Changes are not backwardly compatible with previous versions. A new major version, e.g. from 2.x.y to 3.0.0
Backward compatible changes with the current major version. Often a new feature or extension.
Corrections and improvements to grammar and spelling, not intended to change the meaning of the specification.
Standard changes between versions, e.g. version number and release date.
October 15th 2021
Update of specification to version 2.1. Language updates and clarifications added in the requriments. Updated value list for approved CITS specifications. Removal of redundant requriment. Layout updates.
- Creation of METS profile for SIP version 2.1 [#662], [#664].
- Corrected example NS identifier [#656], [#661]
- Update of valuelist for new approved CITS specifications [#658].
- Language updates and clarifications added in the text [#243], [#419], [#455], [#632], [#636], [#639], [#640], [#642], [#644], [#645], [#647], [#648], [#650], [#652], [#653], [#655], [#657], [#659], [#662], [#663], [#665], [#666], [#667], [#669], [#675], [#676], [#680], [#681], [#683], [#684], [#685], [#687], [#688], [#689], [#690], [#691].
- Updated the chapter regarding preservation metadata to reflect the new CITS Preservation metadata [#671], [#672].
- Updated the chapter regarding descriptive metadata to reflect the new CITS Archival Information [#673], [#674].
- Removal of redundant requriment [#686], [#694], [#649],
- Move of issue to validation work [#408].
- Version number increment and revision history [#636].
- Headings updating [#635], [#660], [#668], [#670], [#677], [#678], [#679].
- Image update [#637], [#682].
- Uniform site structure and DILCIS branding:
June 12th 2020
- Image updates [#610, #622, #623]
- CSIP45 spelling error [#603]
- ID update in example referencing check [#602]
- Update of images due to the change of name of the geodata specification [#593, #599]
- Update of the common introduction text in the specifications [#592]
- METS profile appendix elements ID's needs to be unique [#591, #606]
- Error in attribute name in CSIP91 [#587, #594, #597]]
- Update ID's in the METs profile appendixes. [#585, #606]
- General Text improvement [#556, #611-#619, #621]
- MAJOR case inconsistency between text and figures [#555, #608]
- CSIP2 - more direct link to vocabulary would benefit understanding [#446]
- Inconsistency - use singular or plural terms in the vocabulary [#445]
- Review use of word component. [#444]
- CSIP64 fileGrp/USE one-word categories instead of full folder path [#435]
- Update examples to use short IDs [#428, #596]
- Purpose of CSIP structMap [#426]
- Extension schema name and path [#415]
- xlink:href relative to root IP or representation? [#406]
- Testability of @xlink:href attribute in METS [#398]
- Clarification of use of METS [#368]
- Xlink namespace in examples [#337]
- Showing version of CS IP used [#325]
- Consistency of case in section II, 5.3.6 [#316]
- Filepaths in section II, 5.3.4 [#306]
- Content of folder metadata, section II, 4.1 [[#][291]]
- Typo in section 5.3.3. [#257]
- CSIPSTR16: There is no mention of Representation Information. We should add this to the examples. [#252, #595]
- Namespaces in examples mets Root [#194]