Rethinking Normalization Technique.
The typically classical works are shown as follows,
- ECCV 2018
- Wu, Yuxin and He, Kaiming
- Pytorch has already implemented.
Batch Normalization (BN) is a milestone technique in the development of deep learning, enabling various networks to train. However, normalizing along the batch dimension introduces problems — BN’s error increases rapidly when the batch size becomes smaller, caused by inaccurate batch statistics estimation.
This limits BN’s usage for training larger models and transferring features to computer vision tasks including detection, segmentation, and video, which require small batches constrained by memory consumption. In this paper, we present Group Normalization (GN) as a simple alternative to BN. GN divides the channels into groups and computes within each group the mean and variance for normalization. GN’s computation is independent of batch sizes, and its accuracy is stable in a wide range of batch sizes. On ResNet-50 trained in ImageNet, GN has 10.6% lower error than its BN counterpart when using a batch size of 2; when using typical batch sizes, GN is comparably good with BN and outperforms other normalization variants. Moreover, GN can be naturally transferred from pre-training to fine-tuning. GN can outperform its BNbased counterparts for object detection and segmentation in COCO,1 and for video classification in Kinetics, showing that GN can effectively replace the powerful BN in a variety of tasks. GN can be easily implemented by a few lines of code in modern libraries.
@article{wu2018group, title={Group normalization}, author={Wu, Yuxin and He, Kaiming}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.08494}, year={2018} }
Towards Faster Training of Global Covariance Pooling Networks by Iterative Matrix Square Root Normalization
- CVPR 2018
- The source code and network models will be available at
Global covariance pooling in convolutional neural networks has achieved impressive improvement over the classical first-order pooling. Recent works have shown matrix square root normalization plays a central role in achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, existing methods depend heavily on eigendecomposition (EIG) or singular value decomposition (SVD), suffering from inefficient training due to limited support of EIG and SVD on GPU. Towards addressing this problem, we propose an iterative matrix square root normalization method for fast end-toend training of global covariance pooling networks.
At the core of our method is a meta-layer designed with loopembedded directed graph structure. The meta-layer consists of three consecutive nonlinear structured layers, which perform pre-normalization, coupled matrix iteration and post-compensation, respectively. Our method is much faster than EIG or SVD based ones, since it involves only matrix multiplications, suitable for parallel implementation on GPU.
Moreover, the proposed network with ResNet architecture can converge in much less epochs, further accelerating network training. On large-scale ImageNet, we achieve competitive performance superior to existing counterparts. By finetuning our models pre-trained on ImageNet, we establish state-of-the-art results on three challenging finegrained benchmarks.
@inproceedings{li2018towards, title={Towards faster training of global covariance pooling networks by iterative matrix square root normalization}, author={Li, Peihua and Xie, Jiangtao and Wang, Qilong and Gao, Zilin}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={947--955}, year={2018} }
- ICLR 2019 (open review)
- unofficial
Several first order stochastic optimization methods commonly used in the Euclidean domain such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD), accelerated gradient descent or variance reduced methods have already been adapted to certain Riemannian settings. However, some of the most popular of these optimization tools − namely ADAM, ADAGRAD and the more recent AMSGRAD − remain to be generalized to Riemannian manifolds. We discuss the difficulty of generalizing such adaptive schemes to the most agnostic Riemannian setting, and then provide algorithms and convergence proofs for geodesically convex objectives in the particular case of a product of Riemannian manifolds, in which adaptivity is implemented across manifolds in the cartesian product. Our generalization is tight in the sense that choosing the Euclidean space as Riemannian manifold yields the same algorithms and regret bounds as those that were already known for the standard algorithms.
Experimentally, we show faster convergence and to a lower train loss value for Riemannian adaptive methods over their corresponding baselines on the realistic task of embedding the WordNet taxonomy in the Poincare ball.
- CVPR 2018
- Lei Huang, Xianglong Liu, Bo Lang, Adams Wei Yu, Yongliang Wang, Bo Li
Batch Normalization (BN) is capable of accelerating the training of deep models by centering and scaling activations within mini-batches. In this work, we propose Decorre- lated Batch Normalization (DBN), which not just centers and scales activations but whitens them.
We explore multiple whitening techniques, and find that PCA whitening causes a problem we call stochastic axis swapping, which is detrimen- tal to learning. We show that ZCA whitening does not suffer from this problem, permitting successful learning. DBN re- tains the desirable qualities of BN and further improves BN’s optimization efficiency and generalization ability.
