kosogor-web 1.0.18 - Fix for War task archive name: don't include ver…
kosogor-web 1.0.18 - Fix for War task archive name: don't include ver…
kosogor-zkm 1.0.12: gradle 8.5 compatible
kosogor-zkm 1.0.12: gradle 8.5 compatible
Move to snapshots + kosogor-web 1.0.17 with more fixes for ValidateVe…
Move to snapshots + kosogor-web 1.0.17 with more fixes for ValidateVe…
Release kosogor with gradle 8.5 and kotlin 1.9.21
Release kosogor with gradle 8.5 and kotlin 1.9.21
Force push
Release kosogor with gradle 8.5 and kotlin 1.9.21
Release kosogor with gradle 8.5 and kotlin 1.9.21
Force push
Release kosogor with gradle 8.5 and kotlin 1.9.21
Release kosogor with gradle 8.5 and kotlin 1.9.21
Remove detekt from the project, update shadow plugin, add more gradle…
Remove detekt from the project, update shadow plugin, add more gradle…
Release kosogor-web 1.0.15: Fix for collectDependencies, validateConf…
Release kosogor-web 1.0.15: Fix for collectDependencies, validateConf…
Release kosogor 1.0.21, kosogor-terraform 1.0.16, kosogor-web 1.0.14,…
Release kosogor 1.0.21, kosogor-terraform 1.0.16, kosogor-web 1.0.14,…
Add plugin publish to all subprojects
Add plugin publish to all subprojects
Fix publishPlugin task (remove version, apply proper plugin)
Fix publishPlugin task (remove version, apply proper plugin)
Release kosogor 1.0.20 (bootstrap before gradle 8+)
Release kosogor 1.0.20 (bootstrap before gradle 8+)