diff --git a/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap b/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap
index d0f839e7..af96e827 100644
--- a/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap	
+++ b/Default (Linux).sublime-keymap	
@@ -205,6 +205,27 @@
+	//
+	// Auto-Pairing Highlight
+	//
+	{ "keys": ["="], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": {"contents": "==${0:$SELECTION}=="}, "context":
+		[
+			{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown - meta.frontmatter - meta.disable-markdown - markup.raw - markup.kbd", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "setting.auto_match_enabled", "operator": "equal", "operand": true },
+			{ "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": false, "match_all": true }
+		]
+	},
+	{ "keys": ["backspace"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/MarkdownEditing/macros/Delete Left Right 2.sublime-macro"}, "context":
+		[
+			{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown - meta.frontmatter - meta.disable-markdown - markup.raw - markup.kbd", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "setting.auto_match_enabled", "operator": "equal", "operand": true },
+			{ "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": true, "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "preceding_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "==$", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "following_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "^==", "match_all": true }
+		]
+	},
 	// Auto-Pairing Strike Through
diff --git a/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap b/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
index e7500b82..08df0d66 100644
--- a/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap	
+++ b/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap	
@@ -205,6 +205,27 @@
+	//
+	// Auto-Pairing Highlight
+	//
+	{ "keys": ["="], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": {"contents": "==${0:$SELECTION}=="}, "context":
+		[
+			{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown - meta.frontmatter - meta.disable-markdown - markup.raw - markup.kbd", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "setting.auto_match_enabled", "operator": "equal", "operand": true },
+			{ "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": false, "match_all": true }
+		]
+	},
+	{ "keys": ["backspace"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/MarkdownEditing/macros/Delete Left Right 2.sublime-macro"}, "context":
+		[
+			{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown - meta.frontmatter - meta.disable-markdown - markup.raw - markup.kbd", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "setting.auto_match_enabled", "operator": "equal", "operand": true },
+			{ "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": true, "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "preceding_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "==$", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "following_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "^==", "match_all": true }
+		]
+	},
 	// Auto-Pairing Strike Through
diff --git a/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap b/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap
index d0f839e7..af96e827 100644
--- a/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap	
+++ b/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap	
@@ -205,6 +205,27 @@
+	//
+	// Auto-Pairing Highlight
+	//
+	{ "keys": ["="], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": {"contents": "==${0:$SELECTION}=="}, "context":
+		[
+			{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown - meta.frontmatter - meta.disable-markdown - markup.raw - markup.kbd", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "setting.auto_match_enabled", "operator": "equal", "operand": true },
+			{ "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": false, "match_all": true }
+		]
+	},
+	{ "keys": ["backspace"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/MarkdownEditing/macros/Delete Left Right 2.sublime-macro"}, "context":
+		[
+			{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown - meta.frontmatter - meta.disable-markdown - markup.raw - markup.kbd", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "setting.auto_match_enabled", "operator": "equal", "operand": true },
+			{ "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": true, "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "preceding_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "==$", "match_all": true },
+			{ "key": "following_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "^==", "match_all": true }
+		]
+	},
 	// Auto-Pairing Strike Through
diff --git a/messages.json b/messages.json
index 9180ee9c..8a823144 100644
--- a/messages.json
+++ b/messages.json
@@ -47,5 +47,6 @@
 	"3.1.10": "messages/3.1.10.md",
 	"3.1.11": "messages/3.1.11.md",
 	"3.1.12": "messages/3.1.12.md",
-	"3.1.13": "messages/3.1.13.md"
+	"3.1.13": "messages/3.1.13.md",
+	"3.1.14": "messages/3.1.14.md"
diff --git a/messages/3.1.14.md b/messages/3.1.14.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0214a265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/messages/3.1.14.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# MarkdownEditing 3.1.14 Changelog
+Your _MarkdownEditing_ plugin is updated. Enjoy new version. For any type of
+feedback you can use [GitHub issues][issues].
