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Swin Transformer with TensorRT

To accelerate the Swin Transformer backbone using NVIDIA TensorRT, we provide a specialized TensorRT plugin. This plugin is based on NVIDIA's FasterTransformer and incorporates several modifications available as a patch file for the original repository. Our modifications enable ONNX import of a model featuring Swin Transformer, access to skip connections, and support for non-square input images. The plugin is compatible with most models that utilize the Swin Transformer as a backbone, not just our EMSAFormer model. For a detailed description of the changes, we refer to the Changelog section.


  • Installation: Set up FasterTransformer including our modifications
  • Inference: Use the plugin for inference with TensorRT
  • Changelog: Changes compared to the official FasterTransformer repository


We provide a patch file to apply our modifications to the FasterTransformer repository. The patch file is based on the FasterTransformer v5.2.1 release. It is assumed that you have already installed the EMSAFormer repository, NVIDIA TensorRT and the FasterTransformer requirements.

  1. Update CMake:

    # CMake >= 3.18.0 is required for our build chain, if you are lazy, you can 
    # install cmake via pip:
    python3 -m pip install cmake==3.18.0
    # Ensure that correct version is used (may require ~/.local/bin in $PATH)
    which cmake
    cmake --version
  2. Set up CUDA, CuDNN, and TensorRT:

    Our plugin requires CUDA, cuDNN, and TensorRT to be installed on your system. If it is not installed, you can download the required versions from the NVIDIA website (see links above).

    For NVIDIA Jetson, the system comes with pre-installed versions of CUDA, cuDNN, and TensorRT. We used Jetpack 5.1.1 for our tests.

    We have tested the plugin with the following configurations:

    GPU CUDA cuDNN TensorRT Configuration
    Jetson AGX Orin 32GB 11.4 1
    RTX 3060 Ti 11.8 2A
    11.8 8.6.1 2B
    12.1 10.2.0 2C
    A100-SXM4-40GB 11.8 3A
    11.8 8.6.1 3B
    11.8 10.2.0 3C
    RTX 4060 Ti 11.8 4A
    11.8 8.6.1 4B
    12.1 10.2.0 4C

    Instructions for all configurations except Jetson AGX Orin 32GB:

    # CUDA:
    # - you may skip driver installation if you  already have a compatible driver
    # - we assume that the link for /usr/local/cuda points to the correct version
    sudo sh cuda_*
    # cuDNN
    cd ~/.local
    mkdir ./cudnn-${CUDNN_VERSION}
    tar -xvf $DOWNLOAD_PATH/cudnn*${CUDNN_VERSION}*.tar.xz --strip-components 1 -C ./cudnn-${CUDNN_VERSION}
    # rm cudnn
    ln -s ~/.local/cudnn-${CUDNN_VERSION} ~/.local/cudnn
    # TensorRT
    cd ~/.local
    tar -xzvf $DOWNLOAD_PATH/TensorRT-${TRT_VERSION}*.tar.gz -C ./
    # rm tensorrt
    ln -s ~/.local/TensorRT-${TRT_VERSION} ~/.local/tensorrt
    # TensorRT Python package.
    # Please be sure to install the package that matches your Python version.
    # For example, for Python 3.8:
    python3 -m pip install ~/.local/tensorrt/python/tensorrt-*cp38*.whl

    Further add to your .bashrc:

    # CUDA
    export PATH=/usr/local/$VERSION_CUDA/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/$VERSION_CUDA/lib64:/usr/local/$VERSION_CUDA/lib
    export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/$VERSION_CUDA/lib64:/usr/local/$VERSION_CUDA/lib
    export CPATH=$CPATH:/usr/local/$VERSION_CUDA/include
    # otherwise use: sudo ldconfig /usr/local/$VERSION_CUDA/lib64
    # CuDNN
    export CPATH=$CPATH:~/.local/$VERSION_CUDNN/include
    # TensorRT
    export PATH=~/.local/$VERSION_TENSORRT/bin:$PATH
    export CPATH=$CPATH:~/.local/$VERSION_TENSORRT/include
  3. Install PyTorch

    We refer to the PyTorch website for the installation of PyTorch.