We design comprehensive experiments to show that DBN can improve the performance of BN on multilayer perceptrons and con- volutional neural networks. Furthermore, we consistently improve the accuracy of residual networks on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet.
@misc{1804.08450, Author = {Lei Huang and Dawei Yang and Bo Lang and Jia Deng}, Title = {Decorrelated Batch Normalization}, Year = {2018}, Eprint = {arXiv:1804.08450}, }
Orthogonal weight normalization: Solution to optimization over multiple dependent stiefel manifolds in deep neural networks
- AAAI 2018
- Huang, Lei and Liu, Xianglong and Lang, Bo and Yu, Adams Wei and Wang, Yongliang and Li, Bo
Orthogonal matrix has shown advantages in training Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), but such matrix is limited to be square for the hidden-to-hidden transformation in RNNs.
In this paper, we generalize such square orthogonal matrix to orthogonal rectangular matrix and formulating this problem in feed-forward Neural Networks (FNNs) as Optimization over Multiple Dependent Stiefel Manifolds (OMDSM).
We show that the rectangular orthogonal matrix can stabilize the distribution of network activations and regularize FNNs. We also propose a novel orthogonal weight normalization method to solve OMDSM.
Particularly, it constructs orthogonal transformation over proxy parameters to ensure the weight matrix is orthogonal and back-propagates gradient information through the transformation during training.
To guarantee stability, we minimize the distortions between proxy parameters and canonical weights over all tractable orthogonal transformations. In addition, we design an orthogonal linear module (OLM) to learn orthogonal filter banks in practice, which can be used as an alternative to standard linear module. Extensive experiments demonstrate that by simply substituting OLM for standard linear module without revising any experimental protocols, our method largely improves the performance of the state-of-the-art networks, including Inception and residual networks on CIFAR and ImageNet datasets.
@inproceedings{huang2018orthogonal, title={Orthogonal weight normalization: Solution to optimization over multiple dependent stiefel manifolds in deep neural networks}, author={Huang, Lei and Liu, Xianglong and Lang, Bo and Yu, Adams Wei and Wang, Yongliang and Li, Bo}, booktitle={Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year={2018} }
- ECCV 2018
- Pan, Xingang and Luo, Ping and Shi, Jianping and Tang, Xiaoou
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved great successes in many computer vision problems. Unlike existing works that designed CNN architectures to improve performance on a single task of a single domain and not generalizable, we present IBN-Net, a novel convolutional architecture, which remarkably enhances a CNN’s modeling ability on one domain (e.g. Cityscapes) as well as its generalization capacity on another domain (e.g. GTA5) without finetuning. IBN-Net carefully integrates Instance Normalization (IN) and Batch Normalization (BN) as building blocks, and can be wrapped into many advanced deep networks to improve their performances.
This work has three key contributions. (1) By delving into IN and BN, we disclose that IN learns features that are invariant to appearance changes, such as colors, styles, and virtuality/reality, while BN is essential for preserving content related information. (2) IBN-Net can be applied to many advanced deep architectures, such as DenseNet, ResNet, ResNeXt, and SENet, and consistently improve their performance without increasing computational cost. 1 (3) When applying the trained networks to new domains, e.g. from GTA5 to Cityscapes, IBN-Net achieves comparable improvements as domain adaptation methods, even without using data from the target domain. With IBN-Net, we won the 1st place on the WAD 2018 Challenge Drivable Area track, with an mIoU of 86.18%.
@inproceedings{pan2018two, title={Two at once: Enhancing learning and generalization capacities via ibn-net}, author={Pan, Xingang and Luo, Ping and Shi, Jianping and Tang, Xiaoou}, booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}, pages={464--479}, year={2018} }
In this page, we provide a list of related work which has been used and cited in the ECCV2018 oral talk.
Yann LeCun, Ido Kanter, Sara A.Solla. Second order properties of Error Surfaces: Learning time and Generalization. NIPS, 1990
Yann LeCun, Leon Bottou, Genevieve B. Orr, Klaus-Robert Muller. Efficient BackProp. Neural Networks: tricks of the trade. 1998
Simon Wiesler, Hermann Ney. A Convergence Analysis of Log-Linear Training, NIPS 2011
James Martens, Roger Grosse. Optimizing Neural Networks with Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature. ICML 2015
Guillaume Desjardins, Karen Simonyan, Razvan Pascanu, Koray Kavukcuoglu. Natural Neural Networks. NIPS 2015.
