diff --git a/docs/integrations/google/bigquery.md b/docs/integrations/google/bigquery.md
index 2921a7e2af..ec7b866257 100644
--- a/docs/integrations/google/bigquery.md
+++ b/docs/integrations/google/bigquery.md
@@ -11,14 +11,25 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-The Google BigQuery App helps you monitor data and activity in your BigQuery data warehouse. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into the projects, operations, queries, user management operations, user activities, and billed GBs in BigQuery.
+The Google BigQuery App helps you monitor the data and activities in your BigQuery data warehouse. With audit logs and analytics, the preconfigured dashboards offer insight into BigQuery's projects, operations, queries, job performance, user management operations, user activities, storage, slots, and billed gigabytes.
-## Log types
+## Log and metric types
The Google BigQuery App uses:
* [Google Cloud Audit Logs](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/audit/) - Logs events on multiple [GCP services](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/audit/#services), including BigQuery.
+* [Google Cloud Metrics for Bigquery] (https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/metrics_gcp#gcp-bigquery)
-### Sample queries
+### Sample log messages
+{"message":{"data":{"insertId":"561F93BB34A71.A304412.BB00EA40","logName":"projects/bmlabs-loggen/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity","protoPayload":{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog","authenticationInfo":{"principalEmail":"player3"},"authorizationInfo":[{"granted":true,"permission":"bigquery.datasets.create","resource":"projects/bmlabs-loggen"}],"methodName":"datasetservice.insert","requestMetadata":{"callerIp":"2601:246:4b02:580d:c5c4:83c5:4337:c5e5","callerSuppliedUserAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36,gzip(gfe)"},"resourceName":"projects/bmlabs-loggen/datasets","serviceData":{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.bigquery.logging.v1.AuditData","datasetInsertRequest":{"resource":{"acl":{},"createTime":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST","datasetName":{"datasetId":"empty","projectId":"bmlabs-loggen"},"info":{},"updateTime":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST"}},"datasetInsertResponse":{"resource":{"acl":{"entries":[{"role":"WRITER","specialGroup":"PROJECT_WRITERS","viewName":{}},{"role":"OWNER","specialGroup":"PROJECT_OWNERS","viewName":{}},{"role":"OWNER","specialGroup":"PROJECT_OWNERS","userEmail":"player3","viewName":{}},{"role":"READER","specialGroup":"PROJECT_READERS","viewName":{}}]},"createTime":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST","datasetName":{"datasetId":"empty","projectId":"bmlabs-loggen"},"info":{},"updateTime":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST"}}},"serviceName":"bigquery.googleapis.com","status":{}},"receiveTimestamp":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST","resource":{"labels":{"project_id":"bmlabs-loggen"},"type":"bigquery_resource"},"severity":"NOTICE","timestamp":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST"},"attributes":{"logging.googleapis.com/timestamp":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST"},"message_id":"19361990627331","messageId":"19361990627331","publish_time":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST","publishTime":"2025-03-10T11:44:29.803IST"},"subscription":"projects/bmlabs-loggen/subscriptions/push-to-sumo"}
+### Sample metric messages
+{"queryId":"A","_source":"google-bigquery-metrics","cloud.platform":"gcp_bigquery","priority":"interactive","_metricId":"3F6GF8wrLEJvzydQF-DlQQ","location":"us-central1","raw_metric":"bigquery.googleapis.com/query/count","_sourceName":"Http Input","_sourceCategory":"Labs/google-bigquery-metrics","_contentType":"Carbon2","Statistic":"Average","project_id":"prodproject","metric":"query/count","_collectorId":"0000000011113650","_sourceId":"0000000064F1F058","cloud.provider":"gcp","_collector":"Labs - google-bigquery-metrics","max":1,"min":0,"avg":0.0283,"sum":1.5,"latest":0,"count":53}
+### Sample logs queries
```bash title="Created Resources Over Time"
_sourceCategory=*gcp* logName resource "type":"bigquery_resource"
@@ -30,49 +41,14 @@ _sourceCategory=*gcp* logName resource "type":"bigquery_resource"
| transpose row _timeslice column project
-## Collection configuration and app installation
-Choose one of the following methods to configure the Google BigQuery source and install the app:
-import CollectionConfiguration from '../../reuse/apps/collection-configuration.md';
-Use the [Cloud-to-Cloud Integration for Google BigQuery](/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/cloud-to-cloud-integration-framework/google-bigquery-source/) to create the source and use the same source category while installing the app. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Google BigQuery app is properly integrated and configured to collect and analyze your Google BigQuery data.
