1.2.1 (2024-03-08)
- analytics.ts: 🐛analytics setup (c06d0c9)
1.2.0 (2024-03-08)
- 🎸add type-check on lint (d6f50ff)
- ContextSection.tsx: 🎸create context example (37f5376)
- format-server-errors.ts: 🎸format and style console output for server errors (7b137b6)
- Home.tsx: 🎸Restructure the Context Folder with Example Components (abcf675)
- useInvalidateQuires.ts: 🎸for invalidate querykey (9da287f)
- next-fonts: ⚡️change to variable font (extension woff to woff2) (ce2edf8)
1.1.0 (2023-09-15)
- generate-sitemap-json.js: 🐛use dynamic import (df72d3d)
- LodashSection: 🐛import lodash => lodash-es (6581d3b)
- next.config.js: 🐛add braket (ae2d0f3)
- pre-push: 🐛check-list script (2ffb0b3)
- pre-push: 🐛script for checklist (98e4ae5)
- theme: 🐛fix overriding issue (a61a2ed)
- theme: 🐛fix: change letter case (6f05a89)
- yarn.lock: 🐛update (7e245d5)
- yarn.lock: 🐛update (ce89e9d)
- 🎸add next.config options and replace lodash with lodash-es (0ba20d9)
- 🎸checklist commit on pre-push (2b2f330)
- 🎸checklist, script (0f7c22c)
- ChakraThemeSection.tsx: 🎸apply theme section (8223951)
- commit-msg: 🎸apply conventional commit msg husky (5e98129)
- theme: 🎸update to chakra theme (c967ef4)
- Revert "chore(package.json): 🤖add lodash to devDependencies" (c240833)
1.0.1 (2023-07-18)
- 🐛package name (0ce7e48)
- _document.js: 🐛mute google-analytics-script (f50e898)
- .prettierrc.js: 🐛 print-width 160 => 80 (4dbc521)
- @Layout: 🐛 remove not-using (92e9e83)
- @Layout: 🐛folder-structure (c643585)
- 🐛 (_app) initailze theme (8553df4)
- 🐛 (api-gen) template of query-type, call (82cdac5)
- 🐛 (api-gen) templates of query-hooks (56504e1)
- 🐛 (gen-api) management of script-env, http-client (a38d1e0)
- 🐛 (swagger) remove swagger folder, fix procress (f7f9457)
- 🐛 apply prettier on .js (95acd17)
- 🐛 build error (493713f)
- 🐛 build error (46afc32)
- 🐛 build error (6229eb8)
- 🐛 build error (a83f620)
- 🐛 build error (4d3bcc0)
- 🐛 build-error (fa46128)
- 🐛 folder-structure by "src" folder (7b9e0d4)
- 🐛 missing for build (0681aa8)
- 🐛 remove unused (44bbfe4)
- 🐛 replaceall -> replace (c85ea9f)
- 🐛.data -> constants (50ed090)
- 🐛.types -> types (d9ed9f6)
- 🐛axios refresh error (d0f0cfe)
- 🐛axios version (9ddfb61)
- 🐛build error (3e08963)
- 🐛change router.push to router.replce (9c9852b)
- 🐛color scheme default dark value (62c0d8b)
- 🐛config, package version of lint (4fedd89)
- 🐛fix fonts format (298cf7e), closes #58
- 🐛folder-naming (55fdb41)
- 🐛folder-structure (aebb418)
- 🐛move useAppStore: useAppStore.ts -> store.ts (d5dc8dd)
- 🐛naming _fragments -> components, _hooks -> hooks (bdfb780)
- 🐛next-font bug on chakra-cli (d98abeb)
- 🐛ordering of react-query-type (d781491)
- 🐛path alias: @* -> @/*, import-path-order (3d9820d)
- 🐛remove auth-api (76e0fa8)
- 🐛remove default import of React (efad0f9)
- 🐛remove un-used (b7c58a1)
- 🐛tokript version 0.9.2 -> 0.9.3 (801844f)
- 🐛tokript version 0.9.3->0.9.4: gen:img (5071e88)
- 🐛useAuth -> useRefreshInterval (a46c307)
- add .idea (ff2b6ad)
- api-gen: 🐛 add condition for prettier on type-file (2673dbc)
- api-gen: 🐛 logics by path-changed (adabc25)
- api-gen: 🐛 type folder naming, add axios instace (660aca4)
- apis: 🐛 react-query-type (344c1f0)
- apis: 🐛 update by convetion (3d4f886)
- apis: 🐛example convention (d54bef9)
- breakpoints.ts: 🐛export naming (c6901c1)
- breakpoints: add 2xl breakpoint (9b7376c)
- build error (79c711d)
- Calendar: 🐛 naming, folder-structure (e0f03c0)
- change git file name (2f2fed1)
- changelog.config.js: 🐛 commit-scope (f74088e)
- CheckBox: 🐛 naming (2419eb5)
- CheckBox: 🐛 path (5675293)
- color-generator: 🐛 add comment, and fix logic (b5cb219)
- components: 🐛 clean-up (899e661)
- components: 🐛 remove Input component, add Form-Helper (868f258)
