Releases: TandoorRecipes/recipes
Releases · TandoorRecipes/recipes
- fixed various parser/bookmarklet issues (thanks to @smilerz #1917)
- fixed issue where broken imports would lead to empty import response views
- fixed old invite link button on system page
- fixed an issue with multi space and social auth logic
- fixed copy me that importer #1932
- added documentation for import / export (thanks to Mikhail5555 #1930)
1.3.0 - Multi Space Tenanncy
- added multi space tenancy
- each user can now be part of multiple spaces / can own multiple spaces
- completely rebuild the space management page to the new vue frontend
- quickly switch between multiple spaces, allow different permission levels per space
- lays the foundation for more advanced features in the future (like multi space sharing)
- added API endpoint to retrieve API token from username/password
- added ability to dump/loaddate trough django management console (thanks to AliveDevil #1854)
- added ability to import youtube videos (thanks to parkroland #1732)
- import the video name, description and thumbnail with a link to the video
- does not yet support downloading but might be added in the future
- added proper sign in template for social account logins
- added import duplicates have links to the recipe search now #1365
- added ability to not show ingredient overview at the top of a recipe
- added debounce to food search in recipe edit
- added ability to edit source url attribute of recipes #1880
- updated lots of translations thanks to the awesome translation community
- updated tons of dependencies
- updated recipe scrapers library to improve parser results
- improved improved several views on mobile (recipe edit, view and shopping)
- improved print layout (thanks to vekunz #1723)
- improved several mobile layout issues (thanks to astappiev #1829)
- changed markdown editor
- changed recipe from source endpoint to be available using the usual API authentication #1808
- fixed fixed swiping track area on shopping list
- fixed importer would not show different images fro each site
- fixed default search settings not being applied #1817
- fixed issue with ingredient pasting in recipe edit view #1858
- fixed filtering broken on food edit modal supermarket category #1802
- fixed add to shopping layout issue (thanks to @Kaibu #1825)
- fixed several api issues (including #1816)
- fixed imported from link would break page design #1861
- fixed url import always returning
as servings text #1869 - fixed issues with cookmate importer #1870
- fixed ingredient amount would show even if amount was disabled #1877
- fixed collapsed nav might be longer than viewport allows on mobile #1881
- fixed error when resetting food inheritances if no foods exist (thanks Jbonnett to #1885)
- fixed step headers would show in step ingredient lists #1879
- fixed make now search filter (thanks to @smilerz #1909)
- improved readme (thanks to anaymody #1864)
- improved docs grammar (thanks to anu-codes #1815)
- improved manual setup guide (thanks to nicedevil007 #1866)
- improved backup guide (thanks to nough #1908)
- updated several translations (thanks to the awesome translation team)
- improved ingredient editor on mobile #1794
- fixed import issue for certain recipes #1787
- fixed random recipe ordering #1812
- fixed inkonsistent default for step show as header (now always default false)
- fixed advanced search settings cookie expiration #1666
- fixed processing order of middlewares resulting in issue with reverse proxy auth #1749
- fixed plan to eat importer tag delimiter #1804
- fixed localization issue with shopping category selection in food edit modal
- fixed SSRF issue with the server having the ability to make local requests
- fixed several sanitization issues in model list view and file editor views
- fixed inability to delete recipe images #1798
- fixed broken logo font on mobile @Kaibu
- updated several dependencies
Thanks to WhiteSource Software for reporting and responsibly disclosing the security issues fixed with this release
- added dedicated docs and build for raspberry pi 32 bit (arm v7 architectures thanks to @gloriousDan #1786 and the awesome people over on the discord)
- you can now either use the 64 bit raspian with the normal arm image or the special raspi image
and the versioned<x.y.z>-raspi
to get the raspi image you want
- you can now either use the 64 bit raspian with the normal arm image or the special raspi image
- added bulgarian and danish translations (thanks to our awesome translation community)
- fixed several scraper related issues (thanks to @gloriousDan #1788) fixes #1764 #1787
- fixed there was no link to a recipe in the shopping list recipe overview
- fixed plan to eat importer encoding issue #1784
- fixed paprika importer ignoring servings #1791
- fixed meal plan height issues #1782 thanks to @Kaibu
- fixed svg logo missing font thanks to @Kaibu
- fixed new entry in shopping not translatable #1777
- fixed issue with cookmate importer #1772
- fixed issue with frontend static path generation #1771
- fixed original text rendering in recipe edit view
- fixed the recipe editor would show the same unit/food multiple times in multiselect #1792
- removed old shopping list functions from meal plan in favcor of new options
- updated recipe scrapers library
⚠️ sadly the arm build still does not work thus the tags were disabled again. Need to further investigate why its not working.
