- Fixed linter errors in README.md
- Added Azure DevOps build & release
- Updated paket.bootstrapper.exe
- fixed error when Datalake function downloadStream returns Ok with error inside
- added optional bufferSize argument to ReadToEndJob, CopyToJob methods
- changed defaultBufferSize to 4096 bytes
- added appendJob to DataLake namespace
- uploadJob now able to upload streams >30Mb (append continuations)
- Breaking changes:
- All returns Choice1of2/Choice2of2 changed to Result.Ok/Result.Error for clarity
- Fixed bug with getAdToken return type
- Fixed bug with null WebResponse
- Added try-catches to some Azure jobs
- Added DataLake folder listing
- Refactored job workflows to operators
- Breaking changes in Datalake methods:
- uploadStreamJob now just uploadJob with ability to upload either String or Stream
- downloadContentJob renamed to downloadStringJob for consistency
- downloadJobs now take tuple of 3 strings instead of record type
- Added Stream tests
- Fixed Datalake stream upload
- Switched to meaningful versioning (Minor will be bumped on functional updates, Build will be bumped on fixes)
- Fixed ProjectUrl
- added:
- Stream.WriteJob
- Stream.CopyToJob
- HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStreamJob
- Azure.getAdTokenJob
- Datalake.uploadStreamJob
- Datalake.downloadStreamJob
- Datalake.downloadContentJob
- HttpWebRequest added
- Streams added