    For Jetson AGX Orin 32GB, we used PyTorch 2.0.0/2.1.0 from NVIDIA Forum (see Instructions to install TorchVision 0.15.1/0.16.1 as well)

  4. Clone the FasterTransformer repository:

    # Navigate to the tensorrt_swin directory as we use it as our working directory
    # for the following steps
    cd tensorrt_swin
    # Clone the repository on the correct version
    git clone --branch release/v5.2.1_tag --single-branch
  5. Download and apply our patch file:

    # Download the patch file to apply our modifications to the FasterTransformer repository
    # Navigate to the FasterTransformer directory
    cd FasterTransformer/
    # The patch file applies our modifications to the FasterTransformer repository
    # and only works with the FasterTransformer v5.2.1 release.
    git apply ../fastertransformer_nicr.patch
  6. Build modified FasterTransformer:

    # Execute the following commands in the FasterTransformer directory
    # If you use conda, be sure to activate your environment
    # Configure
    mkdir build ; cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    # Build the project
    make -j  # Use as many threads as you like
  7. Verify the build:

    # Within the build directory you can execute the following command to verify
    # the build
    tree -L 1 bin/ -L 1 lib/
    # The output should look similar to this:
    └── swin_gemm  # Binary for testing GEMM operations
    lib/ # Required libraries for the plugin
    ├── ...
    └── ...
    # After the successful build you can navigate back to the tensorrt_swin directory
    cd ../../
    # By executing the following command you can see the overall folder structure
    tree -L 1
    # The output should similar to this:
    ├── FasterTransformer # FasterTransformer repository
    ├── fastertransformer_nicr.patch # The patch file to apply our modifications to the FasterTransformer repository
    ├── tests # Some internal tests
    ├── # Example script for ImageNet inference
    └── utils # Some required utils for exporting the model and inference

    Note, for our examples, we expect you to follow the proposed folder structure. However, you can use the FASTER_TRANSFORMER_PATH environment variable to set a custom path for the FasterTransformer repository, i.e.,
    export FASTER_TRANSFORMER_PATH=/path/to/FasterTransformer
    For your own applications, you must ensure to load the plugin yourself.

  8. [Optional] Runtime dependencies for our examples:

    Our examples rely on the CUDA Python package, which can be installed using pip:

    # CUDA Python: Ensure to install the correct version that matches your CUDA installation
    python3 -m pip install cuda-python==11.5    # for Jetson AGX Orin 32GB with Jetpack 5.1.1
    python3 -m pip install cuda-python==12.1

    Note: While Jetpack 5.1.1 includes CUDA 11.4, we use CUDA 11.5 for the cuda-python package, as it is the closest available version on PyPI.


For inference, we provide some examples. To verify that our plugin works correctly, we provide a script for ImageNet inference. Furthermore, we provide a script for inference with EMSAFormer. Finally, we provide a reference how the plugin can be used in other projects.

ImageNet inference

The script can be used to infer ImageNet with a model featuring a Swin Transformer backbone. The script uses the validation split of ImageNet and the pretrained weights provided by torchvision. The script verifies the accuracy of the model and prints the top-1 and top-5 accuracy. Furthermore, it compares the output of the TensorRT plugin with the output of the PyTorch model. It is assumed that you already have downloaded the ImageNet validation split.

Note, the script uses parts of torchvision reference code, which are not included in the installed torchvision package.
Therefore, you need to clone torchvision in the tensorrt_swin directory:
git clone --branch v0.15.2 --single-branch

The script can be executed with the following command:

python \
    --model swin_t_v2 \
    --batch-sizes 1 \
    --fp16 \
    --data-path /path/to/imagenet/val

The output should look similar to:

TRT: Acc@1 82.060 Acc@5 96.004
torch_output vs plugin_output:
mean diff :  0.002748552244156599
max diff :  0.017073392868041992

Note, the accuracy is slightly different to the one reported in torchvision due to the different implementations and fixed float16 inference.