-### Create a new collector and install the app
-import AppCollectionOPtion1 from '../../reuse/apps/app-collection-option-1.md';
-### Use an existing collector and install the app
-import AppCollectionOPtion2 from '../../reuse/apps/app-collection-option-2.md';
-### Use an existing source and install the app
-import AppCollectionOPtion3 from '../../reuse/apps/app-collection-option-3.md';
+### Sample metric queries
+```bash title="In Flight Queries Trend"
+cloud.provider=gcp project_id=* location=* metric=query/count statistic=average
+| quantize using sum
+| sum by project_id , location
+## Collect logs for Google BigQuery
This section describes the Sumo pipeline for ingesting logs from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, and provides instructions for configuring log collection for the Google BigQuery App.
@@ -80,23 +56,25 @@ This section describes the Sumo pipeline for ingesting logs from Google Cloud Pl
The key components in the collection process for GCP services are Google Logs Export, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, and Sumo’s Google Cloud Platform (GCP) source running on a hosted collector.
-The GCP service generates logs which are exported and published to a Google Pub/Sub topic through Stackdriver. You will then set up a Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform source that subscribes to this topic and receives the exported log data.
+The GCP service generates logs that are exported and published to a Google Pub/Sub topic via the Google Cloud Logging [Log Router](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/routing/overview). You will then set up a Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform source to subscribe to this topic and receive the exported log data.
### Configuring collection for GCP
-Configuring collection for GCP uses the following process:
+Follow the steps below to configure the collection for GCP:
-[Step 1: Configure a Google Cloud Platform Source](#step-1-configure-a-google-cloud-platform-source). Configure a GCP source on a hosted collector. You'll obtain the **HTTP URL for the source**.
-[Step 2: Configure a Pub/Sub Topic for GCP](#step-2-configure-a-pubsub-topic-for-gcp). Create a topic in Google Pub/Sub and subscribe the GCP source URL to that topic.
-[Step 3: Create export of Google BigQuery logs from Google Logging](#step-3-create-export-of-google-bigquery-logs-from-google-logging). Create an export of GCP logs from Google Stackdriver Logging. Exporting involves writing a filter that selects the log entries you want to export, and choosing a Pub/Sub as the destination. The filter and destination are held in an object called a sink.
+1. Configure a GCP source on a hosted collector. You'll obtain the **HTTP URL for the source**.
+2. Create a topic in Google Pub/Sub and subscribe the GCP source URL to that topic.
+3. Create an export of GCP logs from Google Log Router Logging. Exporting involves writing a filter that selects the log entries you want to export, and choosing a Pub/Sub as the destination. The filter and destination are held in an object called a sink.
+Refer to the following sections for configuration instructions.
-Logs from GCP services can be [exported](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/export/configure_export_v2) to any destination including Stackdriver. It is not required to push the GCP logs into Stackdriver for the Sumo Logic Apps to work. Any GCP logs can be [excluded](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/exclusions) from Stackdriver logging and still can be [exported](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/export/) to Sumo logic.
+Logs from GCP services can be [exported](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/export/configure_export_v2) to any destination. Any GCP logs can be [excluded](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/exclusions) from Logs router.
-#### Step 1: Configure a Google Cloud Platform Source
+### Configure a Google Cloud Platform Source
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Source receives log data from Google Pub/Sub.
@@ -124,11 +102,11 @@ This Source will be a Google Pub/Sub-only Source, which means that it will only
9. **Processing Rules**. Configure any desired filters, such as allowlist, denylist, hash, or mask, as described in [Create a Processing Rule](/docs/send-data/collection/processing-rules/create-processing-rule).
10. When you are finished configuring the Source, click **Save**.
-#### Step 2: Configure a Pub/Sub Topic for GCP
+### Configure a Pub/Sub Topic for GCP
You need to configure a Pub/Sub Topic in GCP and add a subscription to the Source URL that belongs to the Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform Source you created. Once you configure the Pub/Sub, you can export data from Google Logging to the Pub/Sub. For example, you can export Google App Engine logs, as described on [Collect Logs for Google App Engine](/docs/integrations/google/app-engine#collecting-logs-for-the-google-app-engine-app).
-1. Create a Pub/Sub Topic in GCP. See [Google Cloud documentation](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#creating_a_topic) for the latest configuration steps.
+1. Create a Pub/Sub Topic in GCP. Refer to the [Google Cloud documentation](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#creating_a_topic) for the latest configuration steps.
