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* [Source Code](use-1/source-code/README.md)
* [Workflows](use-1/source-code/workflows/README.md)
* [Mobile - Component Diagrams](use-1/source-code/workflows/mobile-component-diagrams.md)
- * [Portal - Component Diagrams-v1.0.0](use-1/source-code/workflows/portal-component-diagrams-v1.0.0.md)
+ * [Portal - Component Diagrams](use-1/source-code/workflows/portal-component-diagrams.md)
* [Form service](use-1/source-code/workflows/form-service.md)
* [Reference Apps](use-1/source-code/reference-apps.md)
* [Platform](use-1/source-code/platform.md)
diff --git a/use-1/source-code/workflows/portal-component-diagrams-v1.0.0.md b/use-1/source-code/workflows/portal-component-diagrams-v1.0.0.md
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-description: >-
- The Sunbird portal is the browser-based interface for the Sunbird application
- stack. It provides a web app through which all functionality of Sunbird can be
- accessed.
-# Portal - Component Diagrams-v1.0.0
diff --git a/use-1/source-code/workflows/portal-component-diagrams.md b/use-1/source-code/workflows/portal-component-diagrams.md
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index 0000000..fd3b273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/use-1/source-code/workflows/portal-component-diagrams.md
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+description: >-
+ The Sunbird portal is the browser-based interface for the Sunbird application
+ stack. It provides a web app through which all functionality of Sunbird can be
+ accessed.
+# Portal - Component Diagrams
+## GitHub Repository:
+{% embed url="https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/tree/release-6.0.0" %}
+## Architecture
+## Sunbird ED Portal
+ The Sunbird ED portal is divided into two folders called app that contains server-side code and client for client-side code.
+![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (22).png>)![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (23).png>)
+## **Sunbird Portal UI**
+[**Client Folder**](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/tree/6.0.0/src/app/client)
+Includes the client source code for the Angular application. This folder includes various components, modules, services, styles, and other assets necessary to build the front end of the application.
+### [Public ](https://sunbird-ed.github.io/docs/portal/modules/PublicModule.html)
+The main objective of this folder to
+The folder contains all the components page routes which can be accessible by anonymous or guest users.
+### [Core](https://sunbird-ed.github.io/docs/portal/modules/CoreModule.html)
+The folder contains all the reusable features such as the header, footer, search, main menu, and language dropdown.
+### [Shared](https://sunbird-ed.github.io/docs/portal/modules/SharedModule.html)
+The Folder contains all the reusable components across the portal such as the loader, popup, card,sb-data table, alert popup, slick etc...
+### Manage Learn
+### Additional Info:
+#### Forms
+In the portal, lots of UI capabilities are generalised in terms of [formConfig](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/25186239/2s946pXoZ2). to reduce the code dependency by decoupling form logic from the portal code.
+## Front-End Libraries
+All the library that Front-end is depending to get the capabilities
+| ED Library Name | GitHub Repo | Description |
+| ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Common Consumption | [https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-consumption-ngcomponents#readme](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-consumption-ngcomponents#readme) | These components are designed to be used in Sunbird consumption platforms _( web portal, offline desktop app)_ to drive reusability, maintainability hence reduce the redundant development effort significantly. |
+| Player | [https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/sb-styles/tree/master](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/sb-styles/tree/master) | Sunbird styles is Sass-based tool to generate utility classes. |
+| Editors | [https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/sb-themes](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/sb-themes) | Sunbird themes are color & layout templates used in subird Portal & Mobile apps. |
+| SB-Forms | [https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-forms](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-forms) | |
+| SB-Dashlet | | |
+| Client Service | | |
+## Sunbird Portal API Servcies
+[**App Folder**](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/tree/6.0.0/src/app)
+Includes backend API interface which is used Node.js framework.
+It leverages a keyCloakHelper file to handle login and logout functionalities while adopting token-based session storage to manage user sessions effectively.
+Additionally, the interface integrates multiple API middleware functions to accomplish tasks such as token verification, API whitelisting, and customizing request headers as needed.
+### Code Structure
+### [User Session Management - **Server.js** ](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/blob/6.0.0/src/app/server.js)
+It is used in web development for the server-side entry point of a Node.js application.
+It acts as the main starting point of the server, responsible for initializing the server, defining routes, and handling incoming requests from clients.
+it is used to store the session based on [Anonymous](https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SP/pages/3324477457/Portal+-+Login+Work+flow+post+success+with+keycloak+-+Anonymous) &[ Logged in User](https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SP/pages/3324182538/Portal+-+Login+Work+flow+post+success+with+keycloak+-+Logged+In+User)
+### [**Routes**](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/tree/6.0.0/src/app/routes)
+It handles all the API routes. which are triggering from the client side. such as content/\*, content/copy/questionset etc.
+### [API Whitelisting: **Helpers Folder** ](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/tree/6.0.0/src/app/helpers)
+Contains all the js files which are used for user [authentication](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/blob/release-6.0.0/src/app/helpers/kongTokenHelper.js) and [authorization](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/blob/release-6.0.0/src/app/helpers/keyCloakHelper.js).
+Contains the [API Whitelist](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/blob/release-6.0.0/src/app/helpers/apiWhiteList.js) js file which Handles whitelisting and role checks of Portal API(s).
+### [Role check: **Proxy Folder**](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/tree/6.0.0/src/app/proxy)
+it contains the set-up method such as decoraterequestHeader, verifyToken, and isApiwhitelisted which validates whether the API request is valid or not with proper role check and auths token.
+[**ResourceBundles**](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/tree/6.0.0/src/app/resourcebundles)**:** it contains the resource bundles for internationalization and localization purposes in the application. it is used for translations and provides a seamless way to display the application's user interface in different languages based on user preferences.
+### [EnvVariablesHelper](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/blob/release-6.0.0/src/app/helpers/environmentVariablesHelper.js)
+It contains the [envHelperFile](https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/SunbirdEd-portal/blob/release-6.0.0/src/app/helpers/environmentVariablesHelper.js) which is responsible for storing the env variable that is required in the portal from DevOps.
+## **Dependent Sunbird BB\`s**
+Lots of front-end Libraries and services we are leveraging from the other building blocks
+### **Sunbird Building Blocks which are being used in ED Portal**
+* [Lern](https://lern.sunbird.org/)
+* [Obsrv](https://obsrv.sunbird.org/)
+* [InQuiry](https://inquiry.sunbird.org/learn/readme)
+* [Knowlg](https://knowlg.sunbird.org/learn/readme)
+* [ED](https://ed.sunbird.org/learn/readme)