+## Bug Fixes
+* improve code span patterns in table cells
+* Fix Terraform syntax highlighting in fenced code blocks (#765)
+* add missing language tag names to detect fenced code block syntaxes
+## New Features
+* syntax highlighting for `==highlight==` emphasis (#764)
+* syntax highlighting for Groovy in fenced code blocks (#768)
+## Changes
+[issues]: https://github.com/SublimeText-Markdown/MarkdownEditing/issues
diff --git a/syntaxes/Code Block Syntaxes.sublime-completions b/syntaxes/Code Block Syntaxes.sublime-completions
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5439ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntaxes/Code Block Syntaxes.sublime-completions	
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+	"scope": "text.html.markdown meta.code-fence.definition.begin",
+	"completions": [
+		// ActionScript
+		{
+			"trigger": "actionscript",
+			"annotation": "ActionScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ActionScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "as",
+			"annotation": "ActionScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ActionScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// AppleScript
+		{
+			"trigger": "applescript",
+			"annotation": "AppleScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>AppleScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "osascript",
+			"annotation": "AppleScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>AppleScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "scpt",
+			"annotation": "AppleScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>AppleScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// C++
+		{
+			"trigger": "c",
+			"annotation": "C source",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "cpp",
+			"annotation": "C++ source",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "cxx",
+			"annotation": "C++ source",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "c++",
+			"annotation": "C++ source",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "h",
+			"annotation": "C header",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "hpp",
+			"annotation": "C++ header",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "hxx",
+			"annotation": "C++ header",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "h++",
+			"annotation": "C++ header",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// C#
+		{
+			"trigger": "csharp",
+			"annotation": "C#",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C#</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "cs",
+			"annotation": "C#",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C#</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "c#",
+			"annotation": "C#",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>C#</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Clojure
+		{
+			"trigger": "clojure",
+			"annotation": "Clojure",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Clojure</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "clj",
+			"annotation": "Clojure",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Clojure</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// CSS
+		{
+			"trigger": "css",
+			"annotation": "Stylesheet",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>CSS</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Diff
+		{
+			"trigger": "diff",
+			"annotation": "Diff",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Diff</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "udiff",
+			"annotation": "Unified Diff",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Diff</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "patch",
+			"annotation": "Patch",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Patch</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Dosbatch
+		{
+			"trigger": "bat",
+			"annotation": "DOS batch",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>DOS batch</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "batch",
+			"annotation": "DOS batch",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>DOS batch</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "batchfile",
+			"annotation": "DOS batch",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>DOS batch</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "cmd",
+			"annotation": "DOS batch",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>DOS batch</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "dosbatch",
+			"annotation": "DOS batch",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>DOS batch</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "winbatch",
+			"annotation": "DOS batch",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>DOS batch</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Erlang
+		{
+			"trigger": "erl",
+			"annotation": "Erlang",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Erlang</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "erlang",
+			"annotation": "Erlang",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Erlang</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "escript",
+			"annotation": "Erlang Script",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Erlang</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Go
+		{
+			"trigger": "go",
+			"annotation": "Go",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Go</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "golang",
+			"annotation": "Go",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Go</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// GraphViz
+		{
+			"trigger": "dot",
+			"annotation": "GraphViz",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>GraphViz</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "graphviz",
+			"annotation": "GraphViz",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>GraphViz</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "gv",
+			"annotation": "GraphViz",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>GraphViz</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Groovy
+		{
+			"trigger": "groovy",
+			"annotation": "Groovy",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Groovy</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Haskell
+		{
+			"trigger": "haskell",
+			"annotation": "Haskell",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Haskell</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "hs",
+			"annotation": "Haskell",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Haskell</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "hsc",
+			"annotation": "Haskell C binding",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Haskell</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// HTML
+		{
+			"trigger": "html",
+			"annotation": "HTML",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>HTML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "xhtml",
+			"annotation": "HTML",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>HTML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Java
+		{
+			"trigger": "java",
+			"annotation": "Java",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Java</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "jsp",
+			"annotation": "Java Server Pages",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Java Server Pages</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "jspx",
+			"annotation": "Java Server Pages",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Java Server Pages</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// JavaScript
+		{
+			"trigger": "javascript",
+			"annotation": "JavaScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>JavaScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "js",
+			"annotation": "JavaScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>JavaScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "node",
+			"annotation": "JavaScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>JavaScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "jsx",
+			"annotation": "JavaScript React",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>JavaScript React</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "ts",
+			"annotation": "TypeScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>TypeScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "tsnode",
+			"annotation": "TypeScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>TypeScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "tsx",
+			"annotation": "TypeScript React",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>TypeScript React</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "typescript",
+			"annotation": "TypeScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>TypeScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// JSON