2. Create a Pub/Sub subscription to the Source URL that belongs to the Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform Source you created. See [Google Cloud documentation](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#creating_subscriptions) for the latest configuration steps.
* Use a **Push Delivery Method** to the Sumo Logic Source URL. To determine the URL, navigate to the Source on the **Collection** page in Sumo Logic and click **Show URL**.
@@ -149,7 +127,7 @@ We recommend the following:
* Shard messages across topics within the above data limits.
* Ask GCP to increase the allowable capacity for the topic.
-#### Step 3: Create export of Google BigQuery logs from Google Logging
+### Create export of Google BigQuery logs from Google Logging
In this step you export logs to the Pub/Sub topic you created in the previous step.
@@ -162,6 +140,16 @@ In this step you export logs to the Pub/Sub topic you created in the previous st
4. In **Choose logs to include in sink** section for resource_type, replace "``" with "`bigquery_resource`".
5. Click **Create Sync**.
+By default, GCP logs are stored within Cloud Logging, but you can configure Log Router to exclude them as detailed [here](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/exclusions#overview) without affecting the export to Sumo Logic as outlined above.
+## Collecting metrics for the Google Cloud Load Balancer app
+For metrics collection in Sumo Logic, use the [GCP Metric source](/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/google-source/gcp-metrics-source/).
+1. Set up the [Google Service Account](/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/google-source/gcp-metrics-source/#google-service-account).
+1. Set up a [GCP Metric source](/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/google-source/gcp-metrics-source/#set-up-a-gcp-metrics-source) in Sumo Logic. While setting up the source, select **Big Query** as the service from dropdown to get the Google Cloud function metrics.
### Installing the Google BigQuery app
Now that you have set up log collection, you can install the Google BigQuery App to use the pre-configured searches and dashboards that provide visibility into your environment for real-time analysis of overall usage.
@@ -170,8 +158,6 @@ import AppInstall2 from '../../reuse/apps/app-install-v2.md';
## Viewing Google BigQuery dashboards
@@ -181,88 +167,24 @@ import ViewDashboards from '../../reuse/apps/view-dashboards.md';
### Overview
-See an overview of queries, projects, and operations in Google BigQuery.
+See an overview of queries, projects, and operations in Google BigQuery. Monitor query request location, project by billing, and latency.
-**Query Request Locations.** Shows the number of query requests in the last 24 hours and their location on a map.
-**Top Projects by Billed GB.** Shows the top projects based on total billed gigabytes in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
-**Operations Over Time.** Shows operations over time in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
-**Top 10 Queries by Latency(s).** Shows top 10 queries based on latency in the last 24 hours on a table.
-**Top 10 Queries by Billed GB.** Shows top 10 queries based on billed gigabytes in the last 24 hours on a table.
-**Top 10 Users by Billed GB.** Shows top 10 users based on billed gigabytes in the last 24 hours on a table.
-**Operations Breakdown.** Shows a count of all operations in the last 24 hours on a pie graph.
### Management
See information about Google BigQuery operations, including an operations breakdown, dataset service and table service operations over time, operations and operations failures by project, location, and over time.
-**Operations.** Shows a count of all operations in the last 24 hours on a pie graph.
-**Dataset Service Operations Over Time.** Shows the number of dataset service operations and errors over time in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
-**Operations by Project.** Shows trends in operations by project in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Table Service Operations Over Time.** Shows the number of table service operations and errors over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Operation Failures by Project.** Shows trends operation failures by project in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Operation Failure Percentage.** Shows the percentage of operations that fail in the last 24 hours.
-**Recent Operation Failures.** Shows a table with recent operations that failed in the last 24 hours.
-**Failed Operation Locations.** Shows the location of failed operations in the last 24 hours on a world map.
-**Table Service Operation Error Outliers.** Shows the number of table service operation error outliers in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
-**Dataset Service Operation Error Outliers.** Shows the number of dataset service operation error outliers in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
-**Authorization Failures Over Time.** Shows the number of total authorization failures over time in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
-**Recent Authorization Failures.** Shows a table with recent authorizations that failed in the last 24 hours.
-**Location of Authorization Failures.** Shows the location of failed operations in the last 24 hours on a world map.
### Queries
-See information about queries in Google BigQuery, including billed GBs, latency, and errors.
+See information about queries in Google BigQuery, including billed GBs, latency, errors, and query failures.
-**Location of Query Requests.** Shows the number of query requests in the last 24 hours and their location on a map.
