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How to use PatrickStar

Here are some instructions for making better use of PatrickStar.

Create model with intialize_engine

To create model and optimizer of PatrickStar, you will use the initialize_engine API:

from patrickstar.runtime import initialize_engine


model, optimizer = initialize_engine(

This function will return a PatrickStarEngine and a FP16Adam. You could take PatrickStarEngine as a wrapped model (it is also a derived class of nn.Module). The memory management of PatrickStar relies on it. FP16Adam is a float16 version of Adam (also supports AdamW) as the name indicates. It is capable of doing both the CPU and the GPU param update fast.

  • model_func

The model_func is a function with no argument that will create the nn.Module model. Below is a model_func example for HuggingFace Transformers:

from transformers import BertForSequenceClassification

def model_func():
    return BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")

Note that all the intializaiton of the nn.Modules need to happen in model_func, because PatrickStar needs to detect all the __init__ of nn.Modules in model_func to insert the chunk based memory management. Therefore, the following model_func will cause error:

# Bad model_func
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")

def model_func():
    return model
  • local_rank

local_rank is the rank of the process in the local machine (contrary to global rank, which is the rank in the whole distributed group). You could get the local_rank from args.local_rank when using torch.distributed.launch or to start your distributed training.

  • config

config is the configuration of the training. It includes the config for optimizer, loss scaler and some PatrickStar specific settings. The Configuration section below will give you a detailed introduction.

  • client

There is a fourth argument of intialize_engine - client. This is only used when it is really hard to extract the model into a model_func and you need to create the PatrickStarEngine manually.


When you have initialized the model, the training process is basically the same as native pytorch:

for data in dataloader:

    loss = model(data)

The only difference is that you need to use model.backward(loss) instead of loss.backward().

Save and Load

PatrickStar supports saving and loading model params and optimizer state using the same API of pytorch. You could use:, ""), "")

to save the model and the optimizer and use:

model_state_dict = torch.load("")
opt_state_dict = torch.load("")

to load the training state.

Note that when using distributed training with PatrickStar, each process will hold only 1/N (N is the number of processes) of the model. Therefore we recommend to attach the rank number to the checkpoint filename:, f"model-{rank}.pt"), f"optimizer-{rank}.pt")

You make hope to merge the checkpoints for inference. As the checkpoints are only OrderedDicts, you could:

# Combine 2 checkpoints and load into the whole model.
state_dict = torch.load("")
state_dict1 = torch.load("")

We also provide a tool for merging checkpoints, please check the Merge Checkpoints section below.


You could profile the memory usage or the location of chunks with the profiler module in PatrickStar. Here is an example of profiler:

from patrickstar.profiler import profiler

model, optimizer = initialize_engine(
    model_func=model_func, local_rank=rank, config=config


for data in dataloader:

if rank == 0:"profile.pkl")

You could visualize the saved profile.pkl with the profiler visualizer tool we provide. For detail, check the Profile Visualizer section below.


The configuration is a python dictionary with the same format as DeepSpeed config, the following are most configs and their default values:

config = {
    # configs for optimizer
    "optimizer": {
        # type can only be "Adam" or "AdamW" for now
        "type": "Adam",
        "params": {
            "lr": lr,
            "betas": betas,
            "eps": eps,
            "weight_decay": weight_decay,
            # If set to False, all the adam operations will be on CPU.
            "use_hybrid_adam": True,
    # If there is no "fp16" field in the config,
    # then the model will be trained without loss scaler.
    # Note that there are no loss scaler on default.
    "fp16": {
        # Always need to be True
        "enabled": True,
        # If set to 0, use dynamic loss scaler,
        # otherwise use static loss scaler with the value as loss scale
        # Note that static loss scale will not check if the gradient overflows.
        "loss_scale": 0,
        # The initial loss scale of dynamic loss scaler will be
        # 2 ** initial_scale_power
        "initial_scale_power": 16,
        "loss_scale_window": 1000,
        "hysteresis": 2,
        "min_loss_scale": 1,
    # The default chunk size, recommend values are 32M or 64M.
    # Note that this is the number of elements in a chunk instead
    # of the number of bytes.
    "default_chunk_size": 64 * 1024 * 1024,
    # In distributed training, PatrickStar will release the remote chunks
    # (the memory that is not managed by the current process) if
    # "release_after_init" is False. This will reduce the total CPU memory
    # consumption of the intiailization. However, release during init may
    # be conflict with the weight loading or weight initialization of
    # some library, e.g. `from_pretrained` in HuggingFace. In those cases,
    # set the "release_after_init" to True.
    "release_after_init": False,
    # Whether to put the embedding on CPU, it may have some negative impact
    # on the performance.
    "use_cpu_embedding": True,


Profile Visualizer

The profiler visualizer (tools/visualizer) could visualize the saved profile data.

The following command could visualize the GPU memory info:

python tools/ profile.pkl --fig_type=memory --memory_type=GPU

GPT3_8B model memory visualization

The red curve is the total GPU memory used, blue curve is the memory manged by chunk. The green, blue and purple background represent forward, backward, adam stage respectively.

We could also visualize the location info of chunks:

python tools/ profile.pkl --fig_type=access

GPT3_8B model chunk location visualization on 4xV100

The red part means the chunk is on GPU, blue part means chunk is on GPU. The four section from bottm to top are the chunks of type FP16_PARAM, FP32_PARAM, VARIANCE and MOMENTUM.

Merge Checkpoints

PatrickStar also provides a tool for merging the distributed checkpoints with tools/

An example command is:

python tools/ --pattern=checkpoint-*.pt --num=4

The script will replace the * with 0, 1, 2, 3 and merge the four checkpoints (,,, into