+		{
+			"trigger": "json",
+			"annotation": "JSON",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>JSON</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "jsonc",
+			"annotation": "JSON with Comments",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>JSON with Comments</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// LaTeX
+		{
+			"trigger": "tex",
+			"annotation": "TeX",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>TeX</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "latex",
+			"annotation": "LaTeX",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>LaTeX</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Lisp
+		{
+			"trigger": "lisp",
+			"annotation": "Lisp",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Lisp</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Lua
+		{
+			"trigger": "lua",
+			"annotation": "Lua",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Lua</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Makefile
+		{
+			"trigger": "make",
+			"annotation": "Makefile",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Makefile</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "makefile",
+			"annotation": "Makefile",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Makefile</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "mf",
+			"annotation": "Makefile",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Makefile</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Matlab
+		{
+			"trigger": "matlab",
+			"annotation": "MatLab",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>MatLab</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Objective C++
+		{
+			"trigger": "objc",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "objectivec",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "obj-c",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "objective-c",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "objc++",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C++",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "objectivec++",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C++",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "obj-c++",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C++",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "objective-c++",
+			"annotation": "Objective-C++",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Objective-C++</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// OCaml
+		{
+			"trigger": "ocaml",
+			"annotation": "OCaml",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>OCaml</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Perl
+		{
+			"trigger": "perl",
+			"annotation": "Perl 5",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Perl 5</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "perl5",
+			"annotation": "Perl 5",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Perl 5</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// PHP
+		{
+			"trigger": "html+php",
+			"annotation": "PHP",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>HTML+PHP</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "phtml",
+			"annotation": "PHP",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>HTML+PHP</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "inc",
+			"annotation": "PHP",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>PHP</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "php",
+			"annotation": "PHP",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>PHP</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Python
+		{
+			"trigger": "python",
+			"annotation": "Python",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Python</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "python3",
+			"annotation": "Python",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Python</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "py",
+			"annotation": "Python",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Python</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// R
+		{
+			"trigger": "r",
+			"annotation": "R",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>R</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "splus",
+			"annotation": "R",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>R</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Ruby
+		{
+			"trigger": "ruby",
+			"annotation": "Ruby",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Ruby</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "rb",
+			"annotation": "Ruby",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Ruby</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "rbx",
+			"annotation": "Ruby on Rails",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Ruby on Rails</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Regular Expressions
+		{
+			"trigger": "regex",
+			"annotation": "Regular Expressions",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Regular Expressions</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "regexp",
+			"annotation": "Regular Expressions",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Regular Expressions</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Rust
+		{
+			"trigger": "rust",
+			"annotation": "Rust",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Rust</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "rs",
+			"annotation": "Rust",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Rust</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "rscript",
+			"annotation": "R Script",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>R Script</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// Scala
+		{
+			"trigger": "scala",
+			"annotation": "Scala",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>Scala</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// ShellScript
+		{
+			"trigger": "bash",
+			"annotation": "Bourne Against Shell",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ShellScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "console",
+			"annotation": "ShellScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ShellScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "shell-script",
+			"annotation": "ShellScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ShellScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "shell",
+			"annotation": "ShellScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ShellScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "sh",
+			"annotation": "ShellScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ShellScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "zsh",
+			"annotation": "ShellScript",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>ShellScript</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// SQL
+		{
+			"trigger": "sql",
+			"annotation": "SQL",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>SQL</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// XML
+		{
+			"trigger": "atom",
+			"annotation": "ATOM",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>XML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "plist",
+			"annotation": "PList",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>XML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "svg",
+			"annotation": "SVG",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>XML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "xjb",
+			"annotation": "XJB",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>XML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "xml",
+			"annotation": "XML",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>XML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "xsd",
+			"annotation": "XSD",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>XML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "xsl",
+			"annotation": "XSL",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>XML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		// YAML
+		{
+			"trigger": "yaml",
+			"annotation": "YAML",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>YAML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+		{
+			"trigger": "yml",
+			"annotation": "YAML",
+			"kind": ["markup", "s", "Syntax"],
+			"details": "Specifies <code>YAML</code> code highlighting"
+		},
+	],
diff --git a/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax b/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax
index acc59671..2fb19cd4 100644
--- a/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax
+++ b/syntaxes/Markdown.sublime-syntax
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # The scope suffix should indicate which flavor of Markdown the feature came from,
