From 73ff3cc76c95c93b72ab673e459f3abdfab1f8f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SylveonDeko <>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 17:32:21 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Better help command
src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/Help.cs | 129 +++++++++++-------
src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/HelpSlashCommand.cs | 135 ++++++++++++-------
2 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/Help.cs b/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/Help.cs
index 063a0c02b..95f2c2681 100644
--- a/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/Help.cs
+++ b/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/Help.cs
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ await ctx.Channel.SendErrorAsync(
/// The term to search for
- public async Task SearchCommand(string commandname)
+ public async Task SearchCommand([Remainder] string commandname)
var commandInfos = cmds.Commands.Distinct()
.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(commandname, StringComparison.InvariantCulture));
@@ -192,29 +192,15 @@ public async Task Commands([Remainder] string? module = null)
var prefix = await guildSettings.GetPrefix(ctx.Guild);
- // Find commands for that module
- // don't show commands which are blocked
- // order by name
- var commandInfos = cmds.Commands.Where(c =>
- c.Module.GetTopLevelModule().Name.ToUpperInvariant()
- .StartsWith(module, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
- .Where(c => !perms.BlockedCommands.Contains(c.Aliases[0].ToLowerInvariant()))
- .OrderBy(c => c.Aliases[0])
- .Distinct(new CommandTextEqualityComparer());
- // check preconditions for all commands, but only if it's not 'all'
- // because all will show all commands anyway, no need to check
- var succ = new HashSet((await Task.WhenAll(commandInfos.Select(async x =>
- {
- var pre = await x.CheckPreconditionsAsync(Context, services).ConfigureAwait(false);
- return (Cmd: x, Succ: pre.IsSuccess);
- })).ConfigureAwait(false))
- .Where(x => x.Succ)
- .Select(x => x.Cmd));
- var cmdsWithGroup = commandInfos
- .GroupBy(c => c.Module.Name.Replace("Commands", "", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
- .OrderBy(x => x.Key == x.First().Module.Name ? int.MaxValue : x.Count());
+ // Pre-filter commands and create a lookup for blocked commands
+ var blockedCommandsSet = new HashSet(perms.BlockedCommands.Select(c => c.ToLowerInvariant()));
+ var commandInfos = cmds.Commands
+ .Where(c => c.Module.GetTopLevelModule().Name.ToUpperInvariant()
+ .StartsWith(module, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) &&
+ !blockedCommandsSet.Contains(c.Aliases[0].ToLowerInvariant()))
+ .Distinct(new CommandTextEqualityComparer())
+ .ToList();
if (!commandInfos.Any())
@@ -222,45 +208,90 @@ public async Task Commands([Remainder] string? module = null)
- var i = 0;
- var groups = cmdsWithGroup.GroupBy(_ => i++ / 48).ToArray();
+ // Check preconditions
+ var preconditionTasks = commandInfos.Select(async x =>
+ {
+ var pre = await x.CheckPreconditionsAsync(Context, services).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ return (Cmd: x, Succ: pre.IsSuccess);
+ });
+ var preconditionResults = await Task.WhenAll(preconditionTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var succ = new HashSet(preconditionResults.Where(x => x.Succ).Select(x => x.Cmd));
+ // Group and sort commands, ensuring no duplicates
+ var seenCommands = new HashSet();
+ var cmdsWithGroup = commandInfos
+ .GroupBy(c => c.Module.Name.Replace("Commands", "", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
+ .Select(g => new
+ {
+ ModuleName = g.Key,
+ Commands = g.Where(c => seenCommands.Add(c.Aliases[0].ToLowerInvariant()))