Grégoire Montavon and Klaus-Robert Müller. Deep Boltzmann Machines and the Centering Trick. Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade, 2012
Simon Wiesler, Alexander Richard, Ralf Schluter, Hermann Ney. Mean-normalized Stochastic Gradient for Large-scale Deep Learning. ICASSP 2014.
Jan Melchior, Asja Fischer, Laurenz Wiskott. How to Center Binary Deep Boltzmann Machines. JMLR 2016.
Sergey Ioffe and Christian Szegedy. Batch normalization accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift. ICML 2015
Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kiros, Geoffrey E. Hinton. Layer Normalization. Arxiv:1607.06450, 2016
Dmitry Ulyanov and Andrea Vedaldi. Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization. arXiv:1607.08022, 2016
Mengye Ren, Renjie Liao, Raquel Urtasun, Fabian H. Sinz, Richard S. Zemel. Normalizing the normaliziers-comparing and extending network normalization schemes. ICLR 2017
Yuxin Wu and Kaiming He. Group Normalization. ECCV 2018
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Sergey Ioffe. Batch Renormalization: Towards Reducing Minibatch Dependence in Batch Normalized Models. NIPS 2017
Guangrun Wang, Jiefeng Peng, Ping Luo, Xinjiang Wang and Liang Lin. Batch Kalman Normalization: Towards Training Deep Neural Networks with Micro-batches. arXiv:1802.03133, 2018
Ping Luo, Jiamin Ren and Zhanglin Peng. Differentiable Learning to Normalize via Switchable Normalization. arXiv:1806.10779, 2018
Elad Hoffer, Ron Banner, Itay Golan and Daniel Soudry. Norm matters: efficient and accurate normalization schemes in deep networks. arXiv:1803.01814, 2018
Shuang Wu, Guoqi Li, Lei Deng, Liu Liu, Yuan Xie, and Luping Shi. L1-Norm Batch Normalization for Efficient Training of Deep Neural Networks. arXiv:1802.09769, 2018
Günter Klambauer, Thomas Unterthiner, Andreas Mayr, Sepp Hochreiter. Self-Normalizing Neural Networks. NIPS 2017.
Natural Neural Networks, Guillaume Desjardins, Karen Simonyan, Razvan Pascanu, Koray Kavukcuoglu. NIPS 2015
Ping Luo. Learning Deep Architectures via Generalized Whitened Neural Networks. ICML 2017
Lei Huang, Dawei Yang, Bo Lang, Jia Deng, Decorrelated Batch Normalization. CVPR 2018
Devansh Arpit, Yingbo Zhou, Bhargava U. Kota, Venu Govindaraju. Normalization Propagation A Parametric Technique for Removing Internal Covariate Shift in Deep Networks. ICML 2016.
Alexander Shekhovtsov and Boris Flach. Normalization of Neural Networks using Analytic Variance Propagation. arXiv:1803.10560, 2018
Wenling Shang, Justion Chiu, Kihyuk Sohn. Exploring Normalization in Deep Residual Networks. AAAI 2017.
Tim Salimans, Diederik P. Kingma, Weight Normalization A Simple Reparameterization to Accelerate Training of Deep Neural Networks, NIPS 2016
Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio. Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks. AISTATS, 2010
Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun. Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification. ICCV 2015
Lei Huang, Xianglong Liu, Yang Liu, Bo Lang, Dacheng Tao. Centered Weight Normalization in Accelerating Training of Deep Neural Networks. ICCV 2017.
Andrew M. Saxe, James L. McClelland, Surya Ganguli. Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of learning in deep linear neural networks. ICLR 2014
Dmytro Mishkin and Jiri Matas. All You Need Is a Good Init. ICLR 2016.
Lei Huang, Xianglong Liu, Bo Lang, Admas Wei Yu, Bo Li. Orthogonal Weight Normalization: Solution to Optimization over Multiple Dependent Stiefel Manifolds in Deep Neural Networks. AAAI 2018.
Mete Ozay and Takayuki Okatani. Optimization on Submanifolds of Convolution Kernels in CNNs. arXiv:1610.07008, 2016
Minhyung Cho and Jaehyung Lee. Riemannian approach to batch normalization. NIPS 2017
Projection Based Weight Normalization for Deep Neural Networks. Lei Huang, Xianglong Liu, Bo Lang, Bo Li. arXiv:1710.02338. 2017
Nathan Srebro and Adi Shraibman. Rank, Trace-Norm and Max-Norm. COLT 2015.
Behnam Neyshabur, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Nathan Srebro. Path-SGD: Path-Normalized Optimization in Deep Neural Networks. NIPS 2015
Kui Jia, Dacheng Tao, Shenghua Gao, and Xiangmin Xu. Improving training of deep neural networks via singular value bounding CVPR 2017.
