diff --git a/docs/Add-ADOAreaPath.md b/docs/Add-ADOAreaPath.md index 572358e..3be2f44 100644 --- a/docs/Add-ADOAreaPath.md +++ b/docs/Add-ADOAreaPath.md @@ -1,147 +1,96 @@ Add-ADOAreaPath --------------- + ### Synopsis Adds an Azure DevOps AreaPath --- + ### Description Adds an Azure DevOps AreaPath. AreaPaths are used to logically group work items within a project. --- + ### Related Links * [Get-ADOAreaPath](Get-ADOAreaPath.md) - - * [Remove-ADOAreaPath](Remove-ADOAreaPath.md) - - --- + ### Examples -#### EXAMPLE 1 +> EXAMPLE 1 + ```PowerShell Add-ADOAreaPath -Organization MyOrg -Project MyProject -AreaPath MyAreaPath ``` +> EXAMPLE 2 -#### EXAMPLE 2 ```PowerShell Add-ADOAreaPath -Organization MyOrg -Project MyProject -AreaPath MyAreaPath\MyNestedPath ``` --- + ### Parameters #### **Organization** - The Organization. +|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases| +|----------|--------|--------|---------------------|-------| +|`[String]`|true |1 |true (ByPropertyName)|Org | - -> **Type**: ```[String]``` - -> **Required**: true - -> **Position**: 1 - -> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName) - - - ---- #### **Project** - The Project. +|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput | +|----------|--------|--------|---------------------| +|`[String]`|true |2 |true (ByPropertyName)| - -> **Type**: ```[String]``` - -> **Required**: true - -> **Position**: 2 - -> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName) - - - ---- #### **AreaPath** - The AreaPath. +|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput | +|----------|--------|--------|---------------------| +|`[String]`|true |3 |true (ByPropertyName)| - -> **Type**: ```[String]``` - -> **Required**: true - -> **Position**: 3 - -> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName) - - - ---- #### **Server** - The server. By default https://dev.azure.com/. To use against TFS, provide the tfs server URL (e.g. http://tfsserver:8080/tfs). +|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput | +|-------|--------|--------|---------------------| +|`[Uri]`|false |4 |true (ByPropertyName)| - -> **Type**: ```[Uri]``` - -> **Required**: false - -> **Position**: 4 - -> **PipelineInput**:true (ByPropertyName) - - - ---- #### **ApiVersion** - The api version. By default, 5.1. If targeting TFS, this will need to change to match your server version. See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/integrate/concepts/rest-api-versioning?view=azure-devops +|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput| +|----------|--------|--------|-------------| +|`[String]`|false |5 |false | - -> **Type**: ```[String]``` - -> **Required**: false - -> **Position**: 5 - -> **PipelineInput**:false - - - ---- #### **WhatIf** -WhatIf is an automatic variable that is created when a command has ```[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]```. -WhatIf is used to see what would happen, or return operations without executing them #### **Confirm** -Confirm is an automatic variable that is created when a command has ```[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]```. -Confirm is used to -Confirm each operation. - + If you pass ```-Confirm:$false``` you will not be prompted. - - + If the command sets a ```[ConfirmImpact("Medium")]``` which is lower than ```$confirmImpactPreference```, you will not be prompted unless -Confirm is passed. --- + ### Outputs * PSDevOps.AreaPath - - - --- + ### Syntax ```PowerShell Add-ADOAreaPath [-Organization] [-Project] [-AreaPath] [[-Server] ] [[-ApiVersion] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [] ``` ----