- 存储过程是先经过编译并存储在数据库中的一段 SQL 语句的集合
- 调用存储过程可以简化应用开发人员的很多工作
- 减少数据库和应用服务器之间的传输, 对于提高数据处理的效率很有好处
- 存储过程思想上很简单, 就是数据库 SQL 语句层面的代码封装与重用
- 特点
- 封装, 复用
- 可以传递参数, 也可以返回数据
- 减少网络交互, 效率提升
- 命令行中修改 SQL 结束符
use `java_basic`;
create procedure p()
select count(*) from `student`;
call p();
select *
from `information_schema`.`ROUTINES`
where `ROUTINE_SCHEMA` = 'java_basic';
show create procedure func;
drop procedure if exists p;
- 系统变量
- 分类
- 在 session 或 global 中的设置在重启后都会失效, 需要永久设置需在配置文件中修改
- 用户定义变量
- 局部变量
- declare
- 作用域为 begin...end 之间
- 存储过程的参数
- in(默认): 入参
- out: 出参
- inout: 入/出参
- if
- if 条件 then 代码
- elseif 条件 then 代码
- ...
- else 代码
- end if;
- case
- 用法 1
- case 变量
- when 值 then 代码
- ...
- else 代码
- end case;
- 用法 2
- case
- when 条件 then 代码
- ...
- else 代码
- end case;
- while
- while 条件
- do
- 代码
- end while;
- repeat
- repeat
- 代码
- until
- 结束条件
- end repeat;
- loop
- 关键字
- 标签: loop
- 代码
- end loop 标签;
- 游标
- 条件处理程序
- action
- condition
- sqlstate: 指定的状态码
- sqlwarning: 01 开头 sqlstate 代码的简写
- not found: 02 开头 sqlstate 代码的简写
- sqlexception: 没有被 sqlwarning 或 not found 捕获的 sqlstate 代码的简写
-- 系统变量
show session variables;
show global variables like '%commit%';
select @@session.autocommit;
set @@session.autocommit = 1;
-- 用户定义变量
set @name = 'stu01';
set @gender := 1,@age := 18;
select @name, @gender, @age;
select count(*)
into @counter
from `student`;
select @counter;
-- 局部变量
drop procedure if exists p;
create procedure p()
declare stu_count int;
set stu_count := 0;
select count(*) into stu_count from `student`;
select stu_count;
call p();
-- if
drop procedure if exists p;
create procedure p(in score int, out message varchar(32))
if score < 0 or score > 100 then
set message := 'ERR';
elseif score < 60 then
set message := 'D';
elseif score < 70 then
set message := 'C';
elseif score < 80 then
set message := 'B';
set message := 'A';
end if;
call p(100, @message);
select @message;
-- case
drop procedure if exists p;
create procedure p(in gender int)
case gender
when 1 then select '男';
when 2 then select '女';
else select 'ERR';
end case;
call p(1);
call p(2);
call p(0);
drop procedure if exists p;
create procedure p(in month int, out message varchar(32))
when 1 <= month and month <= 3 then set message := '第一季度';
when 4 <= month and month <= 6 then set message := '第二季度';
when 7 <= month and month <= 9 then set message := '第三季度';
when 10 <= month and month <= 12 then set message := '第四季度';
else set message := 'ERR';
end case;
call p(12, @message);
select @message;
-- while
drop procedure if exists p;
create procedure p(in n int)
declare sum int default 0;
while n > 0
set sum := sum + n;
set n := n - 1;
end while;
select sum;
call p(10);
-- repeat
drop procedure if exists p;
create procedure p(in n int)
declare sum int default 0;
set sum := sum + n;
set n := n - 1;
n = 0
end repeat;
select sum;
call p(10);
drop procedure if exists func;
create procedure p(in n int)
declare sum int default 0;
if n = 0 then
leave sum_loop;
end if;
if n % 2 = 0 then
set n := n - 1;
iterate sum_loop;
end if;
set sum := sum + n;
set n := n - 1;
end loop sum_loop;
select sum;
call p(10);
-- 游标
drop procedure if exists p;
create procedure p(in min_age int)
declare stu_name varchar(32);
declare stu_age tinyint unsigned;
declare stu_cur cursor for select `name`, `age` from `student` where `age` >= min_age;
declare exit handler for sqlstate '02000' close stu_cur;
create table if not exists student_temp
`id` int auto_increment primary key not null comment '编号',
`name` varchar(32) not null comment '姓名',
`age` tinyint unsigned not null comment '年龄'
) engine = memory;
truncate table `student_temp`;
open stu_cur;
while true
fetch stu_cur into stu_name,stu_age;
insert into `student_temp` (`name`, `age`) value (stu_name, stu_age);
end while;
close stu_cur;
- 语法
- create function 函数名(形参列表) returns 类型
- 特征
- begin
- 代码
- return ...
- end;
- 特征(characteristic)
- deterministic:
- no sql: 不含 SQL 语句
- reads sql data:
-- 存储函数
drop function if exists f;
create function f(min int, max int) returns int
no sql
return rand() * (max - min) + min;
select f(200, 100.0);