The Cityscapes dataset contains a diverse set of stereo video sequences recorded in street scenes from 50 different cities, with high quality pixel-level annotations of 5 000 frames in addition to a larger set of 20 000 weakly annotated frames. The dataset is thus an order of magnitude larger than similar previous attempts. Details on annotated classes and examples of our annotations are available at this webpage.
For more details, see: Cityscapes Dataset and Cityscapes Dataset at GitHub.
Download and unzip dataset files: Use
or download the files mentioned below manually from: Cityscapes Dataset DownloadsCITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR="/path/where/to/store/cityscapes_downloads" # using cityscapesScripts # use "csDownload -l" to list available packages # labels (semantic, instance) csDownload -d $CITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR # -> 241MB # rgb images csDownload -d $CITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR # -> 11GB # disparity images (only upon request) csDownload -d $CITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR # -> 3.5GB # intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameter to calculate depth csDownload -d $CITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR # -> 2MB # unzip files find $CITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR -name '*.zip' -exec unzip -o {} -d $CITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR \;
Convert dataset:
# general usage nicr_sa_prepare_dataset cityscapes \ /path/where/to/datasets/cityscapes \ $CITYSCAPES_DOWNLOAD_DIR