+ .OrderBy(c => c.Aliases[0])
+ .ToList()
+ })
+ .Where(g => g.Commands.Any())
+ .OrderBy(g => g.ModuleName)
+ .ToList();
+ var pageSize = 24;
+ var totalCommands = cmdsWithGroup.Sum(g => g.Commands.Count);
+ var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(totalCommands / (double)pageSize);
var paginator = new LazyPaginatorBuilder()
.WithFooter(PaginatorFooter.PageNumber | PaginatorFooter.Users)
- .WithMaxPageIndex(groups.Select(x => x.Count()).FirstOrDefault() - 1)
+ .WithMaxPageIndex(totalPages - 1)
- await serv.SendPaginatorAsync(paginator, Context.Channel,
- TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ await serv.SendPaginatorAsync(paginator, Context.Channel, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)).ConfigureAwait(false);
- async Task PageFactory(int page)
+ Task PageFactory(int page)
- await Task.CompletedTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
- var transformed = groups.Select(x => x.ElementAt(page)
- .Where(commandInfo => !commandInfo.Attributes.Any(attribute => attribute is HelpDisabled)).Select(
- commandInfo =>
- $"{(succ.Contains(commandInfo) ? commandInfo.Preconditions.Any(preconditionAttribute => preconditionAttribute is RequireDragonAttribute) ? "š" : "ā
" : "ā")}{prefix + commandInfo.Aliases[0]}{(commandInfo.Aliases.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault() is not null ? $"/{prefix}{commandInfo.Aliases[1]}" : "")}"))
- .FirstOrDefault();
- var last = groups.Select(x => x.Count()).FirstOrDefault();
- for (i = 0; i < last; i++)
+ var pageBuilder = new PageBuilder().WithOkColor();
+ var commandsOnPage = new List();
+ var currentModule = "";
+ var commandCount = 0;
+ foreach (var group in cmdsWithGroup)
- if (i != last - 1 || (i + 1) % 1 == 0) continue;
- var grp = 0;
- var count = transformed.Count();
- transformed = transformed
- .GroupBy(_ => grp++ % count / 2)
- .Select(x => x.Count() == 1 ? $"{x.First()}" : string.Concat(x));
+ foreach (var cmd in group.Commands)
+ {
+ if (commandCount >= page * pageSize && commandCount < (page + 1) * pageSize)
+ {
+ if (currentModule != group.ModuleName)
+ {
+ if (commandsOnPage.Any())
+ pageBuilder.AddField(currentModule,
+ $"```css\n{string.Join("\n", commandsOnPage)}\n```");
+ commandsOnPage.Clear();
+ currentModule = group.ModuleName;
+ }
+ var cmdString =
+ $"{(succ.Contains(cmd) ? cmd.Preconditions.Any(p => p is RequireDragonAttribute) ? "š" : "ā
" : "ā")}" +
+ $"{prefix}{cmd.Aliases[0]}" +
+ $"{(cmd.Aliases.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault() is not null ? $"/{prefix}{cmd.Aliases[1]}" : "")}";
+ commandsOnPage.Add(cmdString);
+ }
+ commandCount++;
+ if (commandCount >= (page + 1) * pageSize) break;
+ }
+ if (commandCount >= (page + 1) * pageSize) break;
- return new PageBuilder()
- .AddField(groups.Select(x => x.ElementAt(page).Key).FirstOrDefault(),
- $"```css\n{string.Join("\n", transformed)}\n```")
- .WithDescription(
- $"ā
: You can use this command.\nā: You cannot use this command.\n{config.Data.LoadingEmote}: If you need any help don't hesitate to join [The Support Server](\nDo `{prefix}h commandname` to see info on that command")
- .WithOkColor();
+ if (commandsOnPage.Any())
+ pageBuilder.AddField(currentModule, $"```css\n{string.Join("\n", commandsOnPage)}\n```");
+ pageBuilder.WithDescription(
+ $"ā
: You can use this command.\nā: You cannot use this command.\n" +
+ $"{config.Data.LoadingEmote}: If you need any help don't hesitate to join [The Support Server](\n" +
+ $"Do `{prefix}h commandname` to see info on that command");
+ return Task.FromResult(pageBuilder);
diff --git a/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/HelpSlashCommand.cs b/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/HelpSlashCommand.cs
