Releases: ThatConference/
Pre Svelte Kit Release
Merge pull request #881 from ThatConference/fix/p-urls validate there is a `socialLink` value prior to using it
Ticket Sales!
If you measure it, they will come. Error handling has been non existent in and it was time to fix that. Global error handling was added, logging it too Sentry and stabilizing what came as a result of that. While it should have been done at the start, we now have a framework in place and prevent the app from crashing while logging. We also added the ability to auto associate an activity to a community by adding @[community-Name]. We've also been working with people to add new communities and if you're interested in moderating one, please contact us. Oh yea, open in new tab is finally supported too.
Watch out Geeks and Geeklings, this was a big one! State Machines have been all the rage and we couldn't agree more. In this sprint we spent the majority of our time working through /communities, /partners, /members. Each now have their own page and are backed by a state machine which helps orchestrate things like the ability for you to follow any of those. Oh yea, we added following. As time goes on we will continue to making following of greater value to you and those who you follow. On the API side of things, we've added support for what we're calling assets. These are things which can be added to a session or partner. Think of it like, you being able to add a link to an activity you were in. All in all, a lot of code was dropped this sprint. Oh and we've started onboarding a few new communities to THAT. November is starting off right!
This sprint can be summed up with just a simple old fashioned butt whooping. This sprint we introduced XState but really added integration for finite state machines helping orchestrate the UI and potentially reuse it across multiple products. The spirt of this sprint was adding this notion of Communities and the ability to follow things you might find interest in.