-**Billed GB, Latency (s), Errors Over Time.** Shows trends in billed gigabytes and latency over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph. Also shows the number of errors over time in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
-**Query Statistics by Project.** Shows a table with query statistics based on projects in the last 24 hours.
-**Billed GB Over Time.** Shows trends in billed gigabytes over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Top 10 Queries by Billed GB.** Shows a table with top 10 queries based on billed gigabytes in the last 24 hours.
-**Latency (s) Over Time.** Shows trends in latency over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Top 10 Queries by Latency (s).** Shows a table with top 10 queries based on latency in the last 24 hours.
-**Errors Over Time.** Shows trends in errors over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Top 10 Queries by Errors.** Shows a table with top 10 queries based on errors in the last 24 hours.
-**Recent Query Failures.** Shows a table with recent query failures in the last 24 hours.
-**Location of Failed Executions.** Shows the number of failed executions in the last 24 hours and their location on a map.
### Users
See information about users in Google BigQuery, including query operations, billed GBs, query latency, and query failures by user.
@@ -271,29 +193,25 @@ See information about users in Google BigQuery, including query operations, bil
-**Location of Users Executing Queries.** Shows the number of users executing queries in the last 24 hours and their location on a map.
+### Query and job performance
-**User Management Operations.** Shows the number of user management operations in the last 24 hours on a column graph.
+ See information about query execution times, job throughput, and scanned bytes to monitor performance trends and optimize query efficiency.
-**Top 10 Users by Query Executions.** Shows a table with top 10 users based on query executions in the last 24 hours.
-**Top 10 Users by Billed GB.** Shows a table with top 10 users based on billed gigabytes in the last 24 hours.
-**Top 10 Users by Latency (s).** Shows a table with top 10 users based on latency in the last 24 hours.
-**Query Executions by User Over Time.** Shows trends in query executions based on users over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
+### Slots and reservation
-**Billed GB by User Over Time.** Shows trends in billed gigabytes based users over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
+ See information about slot allocation, reservation usage, and capacity commitments to manage and optimize BigQuery resource utilization.
-**Latency (s) by Users Over Time.** Shows trends in latency based on users over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Top 10 Users by Errors.** Shows a table with top 10 users based on errors in the last 24 hours.
+### Storage and ingestion
-**Recent Query Failures by User.** Shows a table with recent query failures in the last 24 hours.
+ See information about data storage, table counts, and ingestion metrics to track data volume, monitor upload performance, and control costs.
-**Errors by User Over Time.** Shows trends in errors based on users over time in the last 24 hours on a line graph.
-**Location of Users with Errors.** Shows the number of users with errors in the last 24 hours and their location on a map.
## Upgrade/Downgrade the Google BigQuery app (Optional)
@@ -305,4 +223,23 @@ import AppUpdate from '../../reuse/apps/app-update.md';
import AppUninstall from '../../reuse/apps/app-uninstall.md';
\ No newline at end of file
+## Create monitors for Google BigQuery app
+import CreateMonitors from '../../reuse/apps/create-monitors.md';
+### Google BigQuery alerts
+| Name | Description | Alert Condition | Recover Condition |
+| `BigQuery - Authorization Failure Spike` | This alert is triggered when authorization failures significantly increase (Default 5), indicating potential issues with access control or malicious activity that require further investigation. | Count > 5 | Count < = 5 |
+| `BigQuery - High In-Flight Jobs` | This alert is triggered when the number of in-flight jobs exceeds given value (Default 50), indicating a potentially unusual workload that may require attention. | Count > 50 | Count < = 50 |
+| `BigQuery - High Query Billing` | This alert is triggered when the billed bytes scanned per query statement exceed a defined threshold (Default 5 GB), indicating potential cost overruns in query usage. | Count > 5000000000 | Count < = 5000000000 |
+| `BigQuery - High Query Execution Times` | This alert is triggered when the average query execution time exceeds given value (Default 60 seconds), indicating potential performance issues. | Count > 60 | Count < = 60 |
+| `BigQuery - High Query Failures` | This alert is triggered when there is a high number of query failures in BigQuery (Default 5). | Count > 5 | Count < = 5 |
+| `BigQuery - High Slot Allocation` | This alert is triggered when the number of BigQuery slots allocated exceeds given value (Default 100), indicating potential resource pressure or misconfiguration. | Count > 100 | Count < = 100 |
+| `BigQuery - High Streaming Upload Billing` | This alert is triggered when billed bytes for data uploads exceed a defined threshold (Default 10 GB), indicating potential cost overruns in data ingestion. | Count > 10000000000 | Count < = 10000000000 |
+| `BigQuery - User Privilege Escalation` | This alert is triggered when new admin permissions are granted in BigQuery, indicating potential user privilege escalation. | Count > 0 | Count < = 0 |
diff --git a/docs/integrations/google/cloud-load-balancing.md b/docs/integrations/google/cloud-load-balancing.md
index d16b42aca1..84ba52b18c 100644
--- a/docs/integrations/google/cloud-load-balancing.md
+++ b/docs/integrations/google/cloud-load-balancing.md
@@ -9,12 +9,28 @@ import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';
-Google Cloud Load Balancing is Google’s load balancing service for Google Cloud Platform. The Sumo Logic App for Google Cloud Load Balancing helps you monitor load balancing activity. The preconfigured dashboards provide insight into request locations and volume, response codes, and request and response data by load balancer.