index 16b57e5b2..87987972b 100644
--- a/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/HelpSlashCommand.cs
+++ b/src/Mewdeko/Modules/Help/HelpSlashCommand.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
using Discord.Interactions;
using Fergun.Interactive;
using Fergun.Interactive.Pagination;
+using LinqToDB.Tools;
using Mewdeko.Common.Attributes.InteractionCommands;
using Mewdeko.Common.Attributes.TextCommands;
using Mewdeko.Common.Autocompleters;
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
using Mewdeko.Modules.Help.Services;
using Mewdeko.Modules.Permissions.Services;
using Mewdeko.Services.Settings;
+using RequireDragonAttribute = Mewdeko.Common.Attributes.InteractionCommands.RequireDragonAttribute;
namespace Mewdeko.Modules.Help;
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ public class HelpSlashCommand(
CommandService cmds,
CommandHandler ch,
GuildSettingsService guildSettings,
- BotConfigService config)
+ BotConfigService config, GlobalPermissionService perms)
: MewdekoSlashModuleBase
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary HelpMessages = new();
@@ -84,29 +86,15 @@ public async Task HelpSlash(string unused, string[] selected)
var prefix = await guildSettings.GetPrefix(ctx.Guild);
- // Find commands for that module
- // don't show commands which are blocked
- // order by name
- var commandInfos = cmds.Commands.Where(c =>
- c.Module.GetTopLevelModule().Name.ToUpperInvariant()
- .StartsWith(module, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) &&
- !permissionService.BlockedCommands.Contains(c.Aliases[0].ToLowerInvariant()))
- .OrderBy(c => c.Aliases[0])
- .Distinct(new CommandTextEqualityComparer());
- // check preconditions for all commands, but only if it's not 'all'
- // because all will show all commands anyway, no need to check
- var succ = new HashSet((await Task.WhenAll(commandInfos.Select(async x =>
- {
- var pre = await x.CheckPreconditionsAsync(new CommandContext(ctx.Client, currentmsg), serviceProvider)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
- return (Cmd: x, Succ: pre.IsSuccess);
- })).ConfigureAwait(false))
- .Where(x => x.Succ)
- .Select(x => x.Cmd));
- var cmdsWithGroup = commandInfos
- .GroupBy(c => c.Module.Name.Replace("Commands", "", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
- .OrderBy(x => x.Key == x.First().Module.Name ? int.MaxValue : x.Count());
+ // Pre-filter commands and create a lookup for blocked commands
+ var blockedCommandsSet = new HashSet(perms.BlockedCommands.Select(c => c.ToLowerInvariant()));
+ var commandInfos = cmds.Commands
+ .Where(c => c.Module.GetTopLevelModule().Name.ToUpperInvariant()
+ .StartsWith(module, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) &&
+ !blockedCommandsSet.Contains(c.Aliases[0].ToLowerInvariant()))
+ .Distinct(new CommandTextEqualityComparer())
+ .ToList();
if (!commandInfos.Any())
@@ -114,47 +102,90 @@ public async Task HelpSlash(string unused, string[] selected)
- var i = 0;
- var groups = cmdsWithGroup.GroupBy(_ => i++ / 48).ToArray();
+ // Check preconditions
+ var preconditionTasks = commandInfos.Select(async x =>
+ {
+ var pre = await x.CheckPreconditionsAsync(new CommandContext(ctx.Client, currentmsg), serviceProvider);
+ return (Cmd: x, Succ: pre.IsSuccess);
+ });
+ var preconditionResults = await Task.WhenAll(preconditionTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var succ = new HashSet(preconditionResults.Where(x => x.Succ).Select(x => x.Cmd));
+ // Group and sort commands, ensuring no duplicates
+ var seenCommands = new HashSet();
+ var cmdsWithGroup = commandInfos
+ .GroupBy(c => c.Module.Name.Replace("Commands", "", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
+ .Select(g => new
+ {