- config: 🐛 missing key (c5383ad)
- config: 🐛domain naming (cfb9095)
- config: 🐛remove requireEnv func (f63439f)
- convention (3cc5692)
- convention (127d7b2)
- deploy (666cd4f)
- detail UI (ff002b0)
- examples: 🐛 move couter page to examples (00f34a1)
- examples: 🐛 path (1b137e5)
- FloatingBox: 🐛 naming (a09b274)
- fonts: 🐛type (ad70b79)
- gen-api command (cbd7bc4)
- gen-icon: 🐛 logic of component name, fix read-me (52df4cb)
- generate-sitemap-json.js: 🐛add sorting (cb9a0d8)
- generate-sitemap-json.js: 🐛glob-pattern (da48507)
- HomeLayout: 🐛 naming, path, mark-up (8fb032d)
- HomePage: 🐛 import of head (dac8ac4)
- img-gen: 🐛 generated-object-depth (d90ec21)
- input style & props.. (220ccfc)
- Input: 🐛 naming (f56760c)
- moved <title> from _document to _app(https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-document-title) (dbb3f2a)
- orval config (2ccb630)
- package.json: 🐛chakra cli (0521688)
- package.json: 🐛project-name for git action (b802ac5)
- package.json: 🐛remove not using script (7315225)
- remove-unnecessary.js: 🐛missing (2962646)
- remove-unnecessary.js: 🐛missing (bc6427b)
- remove-unnecessary.js: 🐛missing (c16936a)
- removed React.FC (e8cc6ed)
- semanticTokens: 🐛color structure, error case, file-name (b06fc5b)
- sitemap.ts: 🐛domain-url (125d7dd)
- SocialPage: 🐛missing type, add-remove-indicator (ca01795)
- source-gen: 🐛 add head-title on page-resolver (9f4a21a)
- source-gen: 🐛 api names on template (ce807e9)
- source-gen: 🐛 bug caused by this-binding, improve querykey (ee2b67b)
- source-gen: 🐛 missing of query.eta (d054469)
- source-gen: 🐛 page-component-template import path (215a6e5)
- StarterDocsPage: 🐛 animation props (cb998d8)
- styles: 🐛 remove invalid files (2f1b69b)
- textStyles.ts: 🐛CamelCalse -> kebob-case (c7f39e0)
- theme (0e5be7b)
- theme: 🐛 colors, example of theme-color (8c74b3a)
- theme: 🐛 file-name (d40aac2)
- theme: 🐛multi-parts type location (5379400)
- tokript.config.js: 🐛img-base-path (9e40685)
- tokript.config.js: 🐛update tokript, fix config (fa71d3b), closes #45
- tsconfig.json: 🐛 path by path-alias (01f9f2a)
- tslint (cb4bb6f)
- tslint (a957bf9)
- update axios version (3e579d6)
- useExample.context.doc.tsx: 🐛 text (da3ecb5)
- utils: 🐛 getColorTone (4637012)
- yarn.lock: 🐛update (5ff3ff7)
- .github: 🎸add action for initialize (b07ce5d)
- .github: 🎸add action for initialize (3d01c75)
- .hugithub action: 🎸 add github hook (715c1fc)
- .husky: 🎸 add pre-push hook (b4ab853)
- 🎸 (api-gen) add loader and modularization (6a3926f)
- 🎸 (api-gen) add mock gen (33f7d0f)
- 🎸 (package.json) add script that open theme-type (2be1557)
- 🎸 add api convention (97aec42)
- 🎸 add auto create sitemap logic (10f52ab)
- 🎸 add calendar (a1b64c7)
- 🎸 add container theme (c5c9f29)
- 🎸 add examples page, ordering under spoce page (92e4d62)
- 🎸 add react-device-detect (10da28e)
- 🎸 add timepicker (cdf7e6d)
- 🎸 add useShare (a390451)
- 🎸 add useSize -> get window size (fa9efea)
- 🎸 add utils format (63cbac5)
- 🎸 add validate (0612400)
- 🎸 add validate (d09bf6c)
- 🎸 init firstUploader (772ab04)
- 🎸 prettier-plugin (import-order), format script (0c6c230)
- 🎸 react 17 => 18, next 11 => 12, fix errors (f2206cc)
- 🎸 react hook form with yup example (08a5b2e)
- 🎸 react-hook-form with react-chakra-select, radio example (001716c)
- 🎸 뷰포트 진입여부를 알려주는 hook 추가 (b814066)
- 🎸add analytics (d5f33c3)
- 🎸add datepicker & remove 0auth, moment (0b5a3ef)
- 🎸add image path (a1c6ccb)
- 🎸add mutable type for json format (d560b99)
- 🎸add return-url state on social-login (8784011)
- 🎸add script gen:route (2e598e6)
- 🎸add social example (510fcb9)
- 🎸add social examplke (cc94a89)
- 🎸add toss sdk (4857a27)
- 🎸add useLogin (e100fa6)
- 🎸api refresh add (3587550)
