Enhance your experience at CS.RIN.RU
Official forum topic: https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=75717
- Enable or disable any of the features in script code.
- Mention somebody when posting (mentioning).
- Dynamically load next pages when browsing the site (infinite_scrolling).
Dynamically refresh the current time (dynamic_time).Dynamically refresh Who Is Online (dynamic_who_is_online).- See when something is dynamically loading (display_ajax_loader).
- Custom topic tags (custom_tags).
- SCS topics filtering (hide_scs).
- Filtering also in SCS section (apply_in_scs).
- Configuration window (script adds button to open configuration window in upper-right corner of browser window).
- Option to enable/disable whole script (script_enabled).
- Option for custom title formatting (title_format).
- Topic preview. When checked displays preview of first post from topic that mouse cursor points to with configurable delay (topic_preview).
- SteamDB link added below each steam link (steam_db_link).
- Copy the link of a message (copy_link_button).
- Adding a small shoutbox (add_small_shoutbox).
- Adds popular user tags below the official steam tags under a game presentation (add_users_tag).
- Goes to unread posts directly by clicking on a topic title (go_to_unread_posts).
- Dynamically refresh: the current time, who is online, received messages (dynamic_function).
- Colors messages in red if you have an unread message (colorize_new_messages).
- Colorize several elements on the page (colorize_the_page).
- Colorize your friends for easy recognition (colorize_friends_me).
- Add a button to access your profile (add_profile_button).
- Verification that the user is connected or not. If he is not, he disables the functions that need to be connected.
- Adds a special search bar configurable in settings (special_search)
- CS.RIN.RU-Enhanced-external - Other script containing everything related to cs.rin.ru but acting on other sites (Steam, SteamDB etc...)
see: issues
- Download a script extension like Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey.
- Simply click on this link and a pop-up window should appear asking you if you wish to install the extension.
Notes: The script supports automatic updates, which means you don't have to download it again each time it's updated.
Developed & tested with Violentmonkey and Tampermonkey* on Firefox and Chromium (Brave).
*On some browsers, you may need to activate developer mode to run usescripts via Tampermonkey.
This project is following semantic versioning schema.
- RoyalGamer06 - Has created the original project (now retired)
- SubZeroPL - Has taken over the project
- Reddiepoint - Recurring developer
- Altansar69 - Recurring developer
Special thanks to:
- odusi - Created the original special search bar and quick post function
- mandus - Create the original copy link function
This software is under the Unlicense, terms of which are available in UNLICENSE.txt