This page contains a short summary of the project itself. See and for development and configuration instructions.
Implement a website with a static site generator of your choice (e.g. Gatsby, Hugo or Jekyll). Deploy the website to Kubernetes, GitHub Pages (TODO), Netlify (TODO), or any S3-compatible object storage with CDN support (TODO). Setup an automated multistage publishing process for the website. Optionally use the Netlify CMS to edit your site.
You can create a new project from this template by running taito project create website-template
. Later you can upgrade your project to the latest version of the template by running taito project upgrade
. To ensure flawless upgrade, do not modify files that have a do-not-modify note in them as they are designed to be reusable and easily configurable for various needs. In such case, improve the original files of the template instead, and then upgrade.
NOTE: This template is a subset of full-stack-template. Use the full-stack-template instead, if you need more than just a static website.
Short description of the website.
Table of contents:
Basic auth credentials for non-production environments: USERNAME
You can update this section by configuring links in
and runningtaito project generate
You can edit the website also directly on GitHub web GUI. Instructions are below.
NOTE: These are example instructions provided by the WEBSITE-TEMPLATE. Modify these so that they apply to your site. If there are multiple people working on the website, and dev branch is being actively developed, it is recommended to configure the project so that new content is created to stag branch instead of dev.
Open the blog folder on a new tab.
Press the Create new file button on top of the page.
Enter blog name followed with /, for example:
. -
Enter blog content in Markdown syntax. See the example below. Use the preview tab to preview your changes.
--- title: Happy Days date: "2019-05-01T15:12:03.284Z" --- Todays was a happy day. 
Commit your changes by pressing the Commit new file button on bottom of the page. On your commit messages, use
prefix for new articles and images (see version control for more information). -
If required, upload images for you blog post by pressing the Upload files button on top of the page. Remember to commit your images by pressing the Commit changes button on bottom of the page, and use the
prefix on your commit message.
- Open the blog folder on a new tab.
- Browse to a file that you would like edit.
- Enter edit mode by pressing the Pen icon.
- Enter blog content in Markdown syntax. Use the preview tab to preview your changes.
- Commit your changes by pressing the Commit changes button on bottom of the page. On your commit messages, use
prefix for fixes (see version control for more information). - If required, upload images for you blog post by pressing the Upload files button on top of the page. Remember to commit your images by pressing the Commit changes button on bottom of the page, and use the
prefix on your commit message.
Open the development site on a new tab. If you don't see your changes, open it in incognito mode (on Chrome: click the link with right mouse button and select Open Link in Incognito Window).
Check that your changes look ok on the development site.
Create a new pull request on GitHub:
- Press the
New pull request button
. - Select:
base: master
on top of the page. - Enter some title for the pull request and press the
Create pull request
- Press the
Merge the pull request by pressing the Merge pull request button. TIP: If you want to keep environment branch commits in sync, use either Taito CLI (
taito env merge:dev prod
) or Git to make a fast-forward merge. -
The site will be updated automatically after a few minutes.
NOTE: If you want to use the Merge pull request feature on GitHub web GUI, set
to enable container image build for all environments.
- Project Manager: John Doe, Company co.
- Designer: Jane Doe, Company co.
NOTE: It is recommended to use a shared address book or CRM for keeping the contact details like email and phone number up-to-date.
Hosting, billing and control of 3rd party services, SSL/TLS certificates, etc.
Misc notes.
Project specific conventions.