+Google Cloud Load Balancing is Google’s load balancing service for Google Cloud Platform. The Sumo Logic App for Google Cloud Load Balancing helps you monitor your **Application load balancer** activity. There are 3 types of Application load balancer available in GCP:
+- Global External
+- Regional External
+- Internal
+Each type of Application load balancer has its own set of log structure and metrics. To accommodate this, the app is organized into three folders, each containing dashboards specific to the respective load balancer type.
+The preconfigured dashboards provide insights into request locations and volume, response codes, and request and response data by load balancer with help for logs and metrics.
## Log types
-The app uses the following log type:
-* [Cloud Load Balancing Request Logs](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/http/#logging)
+The Sumo Logic app for Google Cloud Load Balancer uses the following logs:
+- [Global External logging](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/https/https-logging-monitoring)
+- [Regional External logging](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/https/https-reg-logging-monitoring)
+- [Internal logging](https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/l7-internal/monitoring#logs_sampling_and_collection)
+## Metric types
+The Sumo Logic app for Google Cloud Load Balancer uses the following three [metrics](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/metrics_gcp#gcp-loadbalancing):
+- **Global External**. Metrics for this type are of the format "https/metric_name".
+- **Regional External**. Metrics for this type are of the format "https/external/regional/metric_name".
+- **Internal**. Metric for this type are of the format “https/internal/metric_name”.
### Sample log messages
@@ -22,7 +38,12 @@ The app uses the following log type:
{"remoteIp":"","requestUrl":"http:\/\/\/","requestMethod":"POST","serverIp":"","responseSize":"415","userAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident\/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko","requestSize":"1347","status":501}
-### Sample queries
+### Sample metric messages
+{"queryId":"A","client_country":"Brazil","_source":"sumo GCP metric test","cloud.platform":"gcp_loadbalancing","_metricId":"K0zIDUIKXKkbaldwOnoVzw","backend_scope":"us-central1-c","raw_metric":"loadbalancing.googleapis.com/https/backend_latencies","url_map_name":"sumo-alb","_sourceName":"sumo GCP metric test","backend_scope_type":"ZONE","backend_target_type":"BACKEND_SERVICE","response_code":"200","backend_name":"instance-group-sumo","matched_url_path_rule":"UNMATCHED","proxy_continent":"America","_sourceCategory":"anrms/gcp/computeengine","_contentType":"GcpMetrics","load_balancing_scheme":"EXTERNAL","Statistic":"SampleCount","response_code_class":"200","cache_result":"DISABLED","project_id":"appdev-project-240622","metric":"https/backend_latencies","backend_type":"INSTANCE_GROUP","_collectorId":"000000000DFDF2E8","backend_target_name":"backend-service-sumo","region":"global","_sourceId":"000000004DEE1CBC","cloud.provider":"gcp","_sourceHost":"GCP","_collector":"sumoPrivate","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","forwarding_rule_name":"alb-frontend","target_proxy_name":"sumo-alb-target-proxy","max":4,"min":4,"avg":4,"sum":4,"latest":4,"count":1}
+### Sample logs queries
```bash title="Status codes per load balancer"
_sourceCategory=*gcp* data logName resource "\"type\":\"http_load_balancer\""
@@ -38,6 +59,11 @@ _sourceCategory=*gcp* data logName resource "\"type\":\"http_load_balancer\""
| sum(resp_200) as tot_200, sum(resp_300) as tot_300, sum(resp_400) as tot_400, sum(resp_500) as tot_500, sum(resp_others) as tot_others by load_balancer, project
+### Sample metric query
+```bash title="Total Backend Bytes"
+project_id=* region=global cloud.platform=gcp_loadbalancing url_map_name=* metric=https/backend_request_bytes_count statistic=average !url_map_name="" | quantize to 5m using sum | sum
## Collect Logs for Google Cloud Load Balancing
This page describes the Sumo pipeline for ingesting logs from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, and provides instructions for collecting logs from Google Cloud Load Balancing.