 # to help make this syntax definition easier to maintain.
-name: Markdown (MDE)
+name: Markdown
 scope: text.html.markdown
 version: 2
 hidden: true
@@ -120,6 +120,12 @@ variables:
     | (?! \s*\-\s+ | \s+\|){{table_cell}}\|(?!\s+$)
+  table_codespan_content: |-
+    (?x:
+      [^`|]             # first or only char must not be a backtick or pipe.
+      (?:[^|]*?[^`|])?  # none must be a pipe, the last additionally must not be a backtick
+    )
   fenced_code_block_start: |-
       ([ \t]*)
@@ -1112,6 +1118,7 @@ contexts:
     - include: fenced-erlang
     - include: fenced-graphviz
     - include: fenced-golang
+    - include: fenced-groovy
     - include: fenced-haskell
     - include: fenced-html-php
     - include: fenced-html
@@ -1203,7 +1210,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(applescript|osascript))
+          (?i:\s*(applescript|osascript|scpt))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.applescript.markdown-gfm
@@ -1335,7 +1342,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(diff|patch))
+          (?i:\s*(u?diff|patch))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.diff.markdown-gfm
@@ -1357,7 +1364,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(bat|cmd|dos))
+          (?i:\s*(bat(?:ch(?:file)?)?|cmd|(?:dos|win)batch))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.dosbatch.markdown-gfm
@@ -1379,7 +1386,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(erlang|escript))
+          (?i:\s*(erl(?:ang)?|escript))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.erlang.markdown-gfm
@@ -1401,7 +1408,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(graphviz))
+          (?i:\s*(dot|graphviz|gv))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.graphviz.markdown-gfm
@@ -1419,6 +1426,28 @@ contexts:
         1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
         2: meta.fold.code-fence.end.markdown
+  fenced-groovy:
+    - match: |-
+         (?x)
+          {{fenced_code_block_start}}
+          (?i:\s*(groovy))
+          {{fenced_code_block_trailing_infostring_characters}}
+      captures:
+        0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.groovy.markdown-gfm
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.begin.markdown
+        5: constant.other.language-name.markdown
+        6: comment.line.infostring.markdown
+        7: meta.fold.code-fence.begin.markdown
+      embed: scope:source.groovy
+      embed_scope:
+        markup.raw.code-fence.groovy.markdown-gfm
+        source.groovy
+      escape: '{{fenced_code_block_escape}}'
+      escape_captures:
+        0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.groovy.markdown-gfm
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
+        2: meta.fold.code-fence.end.markdown
     - match: |-
@@ -1445,7 +1474,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(haskell))
+          (?i:\s*(haskell|hsc?))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.haskell.markdown-gfm
@@ -1467,7 +1496,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(html\+php))
+          (?i:\s*(html\+php|phtml))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.html-php.markdown-gfm
@@ -1489,7 +1518,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(html))
+          (?i:\s*(x?html))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.html.markdown-gfm
@@ -1533,7 +1562,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(javascript|js))
+          (?i:\s*(javascript|js|node))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.javascript.markdown-gfm
@@ -1687,7 +1716,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(makefile))
+          (?i:\s*(make(?:file)?|mf))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.makefile.markdown-gfm
@@ -1797,7 +1826,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(perl))
+          (?i:\s*(perl5?))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.perl.markdown-gfm
@@ -1841,7 +1870,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(python|py))
+          (?i:\s*(python3?|py))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.python.markdown-gfm
@@ -2061,7 +2090,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: |-
-          (?i:\s*(typescript|ts))
+          (?i:\s*(typescript|ts(?:node)?))
