- separate tools from tools crate
- separate debug eguis
- tilde to show wheel for toggling visibility of each
- default to no character; action to spawn character; toolbelt live outside of character; rename toolbelt to actionspace
- annotations in host environment
- make existing buttons only respond to clicks from host environment
add possession mode to control the agent body to test environment restrictions
clean up todos
graceful worker shutdown message
investigate transparent windows :/
mode to detach mostly from controller when controlling apps that have controller support
UI Resolver for VSCode window
UI Resolver for a kanban board, move todo list to it. Mapping to GitHub project board?
UI Resolver for todo list, make it structured
UI Resolver for Task Manager
UI Resolver for qBitTorrent
UI Resolver for VPN
UI Resolver for Edge
UI Resolver for Windows Explorer; notes and files searchable? brick-per-file representation in game world
UI Resolver for mpv
UI Resolver for SyncPlay
UI Resolver for Discord
UI Resolver for Windows Terminal
move click tool to its own crate pair
click toggle inspector for game objects
rename plugin refactoring action - rename file snake case, rename plugin pascal case
fix r3 position cursor at title bar
emoji text in world and in egui test
add world representation of all our cursor_hero crates where clicking them will toggle their log level to warn
- button to set all scope to warn and all open tabs to trace
rustdoc_json to create buttons to toggle log level for individual crates from within the game, persisting changes by modifying the log plugin init code
window swap: swap the position of the game window with the window under the cursor
switch LLM to one that is better for programming and knows about VS Code.
Keyboard Tool D-Pad Chords for Arbitrary Letters
Understand why I can't use the app to hit its own close button
home and end buttons in keyboard tool
data brick - screenshot tool creates physics object cube that contains the data
- only show hover preview and only process clicks for ui elements that match a known data provider pattern
- agent can manipulate and observe the cube
- cube observations do not map to the inner info, apps may be summarized in a few lines with hints about what subdata can be extracted
- UI databrick - contains information extracted from UI Automation
- File databrick - contains file contents and file handle info (path, size, etc)
- Chat databrick - contains chat history
- brick observations shouldn't be retained from previous messages, only keep chat history / purge brick history? if the agent can only observe the bricks around it, and we create a brick to represent chat history, then we can have the agent manage its own context window by summarizing and discarding bricks. problem: how large is the context window? we need indicators. Not contained within, but referenced to be gathered later.
context teleport tool
- tab to place marker
- mouse1 to teleport cube to marker
camera tool
- f1 - env 1
- f2 - env 2
- 1 - teleport object to 1
- 2 - teleport object to 2
start menu button
button creates a window with icon, title, decorations
taskbar lists windows
update tool plugin template
tree structure component that can render a tree structure following the flat-but-annotated style of the inspect.exe tree of the vscode file explorer
agent memory reset (gun?)
- points towards cursor
- projectile shoot
- sfx
- projectile hit
- sfx
- hitreg wipe memory
name labels above characters
character positions in observation
- snapshot at time for observation, or record ongoing activity?
- "X walked by, 25s ago"
- "Y stopped moving at [12.0, 255.0], 5s ago"
sfx when service comes online
better prompt history
vscode buffer observations
Onboarder startup button
Screen pause toggle button
add "thinking" bubble above agent head when request in flight
customizable launch params for the wt invocation to launch ollama and stuff in case people have different WSL distros than ubuntu
- restart memory, edit in game
ollama server documentation button to open the github
character selection room, displaying all the variants of the character using a closet that you scroll through the hangers that describe the situation in which each sprite is used, exploded view to show all variants / the sprite sheet
run animation
performance profiling (so I can close the browser tab I have open for the rust metrics lib)
reduce background CPU usage from 22% 😱 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/introduction-to-wpr
switcher wheel to collect all switcher tools for predictable navigation
- gamepad rumble on hover
- sound effect on hover tool
fullscreen tool binding f11 to fullscreen toggle
set clippy rule to flag
usage -
post to openai discord use-cases channel https://discord.com/channels/974519864045756446/1155775326253756456
- tag @abdubs (Alex)
window switcher tool; window wheel -> focus, teleport
Github releases in world
File browser in world
Voice input tool
- Push to talk
- Push to toggle talk
- Insert period
- Insert space
- Hit enter
interpreter agent that acts as "middleware" that will process user speech transcription to clean it up typos and other errors that can decrease model performance before it gets included in main agent observations
track recently played sounds and empower the user to adjust the volume of individual sounds and future sounds of the same class
sprint tool scales scroll speed
couple click tool with window/screen mouse position tool
make overlay logic stop when inspection tool disabled
add version number to binary as part of build
show tools which have conflicting keys in red
tool to focus the game window and maximize it on the monitors with dpad
jump tool - aimlock with right stick to jump to targets at varying distances
new tool tool
- bind: type "plug"
- bind: press tab
- bind: rename symbol refactor hotkey (Shift+F6)
- bind: voice2text
- bind: enter
new file tool
- bind: left click (on folder -> new file)
- bind: voice prompt with instructions on file name preference, include txt of tree output next to the cursor in the vscode file explorer
- bind: hit enter
add a binding to the voice tool for hitting the enter button.Add a binding.for the Ctrl-S hotkey.add a hotkey to thefor inserting a new line.Add a camera tool to own the hotkey for fire.following the character.- tool selection wheel show on rstick click, left stick to pick item in the wheel - is the toolbelt a tool?
- teleport tool - rstick in maps left stick to full screen coords. Full left stick places cursor as far left, across all screens, as possible
- find way to overlay on top of other windows without drawing the screens
- text buffer - a change-listenable history-queryable place to store text
- d-pad keyboard navigation tool , arrow keys, wasd, hjkl
- clipboard tool - keybind to push text buffer to system clipboard, keybind to pull from system clipboard to text buffer, keybind to send ctrl+v input
- voice2text tool - hold to talk to transcribe your voice into the text buffer
- annotation tool - keybind to append to a file (timestamp, cursor pos, element under cursor persistent id, text buffer)
- cursor tool - mapping to shift to enable shift-clicking, mapping control to enable control clicking.Combinable with shift.
- summarize tool - summarize the clicked element. north/south: summary length adjust. east/west: level of detail adjust
- dump tool - poop emoji icon, dumps context of the current timestep to the text buffer. keybind to adjust detail
- zoom tool - right trigger to control zoom
- type tool - send keyboard inputs according to the text buffer
- d-pad quick toggle tool system
- timestamp marking tool - save to file with note
- describe hovered element tool
- llm inference for arbitrary string payloads
- rebind hotkey tool that analyzes project for keybinding defaults in code and edits the code in place to change the default
- todo tool that reads top 3 todo.md entries and top 3 git log into LLM to suggest the next thing to work on
- more real time voice 2 text
- indicator out of bounds when OBS is not recording / status lights for OBS
- detect periods of waiting and replace progress spinners / cargo build logs / chatgpt still typing a response with a video from my watch later, my move in a chess game, a chess puzzle, an email -- predict the length of the time spinning to pick a thing to that will take that amount of time,
- point at program and open the source code - mapping from program to disk location
- automate bevy cloning and dependency update to point at local clones of the repos