@@ -46,20 +72,22 @@ This page describes the Sumo pipeline for ingesting logs from Google Cloud Platf
The key components in the collection process for GCP services are Google Logs Export, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, and Sumo’s Google Cloud Platform (GCP) source running on a hosted collector.
-The GCP service generates logs which are exported and published to a Google Pub/Sub topic through Stackdriver. You will then set up a Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform source that subscribes to this topic and receives the exported log data.
+The GCP service generates logs which are exported and published to a Google Pub/Sub topic through Google Cloud Logging [Log Router](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/routing/overview). You will then set up a Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform source that subscribes to this topic and receives the exported log data.
-### Configuring collection for GCP uses the following process:
+### Configuring collection for GCP
+Configuring collection for GCP uses the following process:
1. Configure a GCP source on a hosted collector. You'll obtain the **HTTP URL for the source**.
2. Create a topic in Google Pub/Sub and subscribe the GCP source URL to that topic.
-3. Create an export of GCP logs from Google Stackdriver Logging. Exporting involves writing a filter that selects the log entries you want to export, and choosing a Pub/Sub as the destination. The filter and destination are held in an object called a sink.
+3. Create an export of GCP logs from Google Log Router Logging. Exporting involves writing a filter that selects the log entries you want to export, and choosing a Pub/Sub as the destination. The filter and destination are held in an object called a sink.
See the following sections for configuration instructions.
-Logs from GCP services can be [exported](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/export/configure_export_v2) to any destination including Stackdriver. It is not required to push the GCP logs into Stackdriver for the Sumo Logic Apps to work. Any GCP logs can be [excluded](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/exclusions) from Stackdriver logging and still can be [exported](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/export/) to Sumo logic.
+Logs from GCP services can be [exported](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/export/configure_export_v2) to any destination. Any GCP logs can be [excluded](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/exclusions) from Logs router.
### Configure a Google Cloud Platform Source
@@ -95,7 +123,7 @@ This Source will be a Google Pub/Sub-only Source, which means that it will only
You need to configure a Pub/Sub Topic in GCP and add a subscription to the Source URL that belongs to the Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform Source you created. Once you configure the Pub/Sub, you can export data from Google Logging to the Pub/Sub. For example, you can export Google App Engine logs, as described on [Collect Logs for Google App Engine](/docs/integrations/google/app-engine#collecting-logs-for-the-google-app-engine-app).
-1. Create a Pub/Sub Topic in GCP. See [Google Cloud documentation](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#creating_a_topic) for the latest configuration steps.
+1. Create a Pub/Sub Topic in GCP. Refer to the [Google Cloud documentation](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#creating_a_topic) for the latest configuration steps.
2. Create a Pub/Sub subscription to the Source URL that belongs to the Sumo Logic Google Cloud Platform Source you created. See [Google Cloud documentation](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#creating_subscriptions) for the latest configuration steps.
* Use a **Push Delivery Method** to the Sumo Logic Source URL. To determine the URL, navigate to the Source on the **Collection** page in Sumo Logic and click **Show URL**.
@@ -124,12 +152,28 @@ In this step you export logs to the Pub/Sub topic you created in the previous st
1. Go to **Logging** and click **Logs Router**.
2. Click **Create Sink**.
3. As part of **Create logs routing sink**, add the following information.
- 1. Enter a Sink Name. For example, "gce-vm-instance".
+ 1. Enter a Sink Name. For example, "gcp-load-balance".
2. Select "Cloud Pub/Sub" as the **Sink Service**.
3. Set **Sink Destination** to the Pub/Sub topic you created in the Google Cloud Platform Source procedure. For example, "pub-sub-logs".
- 4. In **Choose logs to include in sink** section for `resource_type`, replace `""` with `"http_load_balancer"`.
+ 4. In the **Choose logs to include in sink** section for `resource_type`, use query `resource.type="http_load_balancer" OR resource.type="http_external_regional_lb_rule" OR resource.type="internal_http_lb_rule"`. Following are the three resource types for the different types of load balancers:
+ - `"http_load_balancer"` - For global external application load balancer.
