This package implements a cell list method via spatial hash tables in Julia.
The primary aim is to speed up computations of short-range interactions between particles in large particle systems, e.g. for terms like
The aim is similar to that of the excellent CellListMap.jl package. (I'm also open to merge eventually, it was just easier to try the idea in a new package first.)
As of now, the main features of SpatialHashTables.jl are:
- Support for unbounded domains and also bounded domains,
- No allocations, neither during update of positions nor at iteration of all neigbours.
- Can be used on GPUs (but still a bit slow),
- Minimal but flexible interface, arbitrary dimension, fast CPU multi-threading.
- Only 200 lines of code (without docs). 😎
In short:
On bounded domains, the implemenation has similar performance as CellListMap.jl, see benchmarks.
For unbounded domains I lack a reference to compare to, but it seems to be reasonable fast.
GPU performance is not optimal yet. On my system
10x slower
than the CPU. I'm working on it ;)
Please check out readme and the docs for more details.
Below, we compute tablesize
(number of hashes) and a cellsize
(defines binning of particles into cells). No bounds needed, which is often convenient.
using StaticArrays, SpatialHashTables
N = 1_000_000
X = randn(SVector{3, Float64}, N)
F = randn(SVector{3, Float64}, N)
V(d) = 1/d^3
r = 1/N^(1/3)
cellsize = 1/N^(1/3)
tablesize = 1_000_000
ht = SpatialHashTable(X, cellsize, tablesize)
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(X)
for j in neighbours(ht, X[i], r)
d² = sum(x -> x^2, X[i] - X[j])
if 0 < d² < r^2
d = sqrt(d²)
F[i] += V(d) * (X[i] - X[j])
# Timing: 0.230324 seconds (190 allocations: 20.023 KiB)
# (note that allocations stem from parallelization, serial version is allocation free)
I hope this package is useful for the Julia ecosystem. If you have any questions, please open an issue or contact me.