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.begin.typescript.markdown-gfm
@@ -2731,10 +2760,10 @@ contexts:
         5: constant.other.language-name.markdown
         6: comment.line.infostring.markdown
         7: meta.fold.code-fence.begin.markdown
-      embed: scope:source.json.terraform
+      embed: scope:source.terraform
-        source.json.terraform
+        source.terraform
       escape: '{{fenced_code_block_escape}}'
         0: meta.code-fence.definition.end.terraform.markdown-gfm
@@ -3145,11 +3174,39 @@ contexts:
     - include: markups
-    - match: (`+)[^`|]+(\1)
+    # code-spans quoted with up to 6 backticks are supported
+    # to avoid usage of slower Oniguruma features
+    - match: (`{6}){{table_codespan_content}}(`{6})(?!`)
+      scope: markup.raw.inline.markdown
+      captures:
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+    - match: (`{5}){{table_codespan_content}}(`{5})(?!`)
       scope: markup.raw.inline.markdown
         1: punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
         2: punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+    - match: (`{4}){{table_codespan_content}}(`{4})(?!`)
+      scope: markup.raw.inline.markdown
+      captures:
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+    - match: (`{3}){{table_codespan_content}}(`{3})(?!`)
+      scope: markup.raw.inline.markdown
+      captures:
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+    - match: (`{2}){{table_codespan_content}}(`{2})(?!`)
+      scope: markup.raw.inline.markdown
+      captures:
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+    - match: (`{1}){{table_codespan_content}}(`{1})(?!`)
+      scope: markup.raw.inline.markdown
+      captures:
+        1: punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+        2: punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+    - match: \`+  # consume remainers
     - include: emphasis
@@ -3187,6 +3244,7 @@ contexts:
     - include: bold
     - include: italic
+    - include: highlight
     - include: strikethrough
@@ -3321,6 +3379,7 @@ contexts:
       scope: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown
       set: bold-after-bold-italic-asterisk
     - include: emphasis-common
+    - include: highlight
     - include: strikethrough
@@ -3367,6 +3426,7 @@ contexts:
       scope: markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown
       set: italic-after-bold-italic-underscore
     - include: emphasis-common
+    - include: highlight
     - include: strikethrough
@@ -3396,6 +3456,7 @@ contexts:
     - include: emphasis-common
     - include: italic
+    - include: highlight
     - include: strikethrough
@@ -3435,8 +3496,25 @@ contexts:
     - include: emphasis-common
     - include: bold
+    - include: highlight
     - include: strikethrough
+  highlight:
+    - match: ==(?![=>\s])  # 2x = but no =>
+      scope: punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+      push: highlight-content
+    - match: =+(?![=>\s])  # any number of = not looking like =>
+  highlight-content:
+    - meta_scope: markup.highlight.markdown
+    - match: ==(?!=)  # 2x =
+      scope: punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown
+      pop: 1
+    - match: '[ \t]*=+'
+    - include: emphasis-common
+    - include: bold
+    - include: italic
     # https://github.github.com/gfm/#strikethrough-extension-
     - match: ~~(?![~}>\s])  # 2x ~ but no ~> or ~~}
@@ -3449,7 +3527,7 @@ contexts:
     - match: ~~(?:(?!~)|(?=~~}|~>))  # 2x ~ maybe followed by ~> or ~~}
       scope: punctuation.definition.strikethrough.end.markdown
       pop: 1
-    - match: ~+(?:(?!~)|(?=~~}|~>))  # any number of ~ maybe followed by ~> or ~~}
+    - match: '[ \t]*~+(?:(?!~)|(?=~~}|~>))'  # any number of ~ maybe followed by ~> or ~~}
     - include: emphasis-common
     - include: bold
     - include: italic
@@ -3938,7 +4016,7 @@ contexts:
     - meta_scope: meta.link.inet.markdown markup.underline.link.markdown-gfm
     # 1. When an autolink ends in ), we scan the entire autolink for the total
     #    number of parentheses. If there is a greater number of closing parentheses
-    #    than opening ones, we don’t consider the last character part of the
+    #    than opening ones, we don’t consider the last character part of the
     #    autolink, in order to facilitate including an autolink inside a parenthesis
     # 2. If an autolink ends in a semicolon (;), we check to see if it appears to
     #    resemble an entity reference; if the preceding text is & followed by one
diff --git a/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md b/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md
index 0e1a07c7..cb478d41 100644
--- a/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md
+++ b/tests/syntax_test_markdown.md
@@ -1853,6 +1853,16 @@ graph n {}
 |^^ meta.code-fence.definition.end.graphviz.markdown-gfm punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
 |  ^ meta.code-fence.definition.end.graphviz.markdown-gfm meta.fold.code-fence.end - punctuation
+| ^^^^^^^ meta.code-fence.definition.begin.groovy.markdown-gfm - meta.fold
+|        ^ meta.code-fence.definition.begin.groovy.markdown-gfm meta.fold.code-fence.begin.markdown
+| <- markup.raw.code-fence.groovy.markdown-gfm source.groovy
+| <- meta.code-fence.definition.end.groovy.markdown-gfm punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
+|^^ meta.code-fence.definition.end.groovy.markdown-gfm punctuation.definition.raw.code-fence.end.markdown
+|  ^ meta.code-fence.definition.end.groovy.markdown-gfm meta.fold.code-fence.end - punctuation
 |^^^^^^^^^ meta.code-fence.definition.begin - meta.fold
 |         ^ meta.code-fence.definition.begin meta.fold.code-fence.begin
@@ -3195,6 +3205,54 @@ test
 > bar
 | <- markup.quote punctuation.definition.blockquote - meta.table
+| c1  |  c2    | c3      | c4     | c5          | c6       | c7
+| --- | ---    | ---     | ---    | ---         | ---      | ---
+| ` ` | ` me ` | `` ` `` | ` `` ` | ``foo`bar`` | ```foo`` | ``foo```
+| <- meta.table.markdown-gfm punctuation.separator.table-cell.markdown
+| ^^^ meta.table.markdown-gfm markup.raw.inline.markdown
+| ^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|   ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|     ^ punctuation.separator.table-cell
+|       ^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|       ^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|            ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                ^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|                ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                  ^^^ - punctuation
+|                     ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                        ^ punctuation.separator.table-cell
+|                          ^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|                          ^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                           ^^^^ - punctuation
