== General ==
- Once the repository is stable (i.e. no more new versions inserted into ancient history), upload the original .zip files (both sources and binaries) to the GitHub release system. Of course that should be done with a script
- Import the history of the old SVN repository?
- Find more old versions and import them
== import-zips.py ==
Allow incremental mode, so that one does not need to rebuild the whole repository after each release
add a map from versions to known releases dates, to be used instead of the date guessed from the tarball
add initial commit which adds:
.gitignore: /TeXShop.xcodeproj/.mode /TeXShop.xcodeproj/*.pbxuser /TeXShop.xcodeproj/xcuserdata
.gitattributes: *.nib -diff
== texshop-watcher ==
- run it 24/7 as a cron job on a machine that is always online, so that we don't miss any releases
- send notification (via email?) if a new release is found