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Test MQTT traffic

AWS IoT is not a good choice

About AWS IoT

Message Broker for AWS IoT

Protocol Authentication Port ALPN Protocol Name
MQTT X.509 client certificate 8883 N/A
Use AWS IoT SDK for Python v2 for device to connect to AWS Iot Core

Why not use it

  • AWS IoT MQTT always enables TLS Encryption so it's difficult to track latency of MQTT message by using Wireshark after try.
  • In Wireshark, there is only info about the TLS packet. Even I can use packet length to find out those data packet, some problems will occur when there is packet loss.
  • When there is packet loss sometimes publisher would send multiple temperature data in one TLS packet. So it's unavailable to test and evaluate MQTT latency through AWS IoT.


1. MQTT Broker

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (AWS EC2 Instance: t2.micro 1GB RAM) Domain: mosquitto version 1.6.8

2. MQTT Client 1 (Publisher)

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Name: Client (Virtual Machine in Virtual Box 6.1) Local IP behind NAT: mosquitto_pub version 1.4.15 running on libmosquitto 1.4.15

3. MQTT Client 2 (Subscriber)

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Name: Server (Virtual Machine in Virtual Box 6.1) Local IP behind NAT: mosquitto_sub version 1.4.15 running on libmosquitto 1.4.15

Testing process

Create Broker

  1. Get an aws educate account by using NEU e-mail account

  2. Use aws educate account to get into aws console to create a simple EC2 instance with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  3. Install mosquitto:

    sudo apt install mosquitto
  4. After install mosquitto will automatically run in background on port 1883

Configure publisher and subscriber

  1. Install mosquitto clients on two local Ubuntu

    sudo apt install mosquitto-clients

Ensure time synchronization

  1. Install tools for time synchronization and checking time difference on two local Ubuntu

    sudo apt install clockdiff ntpdate

    clockdiff: check time difference with target host machine by using ICMP ntpdate: synchronize with specified ntp server

  2. Synchronize the time of two machine

    1. Synchronize time with one same ntp server, run following code on two Ubuntu:

      sudo ntpdate -u
    2. Check time difference with each other on both Ubuntu

      # on Publisher
      client@client-VirtualBox:~/assignment3$ clockdiff
      host= rtt=237(295)ms/0ms delta=0ms/0ms Sun Mar 29 00:46:10 2020
      # on Subscriber
      server@server-VirtualBox:~/assignment3$ clockdiff
      host= rtt=750(187)ms/0ms delta=0ms/0ms Sun Mar 29 00:42:07 2020

Test and capture data

  1. Run Wireshark on both Ubuntu

  2. Subscriber subscribe topic 'temperature' on broker

    mosquitto_sub -h -t tempreture -q 0
  3. Publisher publish 1000 msg to topic 'temperature' from '0C' to '999C' by creating a shell:

    for ((i=0;i<1000;i++))
        mosquitto_pub -h -t tempreture -m $msg -q 0
        echo "Sent msg:[$msg]"
  4. Save Wireshark data in .pcapng format

  5. Repeat 4-6 steps with changing QoS level setting by edit the '-q' option to '-q 0|1|2'

Process captured data

  1. Add a column of mqtt.msg in Wireshark so as to export msg data into csv files with data of mqtt.msg WireShark Preference
  2. Process data by writing a python script

Python script for processing Wireshark

Import packages

from csv import DictReader
from os import chdir
from binascii import a2b_hex

Set filter strings

pub_ip = ''
sub_ip = ''
broker_ip = ''
msg_str = '[tempreture]'

Change work path Set publisher and subscriber data path

work_path = '\\data'
pub_data_path = '.\\pub2\\'
sub_data_path = '.\\sub2\\'

Set publisher data files' path

pub_qos0_path = pub_data_path+ 'qos0\\'
pub_qos1_path = pub_data_path+ 'qos1\\'
pub_qos2_path = pub_data_path+ 'qos2\\'

pub_qos0_0_path = pub_qos0_path + '1000_0loss.csv'
pub_qos0_5_path = pub_qos0_path + '1000_5loss.csv'
pub_qos0_10_path = pub_qos0_path + '1000_10loss.csv'

pub_qos1_0_path = pub_qos1_path + '1000_0loss.csv'
pub_qos1_5_path = pub_qos1_path + '1000_5loss.csv'
pub_qos1_10_path = pub_qos1_path + '1000_10loss.csv'

pub_qos2_0_path = pub_qos2_path + '1000_0loss.csv'
pub_qos2_5_path = pub_qos2_path + '1000_5loss.csv'
pub_qos2_10_path = pub_qos2_path + '1000_10loss.csv'