Below, we compare the results for different configurations for SwinV2-T (other Swin configurations work as well):

Note: For TensorRT 10, converting to ONNX and TensorRT may also work without the extension.

Custom usage

In the following, we describe how to use the plugin in your own project. For this, we assume that you have already installed the FasterTransformer repository with our modifications.

  1. ONNX export of the model with our utils: We provide scripts for exporting the model to ONNX. In the utils directory, you can find the script that provides the export_swin_to_onnx function, which is a drop-in replacement for the torch.onnx.export function. Your script must import the function and use it to export the model to ONNX. The modified function does the following:

    • Replace Swin Transformer Blocks and Patch Merging Layers with custom modules that will get own nodes in the ONNX graph
    • Convert weights to expected format for the plugin while bypassing some strange TensorRT behavior when using nodes with more than 14 inputs
    • Add attributes to the nodes that are required for float16 inference

    Note: The export_swin_to_onnx function requires batch size set to 1, even if you want to use a different batch size for inference later.

  2. Time the GEMM (General Matrix Multiply) on your target hardware: The FasterTransformer repository provides a binary for testing the different GEMM operations. This way the optimal cuBLAS GEMM Algorithm can be determined. As the performance of the algorithm depends on the target hardware, input resolution, and batch size, it is recommended to run the benchmark every time you change one of these parameters.

    The binary is located in the bin directory of the build directory. The binary can be executed with the following command:

    # Binary is located in tensorrt_swin/FasterTransformer/build/bin directory.
    # It takes arguments in the following order (all required):
    # - batch_img - used batch size (e.g., 1)
    # - image_width - width of the input image (i.e., 640 for EMSAFormer)
    # - image_height - height of the input image (i.e., 480 for EMSAFormer)
    # - window_width - width of the window size (i.e., 8 for EMSAFormer)
    # - head_num - number of attention heads in the first block (i.e., 4 for EMSAFormer)
    # - size_per_head - size of the attention head (i.e., 32)
    # - data_type - data type of the input (i.e., 0 for float32, 1 for float16)
    ./swin_gemm 1 640 480 8 4 32 1

    In the same working directory, a file named `' is created. This file contains the optimal algorithm for the GEMM operation and gets loaded by the plugin at runtime from the same directory where TensorRT is executed from. If the file is not found the plugin will use the default algorithm.

    Note that you can also set the environment variable SWIN_GEMM_CONFIG_PATH to the path of the file.

  3. Load the plugin with TensorRT: The plugins are built as shared libraries and are located in the lib directory of the build directory. As loading the plugin depends on the application, we refer to the TensorRT documentation for loading the plugin. However, we provide an example on how to load the plugin with the trtexec tool, which is part of the TensorRT installation.

    trtexec \
        --onnx=path/to/onnx/model.onnx \
        --plugins=tensorrt_swin/FasterTransformer/build/lib/ \

    Note that the --plugins argument can also be a directory containing multiple plugins. In our case already contains all required plugins.


As previously mentioned, our plugin is based on the NVIDIA's FasterTransformer repository, with several modifications implemented. The following changelog details the changes we made to the original repository:

  • split SwinTransformerPlugin into SwinTransformerBlockPlugin and SwinTransformerPatchMergingPlugin for finer control over the graph structure; this enables access to skip connections and alternative patch embedding methods (e.g., the one used in EMSAFormer)
  • add support for non-square input images through zero-padding CUDA implementation
  • move weights from node attributes to node inputs, allowing for TensorRT optimizations and simplified ONNX export
  • add environment variable SWIN_GEMM_CONFIG_PATH for setting the path to the file that stores the optimal GEMM algorithm for the plugin
  • removed code unrelated to Swin (e.g., ViT and LLMs) as we focus on Swin Transformer
  • removed int8 support as it is beyond the scope of our work
  • fixed CUDA 12 support
  • adjusted LayerNorm epsilon value from 1e-6 to 1e-5 to match torchvision's default
  • partially updated FMHA kernels based on the TensorRT Open Source Software components