A asynchronous wrapper for the Yunite API
Install the package using one of the following commands:After that, create the client using the following code:
import YuniteAPI
import asyncio
async def main():
client = YuniteAPI.Client()
await client.add_token(guild_id=123456789, api_key='Your api-key') # Add a api-key for that guild_id
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
For future reference in this documentation: when referring to 'client' we refer to what has been defined above!
await client.fetch_user(guild_id=123456789, user_id=123456789)
Fetch a single user id by discord or epic id
await client.fetch_users(guild_id=123456789, user_ids=[123456789, 987654321])
Fetch users in bulk by discord or epic id