Set subsriber data files' path

sub_qos0_path = sub_data_path+ 'qos0\\'
sub_qos1_path = sub_data_path+ 'qos1\\'
sub_qos2_path = sub_data_path+ 'qos2\\'

sub_qos0_0_path = sub_qos0_path + '1000_0loss.csv'
sub_qos0_5_path = sub_qos0_path + '1000_5loss.csv'
sub_qos0_10_path = sub_qos0_path + '1000_10loss.csv'

sub_qos1_0_path = sub_qos1_path + '1000_0loss.csv'
sub_qos1_5_path = sub_qos1_path + '1000_5loss.csv'
sub_qos1_10_path = sub_qos1_path + '1000_10loss.csv'

sub_qos2_0_path = sub_qos2_path + '1000_0loss.csv'
sub_qos2_5_path = sub_qos2_path + '1000_5loss.csv'
sub_qos2_10_path = sub_qos2_path + '1000_10loss.csv'

Function for process csv data:

  • Data of QoS level 1 or 2
  • Data of Qos level 0 with no packet loss
def qos_csv_reader(csv_path_str, source_ip, dest_ip, contains_info):
    latency_array = []
    with open(csv_path_str, newline='') as csvfile:
        reader = DictReader(csvfile)
        for row in reader:
            if (source_ip in row['Source']) and (dest_ip in row['Destination'] and ('MQTT' == row['Protocol'])):
                for i in range(row['Info'].count(contains_info)):
                # When packet loss occurs with QoS 0, publisher will lose its mqtt publish msg
                # and show info as '[TCP Previous segment not captured] , Disconnect Req'
                if '[TCP Previous segment not captured]' in row['Info']:
#     print(csv_path_str + ' : ' + str(len(latency_array)))
    return latency_array

Function for get temperature value from hex string eg: '41404043' -> '100C' -> 100

def get_tempreture_num( msg_str ):
    return int(a2b_hex(msg_str.encode()).decode()[:-1])

Function for process csv data:

  • Data of Qos level 0 with packet loss which has mqtt.msg field

Because QoS 0 with packet loss will cause subscribed or published msgs arranged in the wrong order

def qos0_loss_csv_reader(csv_path_str, source_ip, dest_ip, contains_info):
    res_dict = {}
    lost_timestamps = []
    lost_index = [i for i in range(1000)]
    with open(csv_path_str, newline='') as csvfile:
        reader = DictReader(csvfile)
        last_tempreture_num = 0
        for row in reader:
            if (source_ip in row['Source']) and (dest_ip in row['Destination'] and ('MQTT' == row['Protocol'])):
                msg_num = row['Info'].count(contains_info)
                info = row['MsgInfo']
                if msg_num > 1:
                    info_arr = info.split(',')
                        for hex_str in info_arr:
                            index = get_tempreture_num(hex_str)
                elif msg_num == 1:
                    index = get_tempreture_num(info)
                elif '[TCP Previous segment not captured]' in row['Info']:
    if len(lost_index) == len(lost_timestamps) and len(lost_timestamps) > 0:
        for index, timestamp in zip(lost_index, lost_timestamps):
            res_dict.setdefault(index, timestamp)
    res_dict = sorted(res_dict.items())
    latency_array = [b for a,b in res_dict ]
#     print(csv_path_str + ' : ' + str(len(latency_array)))
    return latency_array

Process publisher data to get timestamp lists for each case

pub_qos0_0_data = qos_csv_reader(pub_qos0_0_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)
pub_qos0_5_data = qos0_loss_csv_reader(pub_qos0_5_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)
pub_qos0_10_data = qos0_loss_csv_reader(pub_qos0_10_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)

pub_qos1_0_data = qos_csv_reader(pub_qos1_0_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)
pub_qos1_5_data = qos_csv_reader(pub_qos1_5_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)
pub_qos1_10_data = qos_csv_reader(pub_qos1_10_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)

pub_qos2_0_data = qos_csv_reader(pub_qos2_0_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)
pub_qos2_5_data = qos_csv_reader(pub_qos2_5_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)
pub_qos2_10_data = qos_csv_reader(pub_qos2_10_path, pub_ip, broker_ip, msg_str)

Process subsriber data to get timestamp lists for each case

sub_qos0_0_data = qos_csv_reader(sub_qos0_0_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)
sub_qos0_5_data = qos0_loss_csv_reader(sub_qos0_5_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)
sub_qos0_10_data = qos0_loss_csv_reader(sub_qos0_10_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)

sub_qos1_0_data = qos_csv_reader(sub_qos1_0_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)
sub_qos1_5_data = qos_csv_reader(sub_qos1_5_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)
sub_qos1_10_data = qos_csv_reader(sub_qos1_10_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)

sub_qos2_0_data = qos_csv_reader(sub_qos2_0_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)
sub_qos2_5_data = qos_csv_reader(sub_qos2_5_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)
sub_qos2_10_data = qos_csv_reader(sub_qos2_10_path, broker_ip, sub_ip, msg_str)

Function for calculate latency

def calculate_latency(pub_time_arr, sub_time_arr):
    avg_res = 0
    native_case_num = 0
    index = 0
    if len(pub_time_arr) == len(sub_time_arr):
        latency_arr = []
        for pub,sub in zip(pub_time_arr,sub_time_arr):
            if (sub - pub) > 0:
                print("%d : %f - %f" % (index, sub, pub))
                native_case_num += 1
            index += 1
        avg_res = sum(latency_arr)/len(latency_arr)
        print("Length of input lists are not equal!")
    if native_case_num > 0:
        print("Native latency orrcurs %d times!" % native_case_num)
    return avg_res

