diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 92433e2..440da9f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-# sunbird-telemetry-service
+# Telemetry-service
+The Telemetry service is designed to seamlessly capture data from various applications and services, providing valuable insights into user interactions and system performance. By leveraging this service(API), organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of real-time usage patterns, enabling informed decision-making and optimization of their digital ecosystem.
+# Prerequisites
+* NodeJs
+* PostgreSQL
+# Installation
+1. Clone the repository
+ ```
+ git clone https://github.com/Sunbird-AIAssistant/telemetry-service.git
+ ```
+2. Go to the root directory
+ ```
+ cd telemetry-service/src
+ ```
+3. Set up environment variables. update below veriables on `envVariables.js`
+ ```
+ host: "localhost" //postgresql db hostname or ip address
+ username: // postgresql db username
+ password: // postgresql db password
+ db: // postgresql database name
+ tableName: // postgresql table name
+ dataExtract: 'true' // true or false
+ environment: 'dev' // dev, staging or prod
+ dispatcher: 'postgres'
+ ssl: false // true or false SSL enabnled or not
+ supersetAdminUser: // superset admin username
+ supersetAdminPass: // superset admin password
+ supersethost: // // superset hostname or ip address
+ ```
+4. Run `npm install` to install node modules
+5. Run `node app.js`
+# API Specification and Documentation
+### Telemetry send
+The Telemetry API is a critical component of our system, designed to capture and store telemetry data in a PostgreSQL database. Telemetry is essential for monitoring, analysing, and optimizing the performance and behaviour of our applications.
+| | |
+| -------- | ------- |
+| API end point | `/api/telemetry/v1` |
+| Method | `POST` |
+| Headers | `NA` |
+| Request | `{"id":"api.djp.telemetry","ver":"3.0","params":{"msgid":"17afd6b09dd6448c891829d9f4af904a"},"ets":1703229372363,"events":[{"actor":{"id":12,"type":"System"},"context":{"channel":"ejp","did":"b8e7cad5-9fcb-11ee-8b98-acde48001122","env":"IVRS","pdata":{"id":"dev.ejp.ivrs","pid":"ivrs-service","ver":"1.0"},"sid":12},"mid":"START:b8e7cad5-9fcb-11ee-8b98-acde48001122","ver":"3.0","eid":"START","edata":{"mode":"start","type":"session"},"ets":1703229372363}]}` |
+| Response | `{"id":"api.telemetry","ver":"1.0","ets":1703855749239,"params":{},"responseCode":"SUCCESS","result":{}}` |
+| Example cURL | `curl --location '{{host}}/api/telemetry/v1' \ `
`--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ `
`--data '{"id":"api.djp.telemetry","ver":"3.0","params":{"msgid":"17afd6b09dd6448c891829d9f4af904a"},"ets":1703229372363,"events":[{"actor":{"id":12,"type":"System"},"context":{"channel":"ejp","did":"b8e7cad5-9fcb-11ee-8b98-acde48001122","env":"IVRS","pdata":{"id":"dev.ejp.ivrs","pid":"ivrs-service","ver":"1.0"},"sid":12},"mid":"START:b8e7cad5-9fcb-11ee-8b98-acde48001122","ver":"3.0","eid":"START","edata":{"mode":"start","type":"session"},"ets":1703229372363}]}'` |
+### Telemetry Metrics
+The Telemetry Metrics API is a powerful API that enables users to fetch counts of specific metrics directly without the need for Superset. This API serves as a lightweight alternative for quick metric retrieval.
+| | |
+| -------- | ------- |
+| API end point | `/api/telemetry/v1/metrics` |
+| Method | `POST` |
+| Headers | `NA` |
+| Request | `{"request":{"startTimeStamp":"2023-12-20 00:00:00","endTimeStamp":"2023-12-23 00:00:00"}}`
**Note:** Both startTimeStamp and endTimeStamp are optional. |
+| Response | `{"id":"api.telemetry.metrics","ver":"1.0","ets":1703855265432,"params":{"resmsgid":"41f3d180-a64b-11ee-8050-83d462d95035","msgid":"41f3d181-a64b-11ee-8050-83d462d95035"},"responseCode":"SUCCESS","result":{"total_devices":"30","total_plays":"40","total_messages_from_activity_service":"20","total_messages_from_teacher_sakhi_service":"16","total_messages_from_parent_sakhi_service":"29","total_ivrs_calls":"50"}}` |
+| Example cURL | `curl --location '{{host}}/api/telemetry/v1/metrics' \ --data ''` |
+## Telemetry dashboard token
+The Telemetry Dashboard Token API is a secure method to acquire an access token for the guest user of Superset. This token can be utilized to embed Superset charts in HTML pages without requiring explicit authentication.
+| | |
+| -------- | ------- |
+| API end point | `/api/telemetry/v1/dashboard/token` |
+| Method | `POST` |
+| Headers | `NA` |
+| Request | `{"request":{"dashboardIds":["3f0d276e-67cs-402f-8f9e-123cd67ab012","32c44b86-cs58-4c15-b8b5-123cd67ab012"]}}`
**Note:** dashboardIds is mandatory. |
+| Response | `{"id":"api.telemetry.access.token","ver":"1.0","ets":1705916905344,"params":{"resmsgid":"63193800-b90b-11ee-9b56-bb19a64b5c02","msgid":"63193801-b90b-11ee-9b56-bb19a64b5c02"},"responseCode":"SUCCESS","result":{"token":"{{token}}"}}` |
+| Example cURL | `curl --location '{{host}}/api/telemetry/v1/dashboard/token' \ --data ''` |
+# License
+This project is licensed under the MIT License.
-This is the repository for Sunbird telemetry microservice. It provides APIs for Sunbird telemetry.
-The code in this repository is licensed under MIT License unless otherwise noted. Please see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-telemetry-service/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details.