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Releases: Textualize/textual

The Century release!

08 Apr 15:47
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100th release, and it has to be a hot fix. 🤷‍♂️

[0.56.3] - 2024-04-08


  • Fixed inline mode not updating #4403

The inline mode is tricky release

07 Apr 14:24
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[0.56.2] - 2024-04-07


  • Fixed inline mode not clearing with multiple screen

The flicker free inline release

07 Apr 13:46
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[0.56.1] - 2024-04-07


  • Fixed flicker when non-current screen updates #4401


  • Removed additional line at the end of an inline app #4401

The fixed inline release

06 Apr 11:06
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A relatively small update here. See below for details...

[0.56.0] - 2024-04-06


  • Added Size.with_width and Size.with_height #4393


  • Fixed issue with inline mode and multiple screens #4393
  • Fixed issue with priority bindings #4395


  • self.prevent can be used in a widget constructor to prevent messages on mount #4392

The Speedy Gonzales release

02 Apr 15:20
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[0.55.1] - 2024-04-2


  • Fixed mouse escape sequences being generated with mouse=False

The not April Fool Release

01 Apr 12:30
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The highlight of this release is the new inline feature, which allows you to run Textual apps below the prompt, rather than in application mode.

We also have a bunch of additional languages for the TextArea widget, and some fixes.

[0.55.0] - 2024-04-1


  • Fix priority bindings not appearing in footer when key clashes with focused widget #4342
  • Reverted auto-width change #4369


  • Exceptions inside Widget.compose or workers weren't bubbling up in tests #4282
  • Fixed DataTable scrolling issues by changing max-height back to 100% #4286
  • Fixed Button not rendering correctly with console markup #4328


  • Added Document.start and end location properties for convenience #4267
  • Added support for JavaScript, Golang, Rust, Bash, Java and Kotlin to TextArea #4350
  • Added inline parameter to run and run_async to run app inline (under the prompt). #4343
  • Added mouse parameter to disable mouse support #4343

The progress release

26 Mar 10:56
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The ProgressBar widget now has a much improved ETA calculation

[0.54.0] - 2023-03-26


  • Fixed a crash in TextArea when undoing an edit to a selection the selection was made backwards #4301
  • Fixed issue with flickering scrollbars #4315
  • Fixed issue where narrow TextArea would repeatedly wrap due to scrollbar appearing/disappearing #4334
  • Fix progress bar ETA not updating when setting total reactive #4316


  • ProgressBar won't show ETA until there is at least one second of samples #4316
  • Input waits until an edit has been made, after entry to the widget, before offering a suggestion #4335

The focused hot-fix

18 Mar 15:37
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[0.53.1] - 2023-03-18


  • Fixed issue with data binding #4308

The focused release

18 Mar 14:32
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Lots of refinements and enhancements here!

[0.53.0] - 2023-03-18


  • Mapping of ANSI colors to hex codes configurable via App.ansi_theme_dark and App.ansi_theme_light #4192
  • Pilot.resize_terminal to resize the terminal in testing #4212
  • Added sort_children method #4244
  • Support for pseudo-classes in nested TCSS #4039


  • Fixed TextArea.code_editor missing recently added attributes #4172
  • Fixed Sparkline not working with data in a deque #3899
  • Tooltips are now cleared when the related widget is no longer under them #3045
  • Simplified tree-sitter highlight queries for HTML, which also seems to fix segfault issue #4195
  • Fixed DirectoryTree.path no longer reacting to new values #4208
  • Fixed content size cache with Pretty widget #4211
  • Fixed grid-gutter interaction with Pretty widget #4219
  • Fixed TextArea styling issue on alternate screens #4220
  • Fixed writing to invisible RichLog #4223
  • Fixed RichLog.min_width not being used #4223
  • Rename CollapsibleTitle.action_toggle to action_toggle_collapsible to fix clash with DOMNode.action_toggle #4221
  • Markdown component classes weren't refreshed when watching for CSS #3464
  • Rename Switch.action_toggle to action_toggle_switch to fix clash with DOMNode.action_toggle #4262
  • Fixed OptionList.OptionHighlighted leaking out of Select #4224
  • Fixed Tab enable/disable messages leaking into TabbedContent #4233
  • Fixed a style leak from TabbedContent #4232
  • Fixed active hidden scrollbars not releasing the mouse #4274
  • Fixed the mouse not being released when hiding a TextArea while mouse selection is happening #4292
  • Fix mouse scrolling not working when mouse cursor is over a disabled child widget #4242


  • Clicking a non focusable widget focus ancestors #4236
  • BREAKING: widget class names must start with a capital letter or an underscore _ #4252
  • BREAKING: for many widgets, messages are now sent when programmatic changes that mirror user input are made #4256
    • Changed Collapsible
    • Changed Markdown
    • Changed Select
    • Changed SelectionList
    • Changed TabbedContent
    • Changed Tabs
    • Changed TextArea
    • Changed Tree
  • Improved ETA calculation for ProgressBar #4271
  • BREAKING: AppFocus and AppBlur are now posted when the terminal window gains or loses focus, if the terminal supports this #4265
    • When the terminal window loses focus, the currently-focused widget will also lose focus.
    • When the terminal window regains focus, the previously-focused widget will regain focus.
  • TextArea binding for ctrl+k will now delete the line if the line is empty #4277
  • The active tab (in Tabs) / tab pane (in TabbedContent) can now be unset #4241

The sin tax release

20 Feb 10:41
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Fixes a SyntaxWarning

[0.52.1] - 2024-02-20


  • Fixed the check for animation level in LoadingIndicator #4188