Only for communication purposes.
The author is not responsible for any plagiaristic behaviour.
Note: because each lab depends on the previous labs, so some implementations in previous labs are optimized in later labs. If you want to check the better implementations, please refer to lab 5 or lab 6.
Current progress:
- Lab 0: learn qemu and compile kernel source code
- Lab 1: booting and basic system calls
- Lab 2: supervisor timer interrupt
- Lab 3: thread and context switch
- Lab 4: virtual memory management
(Note: lab4 has been out dated. Some new refinements are directly applied in lab5.)
- Lab 5: user mode processes and switches
(Note: lab5 has been out dated. Some new refinements are directly applied in lab6.)
- Lab 6: VMA, page fault handler (demand paging), fork