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Folders and files

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04c41f2 · Jan 30, 2025

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Synthetix Liquidity UI

This repo uses Yarn workspaces to manage multiple packages in the same repo. To prepare the repository for use, run:

yarn install

This will install all dependencies, wire dependencies between packages in this repo, and allow for you to build projects.

Periodically we need to upgrade contacts:

yarn upgrade-contracts
yarn dedupe

and browserlists:

yarn upgrade-browsers
yarn dedupe

Testing and local dev requirements

  1. Install foundry
curl -L | bash

Have INFURA_KEY env variable set

Testing with Cypress

  1. Run Liquidity app locally

    yarn start
  2. Open Cypress to debug

    yarn e2e
  3. To run all the tests for all chains

    yarn e2e:run

Local development with fork and Magic Wallet

All RPC calls in this mode will be made to and all transactions will be automatically signed, without any popups

  1. Run Foundry Anvil fork

    # Mainnets
    anvil --auto-impersonate --chain-id 1 --fork-url$INFURA_KEY --fork-block-number 21233424
    anvil --auto-impersonate --chain-id 8453 --fork-url$INFURA_KEY --fork-block-number 22991081
    anvil --auto-impersonate --chain-id 42161 --fork-url$INFURA_KEY --fork-block-number 271813668
    # Testnets
    anvil --auto-impersonate --chain-id 11155111 --fork-url$INFURA_KEY
    anvil --auto-impersonate --chain-id 84532 --fork-url$INFURA_KEY
    anvil --auto-impersonate --chain-id 421614 --fork-url$INFURA_KEY
  2. Run Liquidity app locally

    yarn start
  3. Open app in browser

    open http://localhost:3000
  4. Open devtools and set localStorage values

    localStorage.DEBUG = 'true';
    localStorage.debug = 'snx:*';
    localStorage.MAGIC_WALLET = '0xWalletAddress';
  5. Reload page and proceed with connecting your wallet through UI choosing "Metamask" in popup (the only option)

  6. If wallet needs some ETH balance you can use foundry's cast to set balance

    cast rpc anvil_setBalance 0xWalletAddress 10000000000000000000
    # check your balance
    cast balance 0xWalletAddress -e

Testing with an empty test wallet (Base Mainnet)

Run Anvil at the block when the latest PM was deployed

anvil --auto-impersonate --chain-id 8453 --fork-url $RPC_BASE_MAINNET --no-rate-limit --accounts 0 --fork-block-number 25229684 --memory-limit 6442450944

Enable debugging and set magic wallet to 0xaaaa6c341C4Df916d9f0583Ba9Ea953618e5f008

localStorage.DEBUG = 'true';
localStorage.debug = 'snx:*';
localStorage.MAGIC_WALLET = '0xaaaa6c341C4Df916d9f0583Ba9Ea953618e5f008';

Fund the account with ETH, USDC and snxUSD

export USDC=0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913
export AaveUSDCPool=0x4e65fE4DbA92790696d040ac24Aa414708F5c0AB
export walletAddress=0xaaaa6c341C4Df916d9f0583Ba9Ea953618e5f008
cast rpc anvil_setCode 0x1234123412341234123412341234123412341234 $(cast from-utf8 FORK)
cast rpc anvil_setBalance $AaveUSDCPool $(cast to-unit 1ether)
cast rpc anvil_setBalance $walletAddress $(cast to-unit 1ether)
export transfer='function transfer(address to, uint256 value) returns (bool)'
export balanceOf='function balanceOf(address account) view returns (uint256)'
cast send --unlocked --from $AaveUSDCPool $USDC $transfer $walletAddress 1000000000
cast call $USDC $balanceOf $walletAddress

export snxUSD="0x09d51516F38980035153a554c26Df3C6f51a23C3"
export CoreProxy="0x32C222A9A159782aFD7529c87FA34b96CA72C696"
cast rpc anvil_setBalance $CoreProxy $(cast to-unit 1ether)
cast send --unlocked --from $CoreProxy $snxUSD $transfer $walletAddress 1000ether