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File metadata and controls

201 lines (176 loc) · 14.5 KB


Configurations allow you to extend an element like defining a new type for it. A Configuration can be applied to a certain element type and sets or extends the properties of this element with new ones. Therefore, you can specify ConfigurationAttributes which will be displayed like normal properties to the user in the PropertiesPanel. A Configuration can also be used to set the already defined properties of an element to specific values.

When a Configuration is applied to an element, the id of the Configuration is saved in a newly created property of this element, named selectedConfigurationId. Via this properties, the Configuration which is applied to the element can be loaded.


A ConfigurationObject is defined as a js object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
name required String Name of the configurations, can be seen as the name of the new pseudo type you want to us through this configuration
id required String unique ID of this configuration
description required String Short description of this configuration
appliesTo required String Type of the element, this configuration can be applied to.
groupLabel required String The label of the properties group of the properties panel the new properties this configuration defines are displayed in.
icon optional js object Optional icon the element this configuration is applied to will be rendered with when selected. If not defined, the element will be rendered normally
attributes required Array Array of js object, each entry contains a ConfigurationAttribute which describes an attribute of this configuration.

An Icon has two properties:

  • transform: Transformation matrix to move and scale the svg icon, has the following structure matrix( Scalingfactor, 0, 0, Scalingfactor, shift X, shift y):

  • svg: The SVG which defines the icon as a string

  • Example:

const quantumCircuitConfiguration = {
    name: 'Quantum Circuit Object',
    id: 'Quantum-Circuit-Object',
    description: "data object for storing and transferring all relevant data about a quantum circuit",
    appliesTo: "dataflow:DataMapObject",
    groupLabel: 'Quantum Circuit Info',
    icon: {
        transform: 'matrix(0.13, 0, 0, 0.13, 5, 5)',
        svg: '<svg width="133" height="112" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" overflow="hidden"><defs><clipPath id="clip0"><rect x="339" y="357" width="133" height="112"/></clipPath></defs><g clip-path="url(#clip0)" transform="translate(-339 -357)"><path d="M340.5 370.5 469.803 370.5" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M340.5 408.5 469.803 408.5" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M340.5 450.5 469.803 450.5" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M380.5 370.5 380.5 465.311" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M364.5 450C364.5 440.887 371.664 433.5 380.5 433.5 389.337 433.5 396.5 440.887 396.5 450 396.5 459.113 389.337 466.5 380.5 466.5 371.664 466.5 364.5 459.113 364.5 450Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M370.5 371.5C370.5 365.425 375.201 360.5 381 360.5 386.799 360.5 391.5 365.425 391.5 371.5 391.5 377.575 386.799 382.5 381 382.5 375.201 382.5 370.5 377.575 370.5 371.5Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="#404040" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M416.5 408.5C416.5 399.664 423.664 392.5 432.5 392.5 441.337 392.5 448.5 399.664 448.5 408.5 448.5 417.337 441.337 424.5 432.5 424.5 423.664 424.5 416.5 417.337 416.5 408.5Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M421.5 449C421.5 443.201 426.425 438.5 432.5 438.5 438.575 438.5 443.5 443.201 443.5 449 443.5 454.799 438.575 459.5 432.5 459.5 426.425 459.5 421.5 454.799 421.5 449Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="#404040" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M432.5 393.5 432.5 448.456" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5.33333" stroke-miterlimit="8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"/></g></svg>',
    attributes: [
            name: 'quantum-circuit',
            label: 'Quantum Circuit',
            type: 'string',
            value: '',
            bindTo: {
                name: 'content',
                type: 'KeyValueMap',
            name: 'programming-language',
            label: 'Programming Language',
            type: 'string',
            value: '',
            bindTo: {
                name: 'content',
                type: 'KeyValueMap',

Configurations Attributes

Specify properties of the configuration via attributes. An Attribute can specify a new property or just set the value of an already existing property. Each Attribute consists of the following properties:

Name Type Description
name required String Name of the attribute
label required String Label of the entry for the attribute in the properties panel
type required String Type of the attribute, can be 'String' or 'Boolean'. Controls the representation of the entry of this attribute in the properties panel
value optional String or map The value of the attribute. Its type is a string or a map depending on the type of bindTo: If bindTo type is a map type, the value is treated as a map
editable optional Boolean Flag defining if the entry of the attribute in the properties panel should be edible or not. Default is true.
hide optional Boolean Flag defining if the attribute should be hidden in the properties panel or not. Default is false.
bindTo required js Object Js object describing the property the value of this ConfigurationsAttribute is saved in.

BindTo has two entries:

  • name: Name of the property of the element this configuration is applied to in which the value of this attribute is saved in
  • type: Optional type defining the type of the property this attribute is saved in. Default is String.