- 🎸apply next/font (447a9a9)
- 🎸apply node minimum version (f0b6386), closes #51
- 🎸gen theme typing (1231e5d)
- 🎸login-example with auth-guard (6fd90ec)
- 🎸modal-slice, modal-hook for open by query (e32dd3b)
- 🎸remove production block (ac40704)
- 🎸set-up test (9887317)
- 🎸tok-docs-dev-tool (2e1525b)
- 🎸versioning (c1a0912)
- 🎸WIP s3-file-uploader (02fe017)
- add 0auth (a49236f)
- add 0auth logic (7797016)
- add 0auth module (9a9fb5b)
- add 0auth-sdk (5a80132)
- add api (a3ccee1)
- add chakra, query-client provider (9c9dee7)
- add config (e3726e7)
- add Container (3bed789)
- add custom mount function (aa1bbfd)
- add floating button (82d8606)
- add icons (8cf9dbe)
- add manifest (b098c19)
- add og image (de60bc6)
- add orval (cd42bc0)
- add sample (ec6a594)
- add sample component test (42e2178)
- add select (f32149b)
- add social login button (2a29cc5)
- add style (a35f7c2)
- add styles (e5b6df3)
- add tabbar icon (e9f8dc6)
- add test page (143e226)
- add text component (15f9821)
- add utils (756acf2)
- app: 🎸 add logic for refresh-token (c380d69)
- commitizen: 🎸 add tool to help commit (dbb0474)
- components: 🎸add common components (674c292)
- components: 🎸add controlled-confirm-alert (85ce0bd)
- config: 🎸Add Default SEO config (2104b50)
- contexts: 🎸add global-context, move app-provider -> hoc (bf2170e)
- ExamplesPage: 🎸add modal-page (4a43dcc), closes #53
- gen-icon: 🎸 add script (b559841)
- getColorSemanticTokens.ts: 🎸generate to getColorSmanticTokens with comments (5113077)
- hooks: 🎸 add hooks about scroll (4321e62)
- img-gen: 🎸 add options (ce470d2)
- img-gen: 🎸 add script (0cdf1f3)
- LinkButton: 🎸 add component (48b9f3f)
- Login Page (e3e147f)
- nodejs: 🎸 add utils about text-case (44c39f6)
- reducer.ts: 🎸apply immer (0011685)
- remove 0auth utils (4ed90c8)
- removed cypress things (02aa415)
- S3FileUploader: 🎸logic, example (e465a5b)
- scripts: 🎸 add prompt on script of api-gen (6b09014)
- scripts: 🎸 add prompt on script of api-gen (a1cdf84)
- scripts: 🎸 api-gen (65a97ab)
- scripts: 🎸 api-gen (df1f70b)
- scripts: 🎸clean-up script (2d634f2)
- semanticColors.ts: 🎸Incorporate color into semantic token (d398da0)
- semanticTokens.ts: 🎸create to semantic tokens for CSS variables by color mode (a95ef05)
- seo (cdefe54)
- set gray color (926dc24)
- social login (556d329)
- source-gen: 🎸 add api-source-gen (dcb3841)
- source-gen: 🎸 add configuration about appName on page-gen (0bf3bf5)
- source-gen: 🎸 add dynamic-route page (8a9c2e1)
- source-gen: 🎸 add page-source-gen (585c5bc)
- source-gen: 🎸 consider depth when generate page (f8139ae)
- src: 🎸add throttle & debounce example (09400f0), closes #69
- StarterDocsExamplesFileInputPage: 🎸add route, remove-indicator (e561138)
- StarterDocsPage: 🎸 add page (3b24c6f)
- StarterDocsPage: 🎸 add roate-box (d7cb7fa)
- styles: add color pallet (428e7fe)
- swagger: 🎸 add mock-service-worker (c0198c7)
- swagger: 🎸 update orval-config (dd33190)
- theme-viewer: 🎸 add sections about component, space, shad (e1674aa)
- theme: 🎸 add components template for styling by theme (39fe022)
- ThemeViewerPage: 🎸 add sections (radius, textStyle...) (643245c)
- ThemeViewerPage: 🎸 WIP-add page (27df47f)
- types: 🎸add definitions (8e183fd)
- useClipboard.ts: 🎸create to clipboard hook (b47aa20)
- useExample.ts: 🎸 add context-example (70b133e)
- useScrollSection: 🎸 for scroll-interaction (4a2e068)
- utils: 🎸 add func that generate color (2b36449)
- utils: 🎸add create-slilce (6169ef8)
- utils: 🎸add react-synced-storage (cdde5d2)
- utils: 🎸array-to-record, array-to-map (4f5f9af)
- utils: 🎸format (1860cbb)
- w-start: 🎸 add script for git-flow (f712463)
- ⚡️axios refresh add (5702f05)
- Revert "feat(hooks): 🎸 add hooks about scroll" (1733ca4)