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Steve Bennett edited this page Jul 29, 2015 · 8 revisions

Automated Tests

The major components on which National Map is built have extensive automated test suites:

There is a browser-based test suite for TerriaJS. To run it, first build the tests:

$ gulp build-specs

Then, go to http://localhost:3001/build/TerriaJS/SpecRunner.html

Manual Tests

This is the list of things to check manually when validating a new National Map release.

  • Platforms:
    • Windows:
      • Internet Explorer 8 (should show a "not supported" message only)
      • Internet Explorer 9 (2D only)
      • Internet Explorer 10 (2D only)
      • Internet Explorer 11
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
    • Linux
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
    • Max OS X
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Safari
  • Functionality:
    • Expand/collapse Explorer Panel (big one on the left)
    • Switch between tabs (including switching from Data Catalogue over to Search and back)
    • Data Catalogue
      • Expand/collapse groups (two levels)
      • Async groups display "Loading" message while they're loading (two levels)
      • Enable/disable WMS datasets by checking box
      • Blue badge appears next to Now Viewing tab when 1+ datasets are enabled.
      • Dataset info button pops up modal panel
    • Now Viewing
      • Has a helpful message when now viewing list is empty.
      • Checked items in Data Catalogue appear here.
      • Unchecking box removes from map, rechecking readds
      • Legends are initially expanded, remember their state if collapsed
      • Zoom To, Info, and Remove buttons work
      • Opacity slider works
      • Datasets can be reordered by dragging/dropping them
      • "Remove all" clears all items from map and panel
    • Search
      • Search box is initially focused when tab is clicked
      • Locations in Australia are displayed in bold
      • Locations outside Australia list their country (when provided in search results. Search for "central")
      • Gazetteer search results are displayed
      • Clicking on Locations or Official Place Names result zooms to that location
      • Catalogue Items results work just like the Data Catalogue tab
      • Search categories (Locations, Official Place Names, Catalogue Items) can be collapsed/expanded
    • Dataset info panel
      • Metadata shows up after a short delay
      • Clicking on X closes window
      • Clicking on darkened area outside window closes window
    • Navigation controls
      • All buttons work
      • Tilt button disappears in 2D
    • Location and distance legend
      • Updates as the map is panned and zoomed
    • Add data panel
      • Add each supported file type by selecting a local file
      • Add each supported file type by entering a URL
      • Attempting to select a file when a server type is selected shows helpful message
      • Auto-detect distinguishes between WMS/WFS by URL (e.g. uses WFS even though that URL could also do WMS)
    • Maps panel
      • Switching between 2D/3D Smooth/3D Terrain works
      • Switching base maps works
      • Clicking outside panel closes the panel
      • Click the X closes the panel
    • Share panel
      • Shows a screenshot that matches the view of the map
      • URL can be pasted into a separate window to regain approximately the same app state
      • Embed code works as promised
    • About and Help links open new tabs
    • Printing
      • UI controls do not show up in printed output