each route called will be logged.
idompetient apis - critical once, and those needed to be called once.
no. of password tries, at max - 5, wait for 5min, then grow exp, then after 3tries, raise a ticket. (track no. of tries).
rate limiting
admin pannel - ip restrict, http_cookie
admin can disable calls, msg, and login of users.
application context
cache manager
re-trigger after DB change, on history table
if access token is not there, send auth error
exception classes
documented code
formatting tools
email, mobile unique constraints
async background processing
pipelines - git
- blueprints
- render html templates
- crud
- context
- decorators
- routes
- login / logout
- cookiee
- file upload
- docker
- backup DB
- redis
- aws s3, and 2 more services
- pipelines
- inter-service
- external can't call apis
- kubernets
- cron job
- email verification / otp
- auth and then other service call
- testcases setup
- context manager
- premium buy route
- reactive account