use `java_basic`;
drop table if exists `student`;
create table if not exists `student`
`id` int auto_increment primary key not null comment '编号',
`name` varchar(32) check ( length(`name`) >= 1 ) not null comment '姓名',
`gender` tinyint unsigned default 0 check ( `gender` in (0, 1, 2) ) not null comment '性别',
`age` tinyint unsigned default 0 check ( `age` between 0 and 150 ) not null comment '年龄',
`entry_time` datetime null comment '入学时间'
) comment '学生表';
insert into student (`name`, `gender`, `age`, `entry_time`) value ('student01', 1, 19, now());
insert into student (`name`, `gender`, `age`, `entry_time`) value ('student02', default, 200, now()); -- fail
insert into student (`name`, `gender`, `age`, `entry_time`) value ('', default, default, now()); -- fail
insert into student (`id`, `name`, `gender`, `age`, `entry_time`) value (1, 'student01', default, default, null);
select *
from `student`;
drop table if exists `score`;
create table if not exists `score`
`student_id` int unique,
`chinese` int check ( `chinese` between 0 and 100) comment '语文',
`math` int check ( `math` between 0 and 100) comment '数学',
`english` int check ( `english` between 0 and 100) comment '英语',
constraint `student_id_fk1` foreign key (`student_id`) references `student` (`id`)
) comment '学生分数表';
insert into `score` (`student_id`, `chinese`, `math`, `english`)
values (1, 100, 100, 100);
select *
from `score`;
from `student`
where `id` = 1;
alter table `score`
drop foreign key `student_id_fk1`;
alter table `score`
add constraint `student_id_fk1`
foreign key (`student_id`) references `student` (`id`) on update cascade on delete cascade;
关键字 |
描述 |
not null |
不为 null |
unique |
唯一约束 |
primary key |
主键约束 |
default |
默认约束 |
check |
检查约束 |
foreign key |
外键约束 |