A filesystem abstraction library for Laravel 4
This package brings a filesystem abstraction layer to Laravel 4. This is an organic feature of Laravel 5 which uses the flysystem package under the hood. Please note that this is not a like-for-like version of the Laravel 5 package and that there may be suttle differences in configuration and method names. We're looking to make this package identical in a future major version to make the Laravel 4 -> 5 upgrade less painful.
- Local
- Rackspace (Cloud Files)
- Amazon Web Services (S3)
- Google Cloud
composer require superbalist/laravel4-storage
Register the service provider in app.php
'providers' => array(
Register the facade in app.php
'aliases' => array(
'Storage' => 'Superbalist\Storage\StorageFacade',
Create a storage.php config file.
return array(
| Default Connection
| The default file system connection to use.
| A non-default connection can also be specified by using \Storage::connection('name')->put(...)
'default' => 'local',
| Connections
| The various connection configs.
'connections' => array(
'local' => array(
'adapter' => 'local',
'root_path' => storage_path(),
'public_url_base' => '[[http://a.public.url.to.your.service/storage]]',
'rackspace' => array(
'adapter' => 'rackspace',
'store' => 'cloudFiles',
'region' => 'LON',
'container' => '[[insert your cdn container name]]',
'gcloud' => array(
'adapter' => 'gcloud',
'bucket' => '[[insert your bucket name]]',
Create a services.php config file.
return array(
'aws' => array(
'access_key' => '[[your aws key]]',
'secret_key' => '[[your aws secret]]',
'region' => '[[your aws region]]',
| Google Cloud
'google_cloud' => array(
'service_account' => '[[your service account]',
'key_file' => '[[path to the p12 key file]]',
'secret' => '[[your secret]]',
'developer_key' => '[[your developer key]]',
| Rackspace
'rackspace' => array(
'username' => '[[your username]]',
'tenant_name' => '[[your tenant name]]',
'api_key' => '[[your api key]]',
'api_endpoint' => \OpenCloud\Rackspace::UK_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT,
Please see http://flysystem.thephpleague.com/api/ for full documentation on the core API.
All functions provided by the core API are available behind the Storage
facade in Laravel.
use Storage;
// write to a file
Storage::write('path/to/file.txt', 'contents');
// update a file
Storage::update('path/to/file.txt', 'new contents');
// read a file
$contents = Storage::read('path/to/file.txt');
// check if a file exists
$exists = Storage::has('path/to/file.txt');
// delete a file
// rename a file
Storage::rename('filename.txt', 'newname.txt');
// copy a file
Storage::copy('filename.txt', 'duplicate.txt');
// specify the storage connection to use
$contents = Storage::connection('rackspace')->listContents();
// get a public url to a file
// this is currently only supported by the local and google cloud adapters
$url = Storage::getPublicUrl('path/to/file.txt');