+|                               ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                                 ^ punctuation.separator.table-cell
+|                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|                                   ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                                     ^^^^^^^ - punctuation
+|                                            ^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                                               ^ punctuation.separator.table-cell
+|                                                 ^^^^^^^^ - markup.raw
+| c1             |  c2                 |
+| ---            | ---                 |
+| ```` ``` ````  | `````` ````` `````` |
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+| ^^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|     ^^^^^ - punctuation
+|          ^^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+|                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
+|                  ^^^^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
+|                        ^^^^^^^ - punctuation
+|                               ^^^^^^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
+| table with | `multiple` code `spans`) |
+| <- punctuation.separator.table-cell
+|            ^ punctuation.separator.table-cell
+|              ^^^^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline
+|                        ^^^^^^ - markup.raw.inline
+|                              ^^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline
 `|` this `|` example `|` is not a table `|`
 | ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end - meta.table
 | nor is this | because it is not at block level, it immediately follows a paragraph |
@@ -3251,15 +3309,6 @@ not a table |
 |`test | me |
 |^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.table.markdown-gfm - markup.raw
 |      ^ punctuation.separator.table-cell
-| ` ` | ` me ` |
-| <- meta.table.markdown-gfm punctuation.separator.table-cell.markdown
-| ^^^ meta.table.markdown-gfm markup.raw.inline.markdown
-| ^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
-|   ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
-|     ^ punctuation.separator.table-cell
-|       ^^^^^^ markup.raw.inline.markdown
-|       ^ punctuation.definition.raw.begin.markdown
-|            ^ punctuation.definition.raw.end.markdown
 | table | followed by
@@ -7220,6 +7269,117 @@ __test <span>text__ *formatted</span>*
 |                   ^ punctuation
 |                                    ^ punctuation
+# TEST: HIGHLIGHT #############################################################
+__==bold highlight==__
+| <- markup.bold.markdown punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+|^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.highlight
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.bold.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+|                   ^^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.highlight
+|^ punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+| ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+|                 ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown 
+|                   ^^ punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown
+**==bold highlight==**
+| <- markup.bold.markdown punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+|^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.highlight
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.bold.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+|                   ^^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.highlight
+|^ punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+| ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+|                 ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown 
+|                   ^^ punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown
+_==italic highlight==_
+| <- markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown
+|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.italic.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+|                    ^ markup.italic.markdown - markup.highlight
+|^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+|                  ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown 
+|                    ^ punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown
+*==italic highlight==*
+| <- markup.italic.markdown punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown
+|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.italic.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+|                    ^ markup.italic.markdown - markup.highlight
+|^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+|                  ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown 
+|                    ^ punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown
+___==bold italic highlight==___
+| <- markup.bold.markdown punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+|^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.italic - markup.highlight
+| ^ markup.bold.markdown markup.italic.markdown - markup.highlight
+|  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.bold.markdown markup.italic.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+|                           ^ markup.bold.markdown markup.italic.markdown - markup.highlight
+|                            ^^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.italic - markup.highlight
+|^ punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+| ^ punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown
+|  ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+|                         ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown 
+|                           ^ punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown
+|                            ^^ punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown
+***==bold italic highlight==***
+| <- markup.bold.markdown punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+|^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.italic - markup.highlight
+| ^ markup.bold.markdown markup.italic.markdown - markup.highlight
+|  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.bold.markdown markup.italic.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+|                           ^ markup.bold.markdown markup.italic.markdown - markup.highlight
+|                            ^^ markup.bold.markdown - markup.italic - markup.highlight
+|^ punctuation.definition.bold.begin.markdown
+| ^ punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown
+|  ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin.markdown
+|                         ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end.markdown 
+|                           ^ punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown
+|                            ^^ punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown
+=Hi= Hello, world!