+ ModuleName = g.Key,
+ Commands = g.Where(c => seenCommands.Add(c.Aliases[0].ToLowerInvariant()))
+ .OrderBy(c => c.Aliases[0])
+ .ToList()
+ })
+ .Where(g => g.Commands.Any())
+ .OrderBy(g => g.ModuleName)
+ .ToList();
+ var pageSize = 24;
+ var totalCommands = cmdsWithGroup.Sum(g => g.Commands.Count);
+ var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(totalCommands / (double)pageSize);
var paginator = new LazyPaginatorBuilder()
.WithFooter(PaginatorFooter.PageNumber | PaginatorFooter.Users)
- .WithMaxPageIndex(groups.Select(x => x.Count()).FirstOrDefault() - 1)
+ .WithMaxPageIndex(totalPages - 1)
+ .WithActionOnCancellation(ActionOnStop.DeleteMessage)
- var msg = await interactivity.SendPaginatorAsync(paginator, ctx.Interaction as SocketInteraction,
- TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)).ConfigureAwait(false);
- HelpMessages.TryAdd(ctx.Channel.Id, msg.Message.Id);
+ await interactivity.SendPaginatorAsync(paginator, ctx.Interaction, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)).ConfigureAwait(false);
- async Task PageFactory(int page)
+ Task PageFactory(int page)
- await Task.CompletedTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
- var transformed = groups.Select(x => x.ElementAt(page)
- .Where(commandInfo => !commandInfo.Attributes.Any(attribute => attribute is HelpDisabled)).Select(
- commandInfo =>
- $"{(succ.Contains(commandInfo) ? "ā
" : "ā")}{prefix + commandInfo.Aliases[0]}{(commandInfo.Aliases.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault() is not null ? $"/{prefix}{commandInfo.Aliases[1]}" : "")}"))
- .FirstOrDefault();
- var last = groups.Select(x => x.Count()).FirstOrDefault();
- for (i = 0; i < last; i++)
+ var pageBuilder = new PageBuilder().WithOkColor();
+ var commandsOnPage = new List();
+ var currentModule = "";
+ var commandCount = 0;
+ foreach (var group in cmdsWithGroup)
- if (i != last - 1 || (i + 1) % 1 == 0) continue;
- var grp = 0;
- var count = transformed.Count();
- transformed = transformed
- .GroupBy(_ => grp++ % count / 2)
- .Select(x => x.Count() == 1 ? $"{x.First()}" : string.Concat(x));
+ foreach (var cmd in group.Commands)
+ {
+ if (commandCount >= page * pageSize && commandCount < (page + 1) * pageSize)
+ {
+ if (currentModule != group.ModuleName)
+ {
+ if (commandsOnPage.Any())
+ pageBuilder.AddField(currentModule,
+ $"```css\n{string.Join("\n", commandsOnPage)}\n```");
+ commandsOnPage.Clear();
+ currentModule = group.ModuleName;
+ }
+ var cmdString =
+ $"{(succ.Contains(cmd) ? cmd.Preconditions.Any(p => p is RequireDragonAttribute) ? "š" : "ā
" : "ā")}" +
+ $"{prefix}{cmd.Aliases[0]}" +
+ $"{(cmd.Aliases.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault() is not null ? $"/{prefix}{cmd.Aliases[1]}" : "")}";
+ commandsOnPage.Add(cmdString);
+ }
+ commandCount++;
+ if (commandCount >= (page + 1) * pageSize) break;
+ }
+ if (commandCount >= (page + 1) * pageSize) break;
- return new PageBuilder()
- .AddField(groups.Select(x => x.ElementAt(page).Key).FirstOrDefault(),
- $"```css\n{string.Join("\n", transformed)}\n```")
- .WithDescription(
- $"ā
: You can use this command.\nā: You cannot use this command.\n{config.Data.LoadingEmote}: If you need any help don't hesitate to join [The Support Server](\nDo `{prefix}h commandname` to see info on that command")
- .WithOkColor();
+ if (commandsOnPage.Any())
+ pageBuilder.AddField(currentModule, $"```css\n{string.Join("\n", commandsOnPage)}\n```");
+ pageBuilder.WithDescription(
+ $"ā
: You can use this command.\nā: You cannot use this command.\n" +
+ $"{config.Data.LoadingEmote}: If you need any help don't hesitate to join [The Support Server](\n" +
+ $"Do `{prefix}h commandname` to see info on that command");
+ return Task.FromResult(pageBuilder);