- fixed arm v7 build, specifically raspberry pi images (now using the tags
- updated
translations (thanks to the awesome translation team
fixed a desync issue on the supermarket category editor
- fixed supermarket category ordering
- fixed shopping auto sync interval disable
- fixed importer edge case errors
- fix build for non arm v7 architectures, arm v7 temporarily disabled
- 🛒 shopping list update #1649
- removed the old shopping list and made the new one default
- significantly improved the UI/UX of the new shopping list
- added swiping gestures
- fixed several issues and implemented feedback
- 🌐 new importer view #894
- completly overhauled UI in new frontend system
- removed old outdated editor
- added quick import wizard that lets you choose basic settings and edit recipe afterwards
- added quick step editor to split and merge steps and quickly sort ingredients
- automatically import a list of urls
- and many smaller tweaks and changes
- 🍒 ingredient editor #1721
- view to edit all ingredients in all recipes that use a certain food/unit
- easily fix/rename and change entries across all your recipes
- manage foods and units directly from the ingredient editor
- added melarecipes importer #1226
- added cookmate importer #1114
- added allow marking recipe as food (thanks to @smilerz #1633)
- added Swedish language support (thanks Makanz to #1711)
- added more context to frontend error messages when debug mode is turned on #682
- added docs about WSL instllation (thanks to audioclassify #1733)
- improved ingredient parser to support ingredients with amount/unit at the end of the string (e.g
Salted Butter 100 g
) - improved made keywords on recipe cards clickable (thanks to parkroland #1731)
- improved copy me that importer
- improved nextcloud cookbook importer to contain source url field #1105
- improved kubernetes examples (thanks to tristanlins #1719)
- improved rezkonv importer to support more variations of the spec (especially KALORIO exports)
- improved docker files nginx mounts volumes read only (thanks to gloriousDan #1714)
- improved nav bar styling on certain screen sizes and mobile positioning (thanks to hendrikbl #1710)
- improved recipe image scaling #1699
- changed default docker example re added restart always (see #1709 thanks to gloriousDan)
- fixed image handling file extension (thanks to ndbeals #1739)
- fixed DB wait script ignoring user setting (#1660 thanks to @MaxJa4)
- fixed nextcloud importer sometimes importing empty keywords #1730
- fixed admin comment search #1664
- fixed model list image loading when using S3 (thanks to 1690 #1690)
- fixed exporting recipes for safron and recipesage would fail because of a deprecated attribute #1658
- fixed copying recipe would not move link to nutrition information #1661
- fixed add step button missing after deleting only step in recipe #1655
- fixed links in markdown help (thanks to HarHarLinks #1698)
- fixed paprika import servings #1485
- fixed templating error on space management page #1729
- fixed too small fractions not showing at all #1702
- fixed env template email comments #1707
- fixed meal plan error message if no recipe is selected for add to shopping #1722
- fixed ingredient parser returning to long food names #1010
- fixed various issues with german localization (thanks to Drumstickx #1734 and @Kaibu)
- fixed empty step times causing update issues #1748
- updated several dependencies