All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
0.2.0 - 2022-02-28
- Option to render chart with a script whose type is module
- Allow multiple Y-Axis
- ApexCharts.JS version from 3.27.3 to 3.33.0
- Schemas (smart_kv and dry-schema)
0.1.11 - 2021-08-15
- Alternative options schema :dry_schema
- Box Plot chart
- Make obsolete previously deprecated local palette creation
- Update options schema to match ApexCharts.JS version 3.27.3
- ApexCharts.JS version from 3.21.0 to 3.27.3
0.1.10 - 2020-10-04
- Option to defer chart rendering
- ApexCharts.RB release version in source (in script attribute)
- A lot of new optional attributes for annotations, chart, dataLabels, legend, markers, plotOptions, theme, xAxis, and yAxis
- Local palette with public API
is deprecated - Make obsolete previously deprecated require directory for
- ApexCharts.JS version from 3.18.0 to 3.21.0
- function as object 'body' attribute that contains double quote (") converted incorrectly
0.1.9 - 2020-04-05
Support for function as object. The following hash:
... formatter: {function: {args: "a,b", body: "return a + b;"}} ...
will become:
... "formatter":function(a,b) {return a + b;} ...
Frozen string literal comment on several files
- ApexCharts.JS version from 3.10.1 to 3.18.0
- Upgrade yarn package for rails example
- FrozenError on input colors
- uninitialized constant SmartKv::Meat::Set when using plain ERB
0.1.8 - 2019-11-13
- Example for rails app
- Support for reversed Y-Axis
- ApexCharts.JS version from 3.8.6 to 3.10.1
- Documentation of Installation on Rails
- Uninitialized constant
- Uninitialized constant
- Mixed charts not showing because of options type value of
- No methods
- No methods
0.1.7 - 2019-09-28
- Support for Sinatra
- Ability to prefix chart helper names. This will allow using ApexCharts.RB alongside other charting libraries.
- ApexCharts.JS version from 3.8.4 to 3.8.6
- Update options schema to match ApexCharts.JS
- Charts and series are autoloaded instead of required to prevent loading unused charts and series to load path
- Empty data series throwing 'undefined method' error
- Bubble series returning original hash
0.1.6 - 2019-08-24
- Security section in repo page
- Table of Contents
- Ability to create reusable theme palette
- RangeBar chart
- Change logo to placeholder logo that needs to be replaced
- Example for palette creation
- Choose README versions
- X and Y axis type
- ApexCharts.JS version from 3.6.12 to 3.8.4
- HTML+ERB wrong and ambiguous instruction
- Cannot specify xtype or ytype as root options
0.1.5 - 2019-07-20
- Data formats on README
- HTML+ERB support on README
- BaseChart as a parent for CartesianChart and PolarChart
- Tests for OptionsBuilder
- Option
- Option
- Radar chart
- Candlestick chart
- Development dependency
- Issue templates
- Code of conduct
- Build options for colors
- Gem summary and description
- Namespace Apexcharts to ApexCharts
- Array of hashes with key
as input not read correctly plot_options
not deeply merged on bar and column chart whenoptions
- Undefined method
when not using Rails - Utils::Hash.camelize_keys not camelizing keys of hash in array value
0.1.4 - 2019-07-06
- Changelog
- Heatmap chart
- Bubble chart
- Chart examples
, andsynchronized_chart
, andsynchronized_charts
respectively as they should be
- Two points with same x value merging into one
0.1.3 - 2019-06-29
- Tests for Utils
- Tests for Charts
- Tests for Options Builder
- Stepline chart
- Brush chart
- Chart examples
- Timezone inconsistency in local and CI when parsing Date
0.1.2 - 2019-06-18
- Travis CI
- Donut chart
- Pie chart
- Radial Bar chart
- Chart examples
- Logo
- Chart examples
- Bar chart y as x issue
- Series and options mutations
0.1.1 - 2019-06-14
- Line chart
- Area chart
- Column chart
- Bar chart
- Scatter chart
- Mixed charts
- Syncing charts