Using object oriented design constructs, define a Node class and LinkedList class for a singly linked list. Each node has integer data value and a link to the next node. The linked list class has a head node and the following methods defined.
Design and implement the classes and the methods. Methods to implement in the singly linked list:
insert: method to add a new node with the specific input data value in the linked list. Insert the new node at the beginning of the linked list
search: method to find if the linked list contains a node with specified input value. Returns true if found, false otherwise.
find_max: method to return the max value in the linked list. Returns the data value and not the node.
find_min: method to return the min value in the linked list. Returns the data value and not the node.
- length: method that returns the length of the singly linked list
- find_nth_from_beginning: method to return the value of the nth element from the beginning. n is the input to the method. Assume indexing starts at 0 while counting to n.
- insert_ascending: method to insert a new node with specific input data value, assuming the linked list is sorted in ascending order.
- visit: method to print all the values in the linked list
- delete: method to delete the first node found with the specified value taken as input.
- reverse: method to reverse the singly linked list. The nodes should be moved and not just the values in the nodes.
- find_middle_value: Returns the value at the middle element in the singly linked list. If the node count is even, pick one of the two middle values to return.
- find_nth_from_end: find the nth node from the end and return its value. Assume indexing starts at 0 while counting to n.
- has_cycle: Checks if the linked list has a cycle. A cycle exists if any node in the linked list links to a node already visited. Returns true if a cycle is found, false otherwise.