+ - `"http_external_regional_lb_rule"` - For regional external application load balancer.
+ - `"internal_http_lb_rule"` - For internal application load balancer.
+ You can include resource types associated with the load balancer that need to be monitored.
5. Click **Create Sync**.
+By default, GCP logs are stored within Cloud Logging, but you can configure Log Router to exclude them as detailed [here](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/exclusions#overview) without affecting the export to Sumo Logic as outlined above.
+## Collecting metrics for the Google Cloud Load Balancer app
+For metrics collection in Sumo Logic, use the [GCP Metric source](/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/google-source/gcp-metrics-source/).
+1. Set up the [Google Service Account](/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/google-source/gcp-metrics-source/#google-service-account).
+1. Set up a [GCP Metric source](/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/google-source/gcp-metrics-source/#set-up-a-gcp-metrics-source) in Sumo Logic. While setting up the source, select **Cloud Load Balancer** as the service from dropdown to get the Google Cloud function metrics.
## Install the Google Cloud Load Balancing app
Now that you have set up collection for Google Cloud Load Balancing, install the Sumo Logic App to use the pre-configured searches and dashboards that provide visibility into your environment for real-time analysis of overall usage.
@@ -144,72 +188,113 @@ import ViewDashboards from '../../reuse/apps/view-dashboards.md';
-### Overview
+Under the installed app folder, you will see different folders for different types of Application load balancers named as follows:
+- Global External
+- Internal
+- Regional External
+Each folder has its own set of dashboard based on respective logs and metrics.
+For log-based dashboards, filters are based metric values. In metrics load balancers, the names for regional external and internal load balancer are prefixed with "URL_MAP". Panel queries are adjusted accordingly, ensuring filters functions as expected.
+### Global External - Overview
See an overview of Google Cloud Load Balancing activity, including request locations, browsers and operating systems used, error status codes, requests by load balancer, bytes sent and received, and message severity over time.
-**Request Location**. A world map showing the locations of requests over the last 24 hours.
-**Browsers and Operating Systems**. A stacked column chart that shows the breakdown of requests by operating system (MacOS, Windows, and Other), and for each operating system, the breakdown of requests by browser type (Firefox, Mozilla, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Other) over the last 24 hours.
+### Global External - Request Analysis
+See information about request activity in Google Cloud Load Balancing, including request locations, requests by type over time, requests by load balancer over time, KBs sent and received by number of requests, and total requests by load balancer.
-**4xx and 5xx Status Codes**. A horizontal bar chart that shows the count of 4xx response codes and the count of 5xx response codes for each load balancer over the last 24 hours.
+### Global External - Status Analysis
+See information about the status of requests in Google Cloud Load Balancing, including status codes per project, over time, and by load balancer; location of 4xx and 5xx responses; and 4xx and 5xx responses by load balancer.
-**Requests by Load Balancer**. A horizontal bar chart that shows the count of requests for each load balancer over the last 24 hours.
+### Global External - Bytes count
+This dashboard help you monitor Byte Count between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can monitor total bytes, average bytes and trend for request and response.
-**Bytes Sent and Received**. A horizontal bar chart that shows the total byes sent and the total bytes received for each load balancer over the last 24 hours.
+### Global External - Latency
+This dashboard helps you monitor average latency between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can also monitor latency by response code, latency trends and latency by load balancer.
-**Severity Over Time**. A line chart that shows the count of messages of each level (info, warning, error, critical, alert, and emergency) over the last 24 hours.
+### Global External - Requests
+This dashboard helps you monitor total request count between client - load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can also monitor request count by response code, response code by backends, and trends for different response code classes - 2x, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx.
-### Request Analysis
+### Internal - Overview
+See an overview of Google Cloud Load Balancing activity, including request locations, browsers and operating systems used, error status codes, requests by load balancer, bytes sent and received, and message severity over time.
+### Internal - Request Analysis
See information about request activity in Google Cloud Load Balancing, including request locations, requests by type over time, requests by load balancer over time, KBs sent and received by number of requests, and total requests by load balancer.
+### Internal - Status Analysis
+See information about the status of requests in Google Cloud Load Balancing, including status codes per project, over time, and by load balancer; location of 4xx and 5xx responses; and 4xx and 5xx responses by load balancer.
-**Request Location**. A world map showing the locations of requests over the last 24 hours.
-**Requests by Type Over Time**. A line chart showing the count of requests by type (get, post, put, delete, patch, and other) over the last 24 hours.