+| <- - punctuation.definition.highlight
+|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph - markup
+|  ^ - punctuation.definition.highlight
+This =text==== is ====curious=.
+|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph - markup
+|    ^ - punctuation.definition.highlight
+|         ^^^^ - punctuation.definition.highlight
+|                 ^^^^ - punctuation.definition.highlight
+|                            ^ - punctuation.definition.highlight
+This ==text==== is ====curious==.
+|^^^^ meta.paragraph - markup
+|    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph markup.highlight
+|                               ^^ meta.paragraph - markup
+|    ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.begin
+|          ^^^^ - punctuation.definition.highlight
+|                  ^^^^ - punctuation.definition.highlight
+|                             ^^ punctuation.definition.highlight.end
+This ==is ==highlighted== inline text
+|^^^^ - markup.highlight
+|    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.highlight.markdown
+|                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - markup.highlight
+This ==has a
+|    ^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph markup.highlight
+| <- meta.paragraph markup.highlight invalid.illegal.non-terminated.bold-italic
+new paragraph==.
+|            ^^ meta.paragraph markup.highlight punctuation.definition.highlight.begin
+| <- invalid.illegal.non-terminated.bold-italic
+A ==[highlight](https://link-url)==
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+A ==![highlight](https://image-url)==
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
+A ==[![highlight](image-url)](link-url)==
+| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.highlight.markdown
 # TEST: STRIKETHROUGH #########################################################
 __~~bold striked~~__
@@ -7307,6 +7467,11 @@ This ~~text~~~~ is ~~~~curious~~.
 |                  ^^^^ - punctuation.definition.strikethrough
 |                             ^^ punctuation.definition.strikethrough.end
+This ~~is ~~striked~~ inline text
+|^^^^ - markup.strikethrough
+|    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.strikethrough.markdown-gfm
+|                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - markup.strikethrough
 This ~~has a
 |    ^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph markup.strikethrough
@@ -7316,13 +7481,13 @@ new paragraph~~.
 | <- invalid.illegal.non-terminated.bold-italic
-A ~~[striked](https://link-url)~~
+A ~~[highlight](https://link-url)~~
 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.strikethrough.markdown-gfm
-A ~~![striked](https://image-url)~~
+A ~~![highlight](https://image-url)~~
 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.strikethrough.markdown-gfm
-A ~~[![striked](image-url)](link-url)~~
+A ~~[![highlight](image-url)](link-url)~~
 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.paragraph.markdown markup.strikethrough.markdown-gfm
@@ -8588,11 +8753,11 @@ foo = 1 + 2 * \sqrt{a^2+b^2}
 |                  ^^^^^^^^^ meta.group.brace
 |                  ^ punctuation.definition.group.brace.begin
 |                   ^ variable.other.math
-|                    ^ keyword.operator
+|                    ^ keyword.operator, punctuation.separator.superscript
 |                     ^ constant.numeric
 |                      ^ keyword.operator
 |                       ^ variable.other.math
-|                        ^ keyword.operator
+|                        ^ keyword.operator, punctuation.separator.superscript
 |                         ^ constant.numeric
 |                          ^ punctuation.definition.group.brace.end