To stop codespaces we just need to navigate to the Codespaces option in the bottom left of the Codespace panel.
After clicking on codespaces option we will get a drop down above something like this👇
Click on "Stop Current Codespace". It will stop the codespaces you are currently using or running.
You will be redirected to a Restart Codespaces page. The page shows a link to restart the codespace you just stopped.
If you do not interact with the codespace, it will close automatically when it reaches the idle timeout limit. By default, this is 30 minutes, but you can set a personal timeout limit in your GitHub settings.
The code changes and operations we have performed inside the codespace will still be inside the stopped codespace. If your codespace is stopped then you can restart it as shown below.
- Go to github.com/codespaces
- Here we can see a list of the codespaces we have created
- To restart it, we can just click on the codespaces we wanted to use and it will start the codespaces again for us.
- You can also see an active label added to the codespaces we just started