Supported types for an bindTo entry are:

  • String: The bindTo property is of type string
  • KeyValueMap: The bindTo property is an array containing {key: '', value: ''} entries
  • camunda:InputParameter: The bindTo property is camunda inputs and the value of the attribute should be saved as a String parameter in camunda inputs
  • camunda:OutputParameter: The bindTo property is camunda ouptus and the value of the attribute should be saved as a String parameter in camunda outputs
  • camunda:InputMapParameter: The bindTo property is camunda inputs and the value of the attribute should be saved as a map parameter in camunda inputs
  • camunda:OutputMapParameter: The bindTo property is camunda ouptus and the value of the attribute should be saved as a map parameter in camunda outputs


Configurations can be loaded from an external source. The fetching and loading of the Configurations is handled by its ConfigurationEndpoint. The default ConfigurationsEndpoint requests Configurations from a URL set in its constructor. It expects the Configurations in the body of the response as JSON from the external Service defined by the URL. If the external Service uses a different format, you have to write your own Configurations Endpoint which can extend the ConfigurationsEndpoint.

Menu Entries

To select the available Configurations of an element, a MoreOptionsEntry can be created with the createConfigurationsEntries() function of ConfigurationsUtil. The created MoreOptionsEntry contains a menu entry for each configuration. If the user clicks on such an entry, the default action is to apply the Configuration represented by the entry to the current element by setting the properties of the element as specified by the ConfigurationAttributes of the Configuration. If you want to handle the selection of a Configuration differently, set the action parameter of the createConfigurationsEntries() function, like for example the QHAna Plugin does

Example which creates a MoreOptionsEntry to represent the configurations available for a transformation task:

createTransformationTasksEntries(element) {
    const popupMenu = this.popupMenu;
    const translate = this.translate;
    const replaceElement = this.replaceElement;
    const bpmnFactory = this.bpmnFactory;
    const modeling = this.modeling;
    const commandStack = this.commandStack;

    // create replacement entries for each loaded transformation task configuration
    let options = createConfigurationsEntries(
    options = Object.assign(createMenuEntries(element, replaceOptions.TASK, translate, replaceElement), options);

    return {
        ['replace-by-more-transf-task-options']: createMoreOptionsEntryWithReturn(
            'Transformation Tasks',
            'Transformation Tasks',

Display described Properties

The ConfigurationAttributes can be displayed in the Properties Panel. Therefore, you just have to create a group for the element type the Configurations are applied to in your custom Properties Panel Provider which defines their entries via the ConfigurationsProperties. This will display all the ConfigurationsAttributes of a given configuration as specified by the ConfigurationsAttributes.

Example for the properties group displaying the ConfigurationsAttributes of Configurations applied to a TransformationTask of the DataFlow plugin:

function createTransformationTaskConfigurationsGroup(element, injector, translate, configuration) {

    return {
        id: 'serviceTaskConfigurationsGroupProperties',
        label: translate(configuration.groupLabel || 'Configurations Properties'),
        entries: ConfigurationsProperties(element, injector, translate, configuration)

Render Configurations icons

To render the elements a Configuration is applied to differently, you have to create a respective hook in the rendering handler which renders the element type your Configuration is applied to. This hook will check, if the element which is currently rendered has an applied Configuration which defines the icon entry. If this is the case it will use the icon for rendering instead its the original SVG.

When a Configuration is applied to an element, the icon entry of the Configuration, if defined, is added to the element as a string. It is saved in the configsIcon property of the element. The rendering Hook uses this property to get the icon of the Configurations. This is used instead the Configurations ID because with this way, the rendering Hook do not have to be aware of the actual Configuration or the ConfigurationEndpoint this Configuration is loaded from. The string in the configsIcon property can be converted back to its object representation with the extractConfigSVG() function of ConfigurationsUtil

The following example shows how such a hook is implemented to render DataObjects with an applied Configuration differently:

export default class DataFlowRenderer extends BpmnRenderer {

    constructor(config, eventBus, styles, pathMap, canvas, textRenderer) {
        super(config, eventBus, styles, pathMap, canvas, textRenderer, 1001);

        // create handlers to render the data flow extension elements
        this.dataFlowHandler = {
            ['bpmn:DataObject']: function (self, parentGfx, element) {
                const dataObject = self.renderer('bpmn:DataObject')(parentGfx, element);

                // hook which renders the Configuration icon if defined
                let svg = extractConfigSVG(element) || getSVG('my-data-object-svg'); 
                drawDataElementSVG(parentGfx, svg);

                return dataObject;
    // ...

CustomRenderer.$inject = [