Folders and files
Name | Name | Last commit date | ||
parent directory.. | ||||
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx8640\f0\fs20 Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter - WinMerge Plugin for pre-comparison \par formatting on ".sql" files.\par \pard Copyright (C) 2011 Tao Klerks\par \par This plugin requires the Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter C# library, installed \par into its own folder and registered for COM interop, and it also requires a \par "TSqlFormatWMPlugin.dll" file saved into the "MergePlugins" folder of your \par WinMerge installation.\par \par The install process will "guess" that WinMerge is installed in a folder \par called "WinMerge", in your default / standard "Program Files" directory \par (named differently depending on your flavour of windows).\par \par If your WinMerge setup is different, please copy/move the file from this \par "guessed" location to the correct location, for the plugin to be available.\par \par To use, in WinMerge:\par 1) Enable plugins (Plugins -> list... -> Enable Plugins)\par 2A) Set automatic unpacking (Plugins -> Automatic Unpacking), OR\par 2B) When opening files, in the file-selection dialog, choose the unpacker.\par \par TIP: If you only want to use this plugin from time-to-time, so you leave the \par setting to "Manual Unpacking", you will find you skip the file selection \par dialog when you choose WinMerge from the explorer context menu or from \par a source control or other automatic launcher. To quickly reload the current \par files with the unpacker, just go to File -> Open, and the current file paths will \par come pre-selected, allowing you to select the unpacker in that dialog very \par easily.\par \par }