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News: Follow-up Work

Welcome to take a look at our new work presented at CoRL 2024, titled "Toward General Object-level Mapping from Sparse Views with 3D Diffusion Priors."

We propose an object-level mapping framework that fuses both multi-view observations and a pre-trained diffusion shape prior model. It generalizes to multi-categories objects, and multiple multi-modalities observations without the need of fine-tuning.

Below are the original notes.

Uncertainty-aware Object-level Mapping


We propose a framework that can reconstruct high-quality object-level maps for unknown objects. Our approach takes multiple RGB-D images as input and outputs dense 3D shapes and 9-DoF poses (including 3 scale parameters) for detected objects. The core idea of our approach is to leverage a learnt generative model for shape categories as a prior and to formulate a probabilistic, uncertainty-aware optimization framework for 3D reconstruction. We derive a probabilistic formulation that propagates shape and pose uncertainty through two novel loss functions. Unlike current state-of-the-art approaches, we explicitly model the uncertainty of the object shapes and poses during our optimization, resulting in a high-quality object-level mapping system.



Uncertainty-aware 3D Object-Level Mapping with Deep Shape Priors, Ziwei Liao*, Jun Yang*, Jingxing Qian*, Angela P Schoellig, Steven L Waslander, ICRA'24.

If you find our work useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Uncertainty-aware 3D Object-Level Mapping with Deep Shape Priors},
  author={Liao, Ziwei and Yang, Jun and Qian, Jingxing and Schoellig, Angela P and Waslander, Steven L},
  journal={2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},


Please configure environments and download datasets and models.


Create conda environments

conda create -n objslam python==3.9
conda activate objslam

Install pytorch and pytorch3d

Please install pytorch, torchvision and pytorch3d following here.

conda install pytorch=1.13.0 torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d

Install python packages

pip install numpy open3d trimesh scikit-image plyfile h5py wandb opencv-python numpy-quaternion matplotlib addict tqdm

Data Download

Model Weights

Please download the pretrained generative model weights for three categories, including Chairs, Tables, and Cars. Put it under, e.g., for chairs:

  • ./data/weights/chairs_64


ScanNet & Scan2CAD

Please download a mini subset of ScanNet and Scan2CAD for a quick run, including masks from Mask2Former. Put it under:

  • ./data/dataset/scannet_mini

For the complete experiments on ScanNet, please download the complete ScanNet, Scan2CAD and ShapeNet following here.

Demo on ScanNet


Here is a demo on the scene scene0568_00 of ScanNet with 4 chair instances. The demo will run for 200 iterations, from 10 views of observations.

python --config configs/config_scannet.json \
    --sequence_dir ./data/dataset/scannet_mini \
    --save_root ./output/test \
    --scene_name scene0568_00


The following results of each instance are stored in the save_root:

  • inputs/: RGB, Depth, Mask images;
  • optimization-ins.gif: a visualization of the optimization process with shape and pose;
  • visualization_3d.png: final result with uncertainty.


Our optimization formulation contains several parameters that can be adjusted according to the application, using --args X:

  • Change lr, num_iterations, sample_num to tune the system to trade-off between time and accuracy.
  • Change weight_norm to balance the shape prior and observations.
  • Change init_sigma_pose, init_sigma_scale for initialized pose uncertainty, and init_sigma for shape uncertainty.
  • Change view_num from 1 to 10 to use single or multi-view results.


Other categories. We use DeepSDF as our generative shape prior model. You can train your own category following here.

Computation. We need 40-60 seconds for one object for 200 iterations. It's possible to speed up with parameters including iteration steps, sampling for trade-off.

TODO. We are organizing the following to release further: Detailed guidance for configuring complete ScanNet and KITTI dataset; demos on Table and Car category.


Our codebase is based on DSP-SLAM and DeepSDF. We appreciate their brilliant work to make this happen.