Chunjie Luo, Jianfeng Zhan, Lei Wang, Qiang Yang. Cosine Normalization: Using Cosine Similarity Instead of Dot Product in Neural Networks. arXiv:1702.05870, 2017
Ping Luo. EigenNet: Towards Fast and Structural Learning of Deep Neural Networks. IJCAI 2017.
Adams Wei Yu, Lei Huang, Qihang Lin, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Jaime G Carbonell. Block-normalized gradient method: An empirical study for training deep neural network. CoRR, abs/1707.04822, 2017.
Zhao Chen, Vijay Badrinarayanan, Chen-Yu Lee, Andrew Rabinovich. GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks, ICML 2018.
Tim Cooijmans, Nicolas Ballas, César Laurent, Çaglar Gulçehre, Aaron Courville. Recurrent Batch Normalization. ICLR,2017
Cesar Laurent, Gabriel Pereyra, Philemon Brakel, Ying Zhang, Yoshua Bengio. Batch Normalized Recurrent Neural Networks. ICASSP 2016
Martín Arjovsky, Amar Shah, and Yoshua Bengio. Unitary evolution recurrent neural networks. ICML, 2016
Scott Wisdom, Thomas Powers, John Hershey, Jonathan Le Roux, and Les Atlas. Full-capacity unitary recurrent neural networks. NIPS, 2016
Zakaria Mhammedi, Andrew D. Hellicar, Ashfaqur Rahman, and James Bailey. Efficient orthogonal parametrization of recurrent neural networks using householder reflections. ICML, 2017.
Dmitry Ulyanov. Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization. 1607.08022, 2016.
Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge. Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks. CVPR 2016.
Justin Johnson, Alexandre Alahi, and Li Fei-Fei. Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution. ECCV 2016.
Vincent Dumoulin, Jonathon Shlens, Manjunath Kudlur. A Learned Representation for Artistic Style. ICLR 2017
Xun Huang and Serge Belongie. Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization. ICCV 2017
Yijun Li, Chen Fang, Jimei Yang Zhaowen Wang, Xin Lu, Ming-Hsuan Yang. Universal Style Transfer via Feature Transforms. NIPS 2017
Ian J. Goodfellow, Jean Pouget-Abadie, Mehdi Mirza, Bing Xu, David Warde-Farley, Sherjil Ozair, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio. Generative adversarial networks. NIPS 2014.
Tim Salimans, Ian Goodfellow, Wojciech Zaremba, Vicki Cheung, Alec Radford, Xi Chen. Improved Techniques for Training GANs. NIPS 2016
Sitao Xiang and Hao Li. On the Effects of Batch and Weight Normalization in Generative Adversarial Networks. arXiv:1704.03971. 2017
Takeru Miyato, Toshiki Kataoka, Masanori Koyama, Yuichi Yoshida. Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks. ICLR 2018
Aliaksandr Siarohin, Enver Sangineto, Nicu Sebe. Whitening and Coloring transform for GANs. arXiv:1806.00420, 2018.
- Moustapha Cisse, Piotr Bojanowski, Edouard Grave, Yann Dauphin, Nicolas Usunier. Parseval Networks: Improving Robustness to Adversarial Examples. ICML 2017
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R. Ge, J. D. Lee, T. Ma, Learning One-hidden-layer Neural Networks with Landscape Design, ICLR 2018.
Shibani Santurkar, Dimitris Tsipras, Andrew Ilyas, Aleksander Madry, How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization? (No, It Is Not About Internal Covariate Shift), CoRR abs/1805.11604, 2018.
Yuxin Wu and Kaiming He, Group Normalization, Arxiv, abs/ 1803.08494, 2018.
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Xavier Glorot, Yoshua Bengio, Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks, AISTATS, 2010.
Mete Ozay and Takayuki Okatani, Training CNNs with Normalized Kernels, AAAI 2018.
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Lei Huang, Xianglong Liu, Bo Lang, Bo Li, Projection Based Weight Normalization for Deep Neural Networks, ICCV 2017.
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Mete Ozay and Takayuki Okatani, Optimization on Product Submanifolds of Convolution Kernels, Arxiv, 2017.
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T. Miyato, T. Kataoka, M. Koyama, Y. Yoshida, Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks, ICLR 2018.
K. Jia, D. Tao, S. Gao, and X. Xu, Improving training of deep neural networks via Singular Value Bounding, CVPR 2017.