All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Impersonate User
action in organization user list- Impersonation status in
Stop Impersonation
action inb2b-user-widget
- User list now shown in Organizations admin panel
- User list is now ordered alphabetically by email
- Remove user mutation now receives correct variable
- After adding a cost center in the storefront UI, it will immediately be shown in the cost centers dropdown menu when adding or editing a user
- Remove billing options
- Added a new button after the organization request form has been submitted which cleans the localStorage property in order to enable submitting another one if the user needs
- Better validation for email addresses in forms
- Better validation for required fields in forms
- Ensure forms cannot be submitted multiple times by clicking multiple times
- Ensure cost center addresses can be edited by org admin
- Payment term toggle in admin cost center details page no longer behaves erratically
- Documentation
- SonarCloud quality analysis
- Organization status now shown in
- "View" row action in admin organizations table
- Organization admin can enable/disable specific payment term options per cost center
- Bug preventing cost center details page in admin from rendering
- Organization request form will now show an appropriate message if the current user has already submitted a request
- My Organization link/page to My Account
routes (these pages are now accessible via My Account)
- Payment Term and Collection IDs are now saved/loaded correctly in organizations admin UI
- Sales users are no longer editable by organization users in storefront organization UI
block and component to show logged in user's organization details- Additional permission checks to storefront UI
- Improved breadcrumb on cost center details page (storefront and admin)
- Storefront UI for B2B customer admins to manage their organization (cost centers and users)
- Store admin can now delete cost center addresses
- Update toast usage to match new
requirements - Allow organization names to be changed through
admin component
- Organization Payment Terms
- Optimize intl messages
- Initial release