protocol string // protocol name TokenPocket
version string //
dappName string //
dappIcon string //
blockchain string // network "eos evm tron iost"
blockchains array // network [{"chainId": "1","network": "ethereum"}],if you want do action with evm network, use blockchains replace blockchain
action string // login
actionId string //
callbackUrl string // provided by dapp server to get result
protocol string // protocol name TokenPocket
version string //
dappName string //
dappIcon string //
blockchain string // network "eos evm tron iost"
blockchains array // network [{"chainId": "1","network": "ethereum"}],if you want do action with evm network, use blockchains replace blockchain
action string // transfer
actionId string //
from string //
to string //
amount number //
contract string
symbol string
decimal number // evm network decimal
precision number // eos network precison
memo string
callbackUrl string // provided by dapp server to get result
protocol string // protocol name TokenPocket
version string //
dappName string //
dappIcon string //
blockchain string // network "eos evm tron iost"
blockchains array // network [{"chainId": "1","network": "ethereum"}],if you want do action with evm network, use blockchains replace blockchain
action string // sign
actionId string //
message string // message to sign
signType string // for evm network,support ethSign and ethPersonalSign
callbackUrl string // provided by dapp server to get result
protocol string // protocol name TokenPocket
version string //
dappName string //
dappIcon string //
blockchain string // network "eos evm tron iost"
blockchains array // network [{"chainId": "1","network": "ethereum"}],if you want do action with evm network, use blockchains replace blockchain
action string // transfer
actionId string //
payload string // used by iost network to set tx data
actions string // used by eos network to set tx data
txData string // used by evm and tron network to set tx data
callbackUrl string // provided by dapp server to get result
About "txData": DEMO
SDK details:https://github.com/TP-Lab/Mobile-SDK