- Info: GET /osc/info
- State: POST /osc/state
- CheckForUpdates: POST /osc/checkForUpdates
- Commands/Execute: POST /osc/commands/execute
- Commands/Status: POST /osc/commands/status
- Acquires basic information about the camera and supported function.
- Acquires the camera status
- Changes in the state object content can be checked with CheckForUpdates
- Acquires the current status ID, and checks for changes to the State status.
- Executes the command within the commands category
"name": "camera.startSession", // Command to execute
"parameters": {} // Input parameters required to execute each command
- camera.takePicture
- camera.startCapture
- camera.stopCapture
- camera.listFiles
- camera.delete
- camera.getLivePreview
- camera.getOptions
- camera.reset
- camera.setOptions
- camera._getMySetting
- camera._setMySetting
- camera._stopSelfTimer
"state": "error",
"error": {
"code": "unknownCommand",
"message": "Command executed is unknown."
- 400: invalidParameterName: Parameter name or option name is invalid
- 400: invalidParameterValue: Parameter value when command was issued is invalid
- 400: missingParameter: Insufficient required parameters to issue the command
- 400: unknownCommand: Invalid command is issued
- 403: canceledShooting: Shooting request cancellation of the self-timer. Returned in Commands/Status of camera.takePicture
- 403: corruptedFile: Process request for corrupted file
- 403: disabledCommand: Command cannot be executed due to the camera status
- 403: invalidFileFormat: Invalid file format specified
- 403: powerOffSequenceRunning: Process request when power supply is off
- 403: tooManyParameters: Number of parameters exceeds limit
- 503: serviceUnavailable: Processing requests cannot be received temporarily
- 503: unexpected: Other errors