+### Internal - Bytes count
+This dashboard help you monitor Byte Count between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can monitor total bytes, average bytes and trend for request and response.
-**KBs Sent, received by Number of Requests.** A combination chart showing a bar chart of request counts, and a line chart showing data received and data sent over the last 24 hours.
+### Internal - Latency
+This dashboard helps you monitor average latency between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can also monitor latency by response code, latency trends and latency by load balancer.
-**Requests by Load Balancer Over Time.** A line chart showing the count of requests by load balancer over the last 24 hours.
-**Number of Requests - Outlier**. Shows instances where the count of requests was significantly significant, more than three standard deviations from the running average over the last 24 hours.
+### Internal - Requests
+This dashboard helps you monitor total request count between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can also monitor request count by response code, response code by backends, and trends for different response code classes - 2x, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx
-**Total Requests by Load Balancer.** A bar chart that shows the total count of requests by load balancer over the last 24 hours.
+### Regional External - Overview
-### Status Analysis
+See an overview of Google Cloud Load Balancing activity, including request locations, browsers and operating systems used, error status codes, requests by load balancer, bytes sent and received, and message severity over time.
-See information about the status of requests in Google Cloud Load Balancing, including status codes per project, over time, and by load balancer; location of 4xx and 5xx responses; and 4xx and 5xx responses by load balancer.
+### Regional External - Request Analysis
+See information about request activity in Google Cloud Load Balancing, including request locations, requests by type over time, requests by load balancer over time, KBs sent and received by number of requests, and total requests by load balancer.
-**Status Codes per Project**. A stacked column chart that shows a breakdown of the count of status codes by type ( 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, others) for each project over the last 24 hours.
+### Regional External - Status Analysis
+See information about the status of requests in Google Cloud Load Balancing, including status codes per project, over time, and by load balancer; location of 4xx and 5xx responses; and 4xx and 5xx responses by load balancer.
-**Status Codes Over Time**. A stacked column chart that shows a breakdown of count of status codes by type ( 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, others) over the last 24 hours.
-**Status Codes per Load Balancer**. A horizontal bar chart that shows the breakdown of the count of status codes by type (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, others) for each load balancer over the last 24 hours.
+### Regional External - Bytes count
+This dashboard help you monitor Byte Count between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can monitor total bytes, average bytes and trend for request and response.
-**Status Details Breakdown**. A donut chart that shows the count of specific load balancer status messages over the last 24 hours.
+### Regional External - Latency
+This dashboard helps you monitor average latency between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can also monitor latency by response code, latency trends and latency by load balancer.
-**5xx Status Code Locations.** A world map that shows the locations of 5xx status codes over the last 24 hours.
-**5xx Status Code Per Load Balancer.** A stacked column chart that shows the count of 5xx status codes by load balancer over the last 24 hours.
+### Regional External - Requests
+This dashboard helps you monitor total request count between client- load balancer and load balancer - backend. You can also monitor request count by response code, response code by backends, and trends for different response code classes - 2x, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx
-**4xx Status Codes Locations**. A world map that shows the locations of 4xx status codes over the last 24 hours.
-**4xx Status Code Per Load Balancer**. A stacked column chart that shows the count of 4xx status codes by load balancer over the last 24 hours.
## Upgrade/Downgrade the Google Cloud Load Balancing app (Optional)
@@ -222,3 +307,18 @@ import AppUpdate from '../../reuse/apps/app-update.md';
import AppUninstall from '../../reuse/apps/app-uninstall.md';
+## Create monitors for GCP load balancer app
+import CreateMonitors from '../../reuse/apps/create-monitors.md';
+### GCP load balancer alerts
+These alerts are metric based and will work for all three type of Application load balancers.
+| Alert Name | Alert Description and Conditions | Alert Condition | Recover Condition |
+| `GCP Application Load Balancer - High 4XX Errors` | This alert fires where there are too many HTTP requests (default >5%) with a response status of 4xx within an interval of 5 minutes are detected for any type of application load balancer. | Count >= 5 | Count < 5 |
+| `GCP Application Load Balancer - High 5XX Errors` | This alert fires where there are too many HTTP requests (default >5%) with a response status of 5xx within an interval of 5 minutes are detected for any type of application load balancer. | Count >= 5 | Count < 5 |
+| `GCP Application Load Balancer - High Latency` | This alert fires when we detect that the average latency for a given Application load balancer (any type) within a time interval of 5 minutes is greater than given value (default three seconds). | Count >= 3000 | Count < 3000 |
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