Get latency result of each case

print("Qos 0 with 0%%  packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos0_0_data,sub_qos0_0_data))
print("Qos 0 with 5%%  packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos0_5_data,sub_qos0_5_data))
print("Qos 0 with 10%% packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos0_10_data,sub_qos0_10_data))

print("Qos 1 with 0%%  packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos1_0_data,sub_qos1_0_data))
print("Qos 1 with 5%%  packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos1_5_data,sub_qos1_5_data))
print("Qos 1 with 10%% packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos1_10_data,sub_qos1_10_data))

print("Qos 2 with 0%%  packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos2_0_data,sub_qos2_0_data))
print("Qos 2 with 5%%  packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos2_5_data,sub_qos2_5_data))
print("Qos 2 with 10%% packet loss latency: %f s" % calculate_latency(pub_qos2_10_data,sub_qos2_10_data))

Data at a glance

Packet loss (%) Qos 0 (s) Qos 1 (s) Qos 2 (s)
0 0.068281 0.067730 0.137305
5 0.099493 0.068319 0.155797
10 0.119493 0.068085 0.185261

Data Summary

  1. Packet loss caused some of msgs under QoS 0 disordered both on subscriber and publisher.
  2. Packet loss caused the obvious proportional increase of latency under QoS 0.
  3. QoS 1 Level communication under packet loss maintains stable and less latency than all other QoS level.
  4. QoS 2 level communication under packet loss caused small proportional increase on latency and has more stable latency then QoS 0 has.

Answers for Questions

Describe the messages that are exchanged between devices and broker

No matter which level of QoS, the device firstly establish the TCP connect with broker then:

QoS 0

  • Publisher
    1. Sent Connect Command to broker to connect
    2. Get Connect Ack, which means connection established
    3. Publish msg to topic, which contains topic name and msg data
    4. Sent Disconnect Req to disconnect
  • Subscriber
    1. Establish connection and subscribe to a topic at QoS 2 level
      1. Sent Connect Command to broker to connect
      2. Get Connect Ack, which means connection established
      3. Sent Subscribe Request with id
      4. Get Subscribe Ack with id, means the success of subscribe
    2. Begin to get Publish Msg which contains msg data

QoS 1

  • Publisher
    1. Sent Connect Command to broker to connect
    2. Get Connect Ack, which means connection established
    3. Publish msg to topic with a id, which contains topic name and msg data
    4. Get Publish Ack with id
    5. Sent Disconnect Req to disconnect
  • Subscriber
    1. Establish connection and subscribe to a topic at QoS 2 level
      1. Sent Connect Command to broker to connect
      2. Get Connect Ack, which means connection established
      3. Sent Subscribe Request with id
      4. Get Subscribe Ack with id, means the success of subscribe
    2. Begin to get Publish Msg which contains topic name, msg data and a id
    3. Sent Publish Ack with a id to broker
    4. Id increases by 1 each time a message is received

QoS 2

  • Publisher
    1. Sent Connect Command to broker to connect
    2. Get Connect Ack, which means connection established
    3. Publish msg to topic with a id, which contains topic name and msg data
    4. Get Publish Ack with id
    5. Sent Publish Release to notice the end of publish
    6. Get Publish Complete, which means publish is completed
    7. Sent Disconnect Req to disconnect
  • Subscriber
    1. Establish connection and subscribe to a topic at QoS 2 level
      1. Sent Connect Command to broker to connect
      2. Get Connect Ack, which means connection established
      3. Sent Subscribe Request with id
      4. Get Subscribe Ack with id, means the success of subscribe
    2. Begin to get Publish Msg which contains topic name, msg data and a id
    3. Sent Publish Ack with a id to broker
    4. Get Publish Release with a id, know that publish is completed
    5. Sent Publish Complete with a id to acknowledge publish has completed
    6. Id increases by 1 each time a message is received

How does quality affect latency? Why?

  • Because QoS 0 has no checking mechanism so when there is packet loss, the broker would not notice that until the publisher found there is packet loss by checking the ACK number in TCP header and then resend the TCP packet. Such wait then resend process obviously increase the latency.
  • Because QoS 1 is at least once, so broker just has to check it has received the msg and no matter to check the redundancy, so when the packet from publisher lost, the broker will immediately detect the loss and notice the publisher to resend the message. Although the Acknowledgment of Publish increases the latency, such mechanism ensures the stable of latency to face the packet loss.
  • Because QoS 2 not only has to acknowledge the Publish but also has to make sure the times of published msg by using ID and an extra handshake, such mechanism substantially increases the number of interactions of once publish process, which not only increase the time cost of once publish process( increase latency as result) but also increase more lost packets( also causes the rise of latency).