To allow Node-RED to shut down the Pi:
To validate:
- [OK] INA260 current sensors (Using library)
- [OK] MCP23017 I/O expanders (Using Blinka)
- [OK] Piezo beeper
- MCP4728 DAC
- ADS1115 ADC
- CAT24C32 EEPROM (Test Module, on I2C bus 1)
- CAT24C32 EEPROM (HAT, on I2C bus 0)
=== INA260 current sensors
pip install ina260
from ina260.controller import Controller c = Controller(address=0x40) print(c.voltage()) print(c.current()) print(c.power()))
=== MCP23017 I/O expanders
Use Adafruit Blinka for CP style access to MCP23017 from within Python:
Created a test script called
Pullup example:
pin1.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
pin1.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
=== DUT Power Control pinctrl 17 op dh // Turn on VIN pinctrl 27 op dh // Turn on 5V pinctrl 22 op dh // Turn on 3.3V
=== Piezo control pinctrl 23 op dh // Turn on piezo pinctrl 23 op dl // Turn off piezo
Brother label printer on Linux:
For CAN: MCP251863 controller/ transceiver (See CANPico board)
Firmata for Raspberry Pi Pico:
- Use ConfigurableFirmata with zero changes
- Board profile is "Arduino Mbed OS RP2040 Boards" -> "Raspberry Pi Pico"
- Upload methd: UF2
Impressive 3D printed test jig run by a Raspberry Pi:
Firmata equivalent for RPi Pic:
Equivalent to Firmata:
Config files using configparser:
Thermal camera for Raspberry Pi:
Thea's tester:
Capturing from Raspberry Pi cam:
raspistill -st -t 200 -o image.jpg
Install Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit. Edit the settings:
- Set hostname to tester(x).local
- Set username to testomatic
- Set password to something secret
- Set WiFi credentials
- Set WiFi country
- Set locale
- Enable SSH
Put SD card in Pi and boot it.
SSH to the pi:
Update system and install Vim:
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt install vim
Install node-red
Go to http://tester3.local:1880/
Install the palette item "node-red-contrib-ip" Install the palette item "@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard"
sudo apt install pipx pipx install esptool
Kiosk tutorial:
#sudo apt install wtype sudo apt install chromium-browser
sudo vim .config/wayfire.ini
Add this new section:
[autostart] chromium = chromium-browser http://localhost:1880/dashboard/page1 --kiosk --noerrdialogs --disable-infobars --no-first-run --ozone-platform=wayland --enable-features=OverlayScrollbar --start-maximized
sudo apt install chromium-browser
Add to /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart:
@xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --disable-infobars --kiosk https://localhost:1880/dashboard/page1
edit /boot/firmware/config.txt and find this line:
dtoverlay = vc4-kms-v3d
Replace it with:
dtoverlay = vc4-fkms-v3d
Elecrow 7" touchscreen setup:
copy printer-driver-pos_3.13.11_all.deb to machine
sudo dpkg -i printer-driver-pos_3.13.11_all.deb
Open printer preferences and enable network administration.
Use a browser to connect to https://tester.local:631
Add local printer.
Select the POS-80.
On the printer type page, select Make -> POS Select Model -> POS-80 (en)
Copy over test software directory.
pip3 install pytz
